Friday, November 13, 2009

Why do people keep telling me to "use a little tact"?

I often, VERY often offend people for absolutely no other reason than my own amusement. I am crass and brutally honest with people because I think it is funny. Some people don't like it.

Here's the skinny people: I don't care if you like me or not. I like me. The people I care about like me. I don't care if I'm being selfish or mean or horrible or showing the "bad" side of myself.

Why do people insist on telling me that I should "change your ways and people will gravitate towards you naturally"? I don't want people to gravitate towards me. I put people through initiation tests to see if I should bother wasting time on them.

Why do people keep telling me to behave in a manner THEY wish me to behave in? I'm happy as I am. Why should I change for anyone else? Isn't that just other people being selfish, trying to change the world to their ideals?

Why do people keep telling me to "use a little tact"?
WOW! This sounds like me! "People" are always telling me I'm too serious and if I'd "lighten" up then people wouldn't feel intimidated by me and would want to talk to me. As least, this is how I take it. I believe I can relate to how you feel. I believe, to see if you are worth my time, I have to "test" and see it for myself. I've been hurt in the past, and so it's hard to trust someone who says they want to be my "friend". But the people who really know me. I know I'm stubborn and I have a hard head, but I feel that if I see fit to change then I will.

Also, I am brutally honest, too. I see no point in "beating around the bush". I think that only hurts people more. I know a lot of people don't like that about me, but who cares? They may get hurt, but as the saying goes..."truth hurts".
Reply:one time i told this guy to have sex with a donkey, film it and then put it on the internet and then he will be Prime minister...that man was Tony Blaire.....

true story.
Reply:Punch them all in the throat

Gravity doesn't really work like that, people should know better by now...
Reply:I agree. If people can't accept you the way you are then they have a problem. You are who you are and people should accept for that.
Reply:I AGREE WITH YOU... if you don't like the whole package

move along !
Reply:You say you are brutally honest, well I would say the people who tell you to use a little tact are being honest, without the brutal part, and yet you can't take it. Typical bully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:do ya feel better now that you've gotten it out in the open?
Reply:They are most likely jealous or envious of your verbal ability. I see that people in general don't care however have a mean streak...and i would love to see it differently...however, that is the way i see it...and have found it to be. Your point is well taken. Look...water seeks its own level...they just don't measure might be intimidating them with your intelligence.
Reply:I'm sure that a lot of people use the word "little" in your presense.
Reply:hey...half the people out there get offended when others speak their mind and the other half get offended if people don't speak and mind their own business. you can't win. if you like yourself, and you are happy, and the people who matter like you for who you are...that's all that matters. most people turn out to be big disappointments anyway. so, they can take their unwanted advice and stuff it ....anywhere they want.
Reply:dunno why
Reply:You know, if you were so secure in your brutish behaviour, you wouldn't feel the need to defend it here among strangers.
Reply:OK, if that's how you feel.
Reply:Dragon loves you the way you are. You should not change for other people. If they don't love you for who you are, then they don't really love you. Dragon will breathe fire on people who think you need to change. Okay? Dragon loves you. ♥
Reply:I have the very same affliction except, I acknowlegde that sometimes I hurt peoples feelings without meaning to. I too,am brutally honest but without malintent. It seems like you, however, intentionaly put up walls to keep people out. If that works for you, great. You must only adjust your behavior if you feel the need to bring people closer to you. You may someday decide you need to. Until then, offend away. Probably all by yourself.

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