Thursday, November 19, 2009

People amaze me...?

So this is a 2 part question…

Seriously, why do people think that their opinions are inferior to those of other people? I mean, I know that my opinion in my mind is as strong as oak, but that doesn’t mean that I am going to bash someone else’s opinion because it is different! I’ve just been looking around at all the questions, and instead of people giving answers, they give opinions.

Which brings me to my next question…

Why do so many people even care what someone else’s opinion is? An opinion is not fact, it’s just like everyone says… “Opinions are like *** holes, everyone has one” But I don’t see every person’s *** hole everyday do I? Nor do I care to as a matter of fact, so why do people give opinions as if they are fact, and why are people so insecure that they actually care what others think? I know it’s human nature, but people must at least make an attempt to think outside of the social hierarchy. Someone please shed some reasonable light on these questions.

People amaze me...?
"Seriously, why do people think that their opinions are inferior to those of other people? I mean, I know that my opinion in my mind is as strong as oak, but that doesn’t mean that I am going to bash someone else’s opinion because it is different!"

Did you mean to ask, "why do people think that their opinions are SUperior...?" Well, it's a natural human tendency.

"instead of people giving answers, they give opinions." Do you feel that opinions are automatically not answers? If so, what would be a good answer? Facts? Some asks you, Why should I not commit suicide? What would you answer? What facts would you marshall? You would rule out anything that smacks of opinion?

"Why do so many people even care what someone else’s opinion is?" Because they are hurting, at least some of them, and a bit desperate, having looked for answers and not having found them.

"“Opinions are like *** holes, everyone has one” But I don’t see every person’s *** hole everyday do I?" Isn't than an opinion too?

People have a right to think and to come to conclusions of their own, call them "opinions" or not, and to answer others with opinions when invited.

If you try to live your life by facts alone, and rule out anything that seems like opinion to you, most days you're going to have trouble taking more than a step or two.

This is a free flowing forum. It doesn't require "facts" as you call them. It allows opinion, whether you like it or not. Rather than formulating an arrogant, emotional diatribe, why not base your posted questions (statements in disguise) on a little clearer thinking?

POSTSCRIPT: On the other hand, my compliments on your level-headed answer to my straight forward comments.
Reply:Looks like you care aboutsomeone else's opinions since you decided to post this angry mess! If you don't like Yahoo answers and you feel so strongly about it, then don't come here!!
Reply:I would but then it would be another A**holes opinion.

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