Monday, November 16, 2009

Black people are more positive than white people?

I know alot of happy white %26amp; black people. Im white. Well, Im hispanic, my parents are immigrants, but I'm american, my skin is pretty white. Im a mixture I guess. But nevermind that, judging from school and people I know, I feel like black people are always really really happy and positive. While alot of white people are more stressed and I don't know, tend to be more...depressed? I kno thats a generalisation, but I am judging in what Ive seen, I can honestly say I have never met a sad depressed black person. Alot of black people have to go through alot of ****, but they are just more positive. Look at rap music, yeah they talk about drugs/violence, buts its overall really positive. They have confidence, and more willpower. While white people do go through alot of ****, but I know a shitload of depressed/loner white kids, with good lives even, and look at rock/alternative music. Its mostly depressing. Why do you think black people are just more positive and alot of white people arent?

Black people are more positive than white people?
I strongly disagree. There are probably even numbers of positive and negative people in both races. I known my share of negative Black people over the years, just like I've known optimistic White people. Don't assume black people are more "positive" than white people...or people of any other race for that matter.

One of the biggest myths plaguing the black community is that black people don't get depressed, anxious and don't have any mental illnesses. That comes from the old time stereotypes from the "happy, shucking and jiving" minstrel shows. Then as now, just because a person is smiling, it doesn't mean they are truly happy. Sometimes a smile is just a frown turned upside down...anger turned inward. That person may be smiling because they are EXPECTED to smile...especially in the course of their jobs or ascribed roles in life. If we dare to own the full range of our emotions, or show any other expression that might make white people uncomfortable, then we get accused of having a "bad attitude" or of being "uppity."

Also amongst other blacks, sometimes admitting depression or anxiety is considered a sign of "weakness"... and we're taught from childhood we're supposed to be "strong." Black women in particular are told we have to be "stong" for everyone else...but our own needs continue to be neglected. So sometimes that "smile" is a way of holding back tears or rage.

If you want to get a better guage of how someone is feeling, better look at the eyes as that 1972 song "Smiling Faces Sometimes" suggest...because the "eyes don't lie."

Also, don't make the mistake of thinking that gangsta rap speaks for the entire black community. It certainly does NOT speak for me as a black woman of a certain age. As far as I am concerned, the rap music of today is ANYTHING but positive! It's just as angry and depressing as alternative/rock music that the young and disaffected white people make. I don't like the way most rap music today disrespects women by calling them bitches and h o e s, glorifies gangs and violence, and outright tells people to disregard authority. It's NOT the kind of music that I would want my grandson listening to.
Reply:hi saralise...thanks for the comment!! :o)) Report It

Reply:I dont htink they are or arent
Reply:Black people evolved from a culture or cultures where life was pretty much day to day survival, and the did not have to do a lot of planning. Their survival strategy became having many children, knowing that some would survive. Whites evolved in a colder climate that rquired a great deal of planning and preparation to survive winter. Whites survival strategy became having a smaller family with more intensive parenting, trying to increase the survival chances for each child. Even when economic conditions did allow whites to have more children they still practiced intensive parenting compared to blacks.

Whites are more tense and stressed! Whites look farther into the future, are more concerned about creating and maintaining civilization, and they study and work a lot harder than most blacks.

One has to ask why 70% of black children have no father in the home. As a group, black men are less responsible than white men. Black men are more violent than white men as well. Young black males are 3-4% of the population in /the USA, and they commit nearly 60% of all violent crime. The average IQ for whites is about 103. For blacks it is about 88. For some reason, black women seem marginally more intelligent than black men, and they are far better at keeping a job. That may be because in most tribes in Africa women did all of the work.

It has been my obsevation and experience that blacks do often have a great sense of humor and are fun to joke around with, especially black women, for me. However, blacks also have a curious tendency toward very easily aroused anger and explosive violence, and when in groups can quickly become very dangerous. Of course, lower IQ white people can be very explosive as well. IQ is a very important viable in every aspect of life.

IQ is the single most accurate predictor of success in society. With the higher IQ comes a lot more stress factors. We need an average 95 IQ to sustain a modern technological society.

Every evidence in every modern society indicates that white people as a group, care more. Caring more, generates stress! Without whites, there would not have been a White Western Civilization that has given, and does give, so much to so many people, especially blacks!

The truth is just the truth. Censoring it won't make it go away.

Editing in: Poetica.... I like your thinking, and your fire. If only most black folks were like you.......
Reply:HIV positive? Yes.
Reply:Ella ^^^ we don't need your pity..because my family is black and wealthy and we don't have to go through poverty, etc. thank you..just treat us like people and we'll be fine. are NOT white, don't disgrace your race by picking up another.
Reply:Well can you blame them? disrimination,racism,slavery, **** hope is all they have left and they have to stay positive in order to survive another day of racism.
Reply:this is strictly my opinion, as i know others will feel differently:

many races go through stages of being depressed and/or stressed. IMO, though, white people are the first ones to commit suicide or cut/slash themselves to overcome the pains in life they are encountering (they're labeled as being an outcast or lack accpetance from either thier peers or loved ones)....i guess, it's taken the easy way out of dealing with their every day life struggles.....some people just cannot cope with today's society AND THERE ARE SOME THAT ARE STRONG ENOUGH TO CONQUER THEIR FEARS IN LIFE.

on the other hand, we [african-americans] put our faith in GOD and have learned to come together as a "family" and as ONE as a people. i face life's obstacles everyday and always pray to GOD asking him for his strength and courage.....LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT AND I TRY MY DARNEST TO LIVE IT TO THE FULLEST!!!! as a black woman i am very strong and positive, and i hold my head up high no matter what life obstacle i am encountering. again, in my opinion you gotta have faith in GOD and everything will be alright for you......i know some situations are greater than othes but if you just stay positive, you'll see what unfolds for you...... and you'll learn how to rejoice it!!!!

everything starts in the can be living moderately or in the riches but if your family is dysfunctional and there is no love, there will be many problems and lots of unhappiness AND THAT, MY FRIEND, IS A FACT FOR ANY RACE OR NATIONALITY!
Reply:they don't have to worry about how their bills are going to be paid like white people do. they rely on the government for all their support. and we all know where the government gets it's funds................ and it's not from the non-working class.
Reply:Ella, blacks are not "oppressed" nor do they have to deal with "racism" because blacks are practically worshipped in western society. It is White people are being oppressed, there is more black-on-white crime than the reverse. Ella, you have a serious case of "white guilt"; learn some real facts, not some anti-white propaganda that hear in school or on TV; learn to think for yourself.
Reply:Now that you've mentioned it I too realize that the black people I know seem more positive and happy compared to the white people I know. I think it does have to do with the fact that there is a lot of racism here and you would have to stay positive to get by everyday

But, some white people I think might go through problems too but since its not everyday they might seem to take it more seriously than if it was something they went through everyday.

Hope this helped.
Reply:White people have deal with the guilt that the media and the schools constantly heap upon them.

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