Monday, November 16, 2009

Why people blame homosexuality on genetics?

How the hell does it make sense that people are geneticaly made to be homosexual. Homosexuals become homosexual because they choose to.

If being a homosexual were genetic then that would when homosexuals that have kids would have there kids become likely . I mean you see people turning gay, back to straight then sometimes bi sexual so how the hell is it genetics. If it were genetic. If you want to be gay that's ok , i don't hate gay people , i just hate it when people blame genetics as the cause. It's not genetics people just choose it, learn to accept that it's a life stlye and sexuality. Its a peference they choose.

Thats like murderers are murderers because of genetics. Or that pedofiles are like that because of genetics. It makes no freaking sense! People just choose to do what they do. Wether it is right or wrong is a another issue but i don't think gay people are bad, bad people bad. Theres all type of bad people. But come on and stop making an excuses for homosexualit

Why people blame homosexuality on genetics?
You mean we chose to be homosexual just like you CHOSE to be heterosexual?? Or chose to be ignorant??

There is alot that science cannot explain 100% and no one knows with absolute 100% certainty what happens in the womb. The rationale of people like you is what makes absolutely no sense.

And for the record, gay parents may or may not give birth and raise gay children but all gay people are products of heterosexual relationships.

And one last thing, you could try doing some online research into the matter rather than being so judgmental.
Reply:o yea and a funny thing is i didn't even spend one minute finding that article. I just typed on google homosexual turn straight and i found it right away. it is the 4rth link. Report It

Reply:Yes, but you chose to be bigoted and spew hatred. Report It

Reply:.... moron. I never said i hated gays moron. i said i hate it when they are trying to make an excuse for the way they are. they are gay because they choose too idiot. If they want to be gay thats fine i have gay friends too Report It

Reply:. But i just hate it when people say they are born gay. you choose to be gay. I can be gay if i wanted to right now. you could be gay now if you wanted to or anyone could. Report It

Reply:I don't blame I thank genetics for it!
Reply:1. Got any facts?

We have the AMA and the APA, and their tens of thousands of scientists, that state as a body that orientation is inborn, does not change, and is not a "choice."

2. Cracked a science book lately? Innate does not necessarily mean a particular gene - there can be all sorts of contributing biological factors.

3. Met any "ex-gays" lately? No one has. People do not change their orientation. Some are tortured into changing their behavior - temporarily - that's all.

4. Do you know the difference between innate traits and BEHAVIOR? You are exactly right in saying "people choose what they DO" - and NOT what they ARE.

5. Of course you think that LGBT people are bad, or you wouldn't attack us, albeit with faulty logic, no facts, and biased assertions.
Reply:Why play a blame game at all?
Reply:People don't wake up one day and say I want to be gay. It has be genetics because it is a more clearer answer. I mean a uncle who is gay could have a nephew that is gay. Being gay is passed down from family due to genetics. If you don't get what I am telling you so be it.
Reply:you are 12 right?
Reply:Father Connor would explain it all to you but I've got a date! Maybe you should get one?
Reply:No, it isn't a choice. How the heII would you know if it was a choice? You wouldn't!
Reply:Blah blah blah blah blah blah.

What I said was just as intelligent as what you said.
Reply:uh, serious? little people have normal height children. dwarfism is genetic, yet it is not always transferred to the children. so that pretty much takes care of your thoughts that genetically gay people would have genetically gay children. people don't choose to be gay. they are or they aren't. those who say they have seen the light and have been saved by jesus so they are no longer gay are living a lie. they are CHOOSING to seem straight by ignoring their feelings. i have known gay people that got married, had children, and try as they might, they were still gay, so they divorced.

as for bi, i am bi. i like men and women, i just like men a whole lot more.

genetics is not an excuse. it is proven that people are born gay. people are born with disabilities when no one else in the family line has had them, so why is it so hard to believe that people are born gay (i am not calling homosexuality a disability, just making a point on genetics).
Reply:why do people think that if gay marriage is allowed that people will start marrying their cars or pets?
Reply:well it certainly is not learned behavior
Reply:I am sorry that you are so obviously dealing with your own overwhelmingly stong and deeply repressed homosexuality. You will come to terms with it one day I am sure.

Noone can seriously think its a choice, so no one will blame you. But you have clearly faced the sort of hatred and bigotry that makes people hide. Don't worry - the world is changing and the bigots are in the minority. They are also all as stupid as spit.
Reply:I never blamed anything, I have stated how I personally feel.

Reply:Oh yeah, because those 1500 species of animals really "chose" to be homosexual.

Get a clue.
Reply:I don't give a flying **** of it's genetics or choice or something still not a choice. Whatever, love who you love.

Personally, who I am, I didn't have a say in the matter. I just am. It's not a choice to be bi, and even then, there are VERY few guys I'm attracted to. Trust me, I don't choose "Hey, I'm going to be aroused by that person".

Maybe it's genetics, maybe it's not, I don't care. I just know it's not a choice.
Reply:Interesting that you, someone that isn't gay, can make assumptions on what makes us, gay people, gay.

I'm sorry that you can't seem to understand nor accept that things in life are not the way you want them to be. But that's life, now, isn't it?

I've always been gay...even before I knew what gay was...explain how someone that doesn't know what gay is, is gay, Einstein?

Your logic is completely flawed, and your mind tainted by hate.

Have a nice day
Reply:Your a terrible liar.

Either that, or you really do believe the crap you spout.

Either way, you have my pity. You really do.
Reply:I disagree outright that homosexuality is a choice.

However, I also disagree that it's genetic. It is a biological/chemical/hormonal thing, but that's not the same as genetics.

People don't TURN homosexual either. They "come out," meaning they tell the truth about their orientation. It's not an easy thing to do, mostly because there are still so many people around like you. You know, people who compare homosexuality, which is merely a same-sex attraction, to pedophilia or murder.
Reply:whose blaming anything? I dont "blame" genetics" for me being gay. there is nothing to blame nor is there any reason to blame anyone or anything. I'm gay. Im fine with that. So why would there be a reason for "blaming"???

Next, I just love when straight people come in and tell us why we are gay. It such arrogance that I really have a hard time taking it sitting down.

So, despite what EVERY gay person I've ever known (including myself) has said that they did NOT choose to be gay, you, the straight guy, is going to come in and tell me that we are all liars and you will now grace us by telling us why we are gay. Is this pretty much the jist of where you are coming from?

Well, thanks Straight Guy for telling me why I am gay. Obviously, YOU would know why more than myself, a gay person, and know better than all the other gay people I've known in my life. Afterall, we are just gay people, who apparently lie.

Starting to get the idea of how I feel about your blathering?

Good. Think about what I said.

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