Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why do *some* black people think its okay to be racist??

This is not meant to be racist. I'm biracial (black/white)..btw...

Why do SOME black people think it's okay to be racist against white people? --I do stress the word 'SOME' for a reason, because I not implying that most, or all black people believe it's okay to be racist.

Why is it that some black people feel they can say whatever the want about white people, but it's NEVER appropriate for white people to say the even the slightest thing about black people?

Even if they say "Oh, black people have been degraded by white people for centuries because of slavery, segregation..etc.. so I have every right to say negative things about white people, because they've said and did negative things about my race for centuries...this and that..."

But slavery over with, you can't hold people accountable for mistakes of there ancestors..right?

Don't they realize it gives white people more of an opportunity to be racist back towards them?

Why do *some* black people think its okay to be racist??
Because *some* black people are stupid just like *some* people of all races are.

Black people think that because our ancestors have been oppressed for centuries that we're justified in being racist towards whites. I think that's ridiculous. I hold anger and hatred only towards the whites who participated in the oppression of blacks in the past. I have no problem with the whites of today (at least not the racist ones). My husband as well as my in-laws are white and we get along perfectly fine. I wish *some* black people would stop segregating themselves from white people. They're missing out on a helluva lot of cool peoples.
Reply:no...honestly i dont know what its a ll about..but i agree it makes them look bad to a certain degree. Im not a racist by any means...but dont people realize that when they complain about something that happened over 100 years ago, and not even to them, that it makes them look like a fool? Its pointless. Everyone in america has the same oppurtunities, they just present themselves in different ways. And i m sick of hearing its hard to get off the streets. Bc i already know that. It does enable others to engender racist bias' towards them. But black americans are not the only people who have had to live with slavery thru history. Nor were they the first slaves. There is no slavery now, nor will there ever be in this counry again so why cant we let it rest. I dont think a people can move forward until they let go of the past. Some have, and some havent. But as far as racism goes, it seems like anything someone says can be twisted into a racial comment and its unfair. It kind of seems like some people want to be able to cling to that. Anyways, this was an awesome question. And im sorry if i offended anyone, but hey..its just an opinion
Reply:What is your "white" Heritage? German, Italian, Russian, or other? What is your "black" Heritage? now dont just say African, in Africa they did and i think still do have tribes. You are more than just black/ white.
Reply:Sorry to say there are racists in every nationality. I agree that history should stay history. I would suggest to you that you do not become agry and judgemental yourself about this subject. Because that is what racism is. Judging, fearing, anger, hating. Do not let yourself slip into something you do not like yourself. I bet with your racial mixture you are probably a brunt of jealousy by others. Don't fall into their trap. Be yourself, and don't give them the time of day/
Reply:one word answer........IGNORANCE !.............
Reply:All your gonna do is get people mad at you.
Reply:Whites are always rude and racist FIRST we're just protecting ourselves. lol plus make fun of whites is FUNNY!

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