Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why do people talk down on people about the way they live their lives?

I just found out that Jamie Lynn Spears is expecting a baby and while that isn't the best position to be in at only sixteen years old (with this hypocritical and judgmental society we live in) there are millions of other teenage girls out there who have been there and done that and she can more than afford to take it on.I get tired of people bashing these celebs for being human!The girl had sex for goodness sake , who hasn't?! How do you think any of us got here? It's not a bad thing that she should be ridiculed for and made to feel ashamed of.Everyone needs to live their lives the best they know how and stop trying to bring other people down because we all have enough issues as it is.Some people say that people should be married to have kids but that's looking at it from a biased religious point of view there are millions of people that aren't "Christians" and i am sick of people using their religion to condemn other people.Use your mouth to uplift other people for once.

Why do people talk down on people about the way they live their lives?
Her case is a little different from a normal teenage girl for the simple fact yeah she is 16, but in the world of show business she is probably mature for her age considering all the things child stars go through. I for one will not criticize her or do I feel bad about her situation, she unlike the million s of other teenage mothers can afford to have a baby, so I doubt that child will ever go without.
Reply:All I have to say is, at least she is taking responsibility for her actions. She had sex, she got pregnant, she's keeping the baby, and I give her a lot of credit for that. She could very well have chosen to terminate the pregnancy, but she's taking responsibility, which is something a lot of girls don't have the courage to do!
Reply:everybody is entitled to their opinions whether they are christian or not. when you are a celebrity, your buisness is thrown into the public nationwide. it happens all the time, OH WOW WEEE!

we are always going to have people talking down on each other as long as the human race still stands. soon there will be some other celebrity who will be worse then Jamie.
Reply:I too think its mean that they are singling out Jamie Spears for being pregnant when lots of other girls are also pregnant; however, pregnancy and sex in teens so early can't just be thrown around so lightly as it is nowadays (at least in my opinion it shouldn't be). Having a child is a BIG THING. Deciding to have an abortion is a BIG THING. So getting pregnant will probably lead you to one of those two paths, both which are BIG THINGS. I also agree that religion shouldn't be used to condemn people to the extent that it does now - but I DO think that we have to ask ourselves and question our morals: is teenage sex and teenage pregnancy something that should be taken lightly? We can't really say yes to that question. Its unfair though to act like Jamie Spears is the only one (although I hear she is keeping the child which I'm actually surprised and sort of "proud" of her to do).
Reply:Unfortunately, she has an older sister who worked for Disney, jumped a public career and never took time off to be a kid.

Lynne Spears was going to have a book and encouraged Jamie to follow in Brittney's footsteps...Arrrgh!

I'm sure Mom and Dad had benefits from the "cash cow". I'll bet poor Brittney wanted a family. These girls are having children to give themselves what they never had: family.

It's sad and they should be left alone.

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