Thursday, November 19, 2009

WHY are people against gays?

In our world people are not accepted for being different and most people think everyone should be the same?

God created us all and then tells us it is a sin to be gay and so why would create us and then condem us to hell?

People are born the way they are and cannot choose to be gay, straight, bi or transexual! And i think the hardest thing for a gay person is to tell some1 else that they are gay! And yet straight people put us through horrible and terrible things and yet we have more courage then straight people as i straight person couldnt tell some1 they were mainly because they would never have to but gay people do and so have to have more courage!

People should love who they want to love and do what they want with this person and people should stop trying to condridict it! like i heard earlier i would rather stand in front of good with my male lover and had a good life then stand there alone depressed and wasted my life!

people should get over it and allow it!

wat do u think

WHY are people against gays?
I think they have negative perceptions of the stigmas attached to gay and lesbians by our society. I'm sure the Bible plays a part as well, but most people allow their minds to be influenced by the closed minded opinions of others. I do feel society is becoming ore open to this, and I personally feel it is BS that gay and lesbian couples cannot receive the financial benefits from the government, even if they are together for many years. Where is the separation of church and state? I do feel people who really know gay and lesbian people, as I do, find positive experiences and these stereotypes are washed away. That is what happened for me, and I also grew up.
Reply:I'm not against gays or lesbians. I'm not religious but I do believe in a higher power. I have a lot of GLBT friends. The first time my friend told me he was gay when i was like 13, I told him "look Rob, i've known you since third grade, I don't care that your gay, that's just PART of your PERSONAL life, I don't care who you sleep with or love, as long as your happy" and that's been pretty much my attitude ever since. I agree that there are some straight people who condemn GLBT but the way I look at it, i'm not going to tell anyone how to run their life inless they are physically harming me.
Reply:I truly believe that god does not condemn anyone, it is human's who do all of the condemming. Live your life in the manner you feel is most according to God's Will, and not according to human's will. If you know God, you will understand in unconditional Love for you, regardless of your sexual preference. I am straight and sometimes have problems dealing with homesexuals, but that is part of my fear and insecurity. And probably most prejudice derive from peoples uncontrolled fear and insecurity. I believe God is True Love, and in True Love there can be no judgement! God Bless You! Try not to fall into the same mistakes that the people who might fear your choices make. If someone is prejudiced against you, don't worry, just concentrate on what you want in life, and try to be as loving and respectful as possible of those who are not as open minded as you!
Reply:I think it doesn't what people think. If you want to know what God thinks, it's right there in black and white (ok, and sometimes red). Yes, God created us. But then he did something really remarkable, the most painful thing for him to do: he gave us free will. This is freedom do things our own way, and to ignore his direction if we so choose. One of the first commandments God gave to his people was to go forth and multiply. You do the math: X+Y=multiplication, that's the only way it works. The bible (aka God's word) says that anything else is an abomination. That may not be what you want to hear, but that's God's answer, not mine.
Reply:Hm, i dunno?

I'm not against it or anything...

But Straight though, Anywayz like i was saying

Thats just how people are there different

Humans aren't all the same,

i really can't explain... much...

but i know how u feel, my uncles like that..

and he gets all sad and crap, almost committed suicide

just becuz people were tell him that ur gay u *****....

Just becuz people wanna be mean and stuff...

(((PLUS! people also say stuff becuz of the different

religion and stuff... like Christians (i'm one)

we believe that gay, bi, lesbians go straight to hell...) then other religious have some other beliefs but that but ya... to answer ur question thats pretty sad that people can't accept that... Not all people like the oppsite sex; i'm sorry... :(

i think it's sad how people are so rude and inconssiderate to people who are gay, bi/transexual.

I think people need to focus on their OWN lives, and leave others alone. Sometimes the best choice of words are silent, which is what everyone should be.
Reply:probably because gay people are different from the norm and people like to feel safe in their little thinking space and probably dont want to accept that some people are different
Reply:People are against gays because of religious reasons. Sometimes its because of what they were raised on or taught
Reply:I agree with religious reasons.

God created man to be with woman, it says so in the bible. So therefore for someone to be gay it goes against what God intended thus look at as a sin. You mentioned this somewhat in your question. I don't think that people should be "against" gays. The way it is, noone can cast judgement except for God himself.

I guess all I can say is you don't have to agree with what another person believes but you have no right to cast judgement because you aren't God.
Reply:I think it's because people think they have the right to act on behalf of God and pass judgement. But what's really ironic is how God supposedly made all of us to be whatever we wanted, but then all of these rules get passed down later on...
Reply:As I said in another thread:

People don't understand homosexuality. What they don't understand, they fear. What they fear, they hate.
Reply:most of the time it is because of the way that they are raised!!! The people that they hang around is also a big influence on them. All that we as Gays can do is try to spread love and not hate and always have an open mind!!!
Reply:1. i am a christian and that is wrong

2. Many gays make fun of me so i can;t stand them

3. A lot of people hate them because they are the main cause of Aids.

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