Friday, November 13, 2009

Should White People be able to use the "N" word?

The reason that the “N” word angers black people when it comes out of the mouth of whites is because when a white person calls a black person that word it historically meant that harm was about to come to that black person. It is like a golfer when he yells “FOUR.” All of the other golfers know to look out for danger. When a white person calls a black person the “N” word, that white person becomes a potential danger to me.

Why do some white people try and justify their use of the “N” word by saying that black people use it? Were do you think that black people got it form. It didn’t just pop up out of nowhere. We learned it when we learned how to speak the language. When we learned English, we learned the “N” word right along with it. White people taught us that word. White people who use the “N” word would us it regardless as to whether or not black people use it. Why would white people fight for the right to use this word knowing the violence that it has caused? To say that you use it because black people use it is an attempt to excuse your racist attitudes. Black people who use it are victims of white supremacy (You don’t like that word ‘victim’ do you) but white people who use it are Racist/White Spermists plain and simple. Your thoughts on this???

Should White People be able to use the "N" word?
Yes, we have something called freedom of speech in America. To many Americans are stupid %26amp; over sensitive. I can say any word that I want. You can't stop me.
Reply:I never, ever use it. Words can be very powerful, and that word still carries a whole history of violence, prejudice, and subjugation with it. I've never even considered saying it.
Reply:I answer this objectively, not from a white perspective. I think most people just want the ability to say whatever they want and aren't necessarily focused on the N word. However, for people who are focused on the N word, they may be angry because black people have a lot of derrogatory words used against whites, but because there isn't a history of oppression from black to white, most people just ignore it and pass it off as people being rude.

I think people are rude and disgusting for using the N word, however I'm also against people using it against themselves. If someone is so offended by the history behind a word, they shouldn't call it to each other.

Just a funny side story, I had a teacher once in 9th grade ask the class what the worst curse word is. Naturally, everyone answered the "F" word. However, he proposed to the class that two people should go out to the court yard and one should scream the F word over and the over and the other person should scream the N word over and over and we'd see who got the most negative reaction. I agreed that it woulod have been the N word.

With that said, I don't believe anyone should use that word at all.
Reply:you know the "n" word, may be just a word to some of you, but to me its a hateful, hurtful, derogatory, and ugly word. It has a negative history and anyone with an ounce of sense would know better. Freedom of speech my foot. White people who intentionally use that word know exactly what they are doing.

As far as black people who use it in everyday language, they can go jump. Because as far as I'm concerned it is NOT a term of endearment.
Reply:Who do all people get offended by a various assortment of words?

Because they give those words power.
Reply:Ultimately, the thing people are objecting to is not the word.

Its the intent BEHIND the word. Generally, when blacks say it, there is no implication of any perceived superiority. When whites say it, there is.

Unfortunately, we're so paranoid about the word itself that we can't even ask how to spell it here without censorship. That ultimately doesn't help us understand each other's intent.
Reply:i see nothing wrong with using the N word.i use it everyday in saying nuts,no way,...ect
Reply:im from the south and we naturaly use words differently. for example: the creek we say the crick,wash we say warsh,***** we say the n word. on a lighter note were still having trouble saying chegros instead of chiggers. hope you dont get mad i was trying to take the edge from the issue.

i really respect blacks because they stand together more than any people i know.
Reply:no its not right for white people to say that but its also not right for black people to call white people things like cracker or honkey that dosent make any scence anyway
Reply:Using the "N" word is just another attempt for another race to yell racism. "Get over It"...... Slavery happend in the past and not me or anyone I know had anything to do with. Racism is blown way out of proportion. In life, we all (black, white, hisp, etc...) have experienced some sort of racism. Its not just a black thing, its world wide. People need to stop spending so much time looking for ways to scream racism and more time just being happy and enjoying the better things in life. My philosophy is, if someones language or use of a word offends you, "your weak." The person using the word to hurt another person, "even weaker."
Reply:I don't think anyone has the right to use it. Its a degrading word and by using it, you are encouraging other to use it. No matter what race you are, show some respect, whether your white black brown red or blue. Why would you want to use such a hateful word? Oh yeah, your real cool, disrespecting an entire race whether its your own or not. Society needs to gain some class and grow up. How is it fair that black people can use it and other races cannot? Does that not contradict the equality rights everyone has worked so hard to get?
Reply:Well not to sound all cliche about this, but media is partly to blame. The "N" word as you put it, has been over glorified in both TV shows, stand-up comedy and mainstream movies to the point that for society in general ( and I mean everybody) that word no longer holds that taboo status it once held during say, the 60's.

I wouldn't call all white people who use the "N" word, racist/white supremacists. That's a little harsh. I'm not saying this because I'm white (personally I consider the word offencive too in its excessive use) but I direct you to the media again.

In a social context, many film writers and directors (such as Quentin Tarantino) use the word in their scripts not because they're attempting to be directly offencive, but because it's a word that now has a place in today's culture and has been socially accepted, albeit somewhat grudgingly.

My two cents.
Reply:Why does it matter what color you are? People who think like you are the source of racism. The "N" word is just a word. No one means any harm to it and the reason "white" folks say it is because they are friends with "black" folks. When two people are friends they start rubbing off on each other. So get over it.
Reply:i think the word should be abolished, period.. however, since the chances of that happening, are slim to none, i don't think whites should be allowed to use it because of the history of the word.. however, if black people want to use it, casually, i don't think white people should regard it as an excuse. .. instead, if black people choose to use the word casually, to remove the negative connotations associated with it, then they should be allowed to do so.. after all that has occured throughout history.. it's their choice.. it's their perogative.. white people should just respect it and steer clear of the word at all costs, since it's not our history, it's theirs
Reply:No. Get over it and stop bringing it up. It's old, played out, so leave it "back there".

You've got billions of words to choose from, so use those "other" words and stop harping on something where you should keep your big mouth shut.

Do you remember what happened to that fat racist mouth in Jena?? He kept on and on for months with his racist fat ugly white mouth and finally he got it socked in. A short time before a Black boy was beaten with a bottle by white boys, but no charges were brought against them.

Hate begets hate which equals a major behind whoopin'. Stay back in your place and keep the N word out of your mouth.

Your common sense should override your propensity for hate. Saying that word can get you early grave. There; we'll just reason with "your type" brain matter in that manner because reasoning with you otherwise proves to be futile.

Reply:NOBODY should be able to use it.
Reply:I use it all the time,whos gonna stop me
Reply:OMG!!! Say it!! Go say it!!! Say it from the rooftops for all I care!!!! White people are always complaining about not being able to say it...Well, go do it! Do it all day everday!! I don't care! You know it's wrong for you to say it yet, you must get permission to say it. This question is on here all the time and obviously you don't get it! When a white person says it, they might as well be spitting on a black person. If a black person uses it, they say it differently and have changed it to a word of endearment. But, white people want to say it! Why? Most black people I know where brought up around their family saying it so, it is a word that they have always heard and used. If you start saying it like they do, then you would just be fake. Using a word that you never have before.
Reply:I think that very few black people are victims of white supremacy. I'm not saying it never happens, but I think they mostly use it as an excuse. I think black people should stop blaming white people for all their problems.
Reply:I believe the etymology of the "N" word is from *****, short for *******, which is the classification of race of African people. In the American South, "*****" sounded like Negra, which further morphed into the "N" word you're referring to. It was not originally used to denigrate, but to identify.

Today, the "N" word is considered fighting words. So be it. If African blacks are offended by the "N" word, I simply won't use it. I also don't use "Colored" or "Darky" or any number of other words that offend African blacks.

In the same vein, as a gay man, I don't like to be called the "F" word, nor fairy, nor pansy, etc.

Out of respect to my fellow Americans, I don't call them words that I know offend them.
Reply:i know it sounds bad (and i dont use it) i just hate it when black people call us (white people) White cracker, whittey, and Wigger?

plus they call themselves that all the time. If they really dont like the word then they shouldnt call us racist names and they shouldnt use the word just because they are black
Reply:Im with you on the topic..It means what it means and we blacks use it toward each other now..But that doesnt mean the race that made it up can use it to describe us ,they cant cause of what they made it mean...Shalom
Reply:Oh come on, I say it to my black friends....."What up my N....." and they call me a cracker in return....Its OK. Id also like to say that not all blacks that use the word are victims of white supremacy....they just learned it growing up, and not necessarily from whites....
Reply:No because intelligent people have much better words to describe African Americans. Besides that word should not be used by ANYON |E PERIOD!!!!

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