Monday, November 16, 2009

Why do people say that they are born straight?

Ok, has anyone seen the remake of the movie “Planet Of The Apes” ? If you haven’t, the basic premise of the movie is that this man gets lost on this new planet where the apes rule, and the humans are thought of as lesser intelligence, and worth, and are sold as slaves and pets, Etc….. Now think about it this way. Let’s pretend that the apes in the movie are replaced with gay people, and the humans are replaced with straight people. In the movie, the main character is the man who is lost in this reversed world, and for the purposes of my question, we’re replacing him with a straight guy. So this guy from our world today gets sent to this world where gay, bi, and all the other variations are the norm. Well, he sees it as absurd for the straight people to be criticized for being straight, and being mocked for saying that they are born straight, but the people of that world don’t think anything about it because it‘s the only way they have ever known.. Ok, so that may not make as much sense as I thought, but my point is, if gay people where the masses, and straight people the minority, would the most over asked question on here be “Why do straight people say they are born that way?”?!?!?!?!?!? I mean, using the reasoning that gays choose to be gay, because everyone is born straight, why don’t some of you straight people try getting turned on by the same sex, and see how well that works. Essentially, if the people who say we choose this life style are correct, that shouldn’t be such a hard thing for anyone to do, but it is. I’m sure I make no sense, but I’m going to post my question anyways, cause it took freaking forever to write. LOL

Why do people say that they are born straight?
""Why do people say that they are born straight?""

Probably because the are straight!

so sorry once again no time to read your diatribe..
Reply:This is an easy one. I say that I am born straight because, well, I was. When I am 11 years old and I have a dream about men. That's not really society telling me that. It's my own instincts.
Reply:Yup...way to much time on your hands. I was born straight and you were born gay. End of story! Did you just wake up one day and decide you would be gay? I think not, just like I did not wake up one day and decide to be straight.
Reply:Yeah, I got a little lost. For some people, it never even occurs to them to become romantically involved with a person from their own gender, until it is introduced to them later in life. The concept may be frightening to them, but they usually grow out of it.

Other people get crushes on their own gender and continue for the rest of their lives to be attracted to theire own gender.

And still even others are attacted to both early on and it contnues for a lifetime.

But everyone at one time or another may feel a little frightened of their sexuality, and spends at least some time coming to terms with it.

Replace apes with gay people?????? Yeah, um, frightening! LoL You got a thing for bears?

Not all straight people want gays to be straight, you know, and understand that it would be far easier for them if they were straight. But for a homosexual to have straight sex would seem alot like rape, wouldn't it? I mean as in not pleasant, not gratifying, not consentual.
Reply:Uh, all people are born straight. I'm straight. But just to let you know, I'm not going to dislike you simply cuz you're gay. Quit with the long posts though...I didn't even read most of it.
Reply:Trust me "WhyNotAskDon" YOU can't be Gay, 'cause we wouldn't LET you be, you old troll. But the question remains. If all these idiots out their would just THINK. Did they CHOOSE TO LIKE GIRLS or did they just like girls? Then why do they THINK we had a choice, I certainly didn't. I don't remember going P*ssy, d1ck, p*ssy, d1ck, ummmmmm, give me the ........

jeez, I never had a choice. It was just always there for me, like it or not. Believe me if it was a choice, i'd have taken the easy way and chosen STRAIGHT. But you know how you feel when you think about having sex with another guy/girl? That's how I feel when I think about having sex with someone of the opposite sex.

And this "because its for procreation, and its like the animals. " The animals do have gay sex. And when they have SEX FOR PROCREATION they emit pheromones and rut and don't enjoy it like humans do, 24/7, 365, do they?
Reply:They do have any sexual inclination towards men.
Reply:i don't think you are born straight i think you are born straight or gay or whatever your attractions can be a lot of different things i think people have a hard time being themselves because of society and upbringing and fear. remember if being gay were a choice who would choose it? and that is truth because no one wants to truely be discriminated or outcast or be a minority. we all want acceptance but a the risk of being any or all these things i would rather be what i am and love who i choose to love and be happy than be something i am not and be miserable my entire life. and yes i am a lesbian. :o}
Reply:You do realize planet of the apes is fiction don't you?
Reply:You're no more able to choose being gay or straight as you are your favorite color or food. These traits and preferences consist of your mental makeup and self-image that most experts agree you are born with - sexual preference is no different than any other preference. If this weren't true we would all grow up straight and loving the color red and there would be no variations, but in reality nature is all *about* variations. With all the scientific and philosophical advancements in this realm, why do people even feel the need to have an opinion on this or really any other topic they openly admit they couldn't possibly understand, and choose fear and ignornace over knowledge and enlightenment? What's worse is a lot of people base their bigotry primarily on narrow interpretations of biblical scripture which had already been politically reinterpreted many times over! Just because you don't understand something, that doesn't make it wrong - not even if the bible makes a few vague comments about it.

Celebrate diversity because that's really what this is about. Forty years ago minorities and women fought for their rights and won and the world is better off for it (unless you're a sexist/racist of course) and we now know it was the right thing to do. GLBT people are just the latest minority group really fighting to gain acceptance and political influence in the world just like the veterans of the civil rights movement before them! And in the end, it's just a matter of time until all *people* (not men) really are equal!
Reply:They're really gay, thats why
Reply:you have tooooooo much time on your hands. i believe gays serve very little purpose in life. just something different.
Reply:I didn't read the whole details but anywhoo, they are! the only reason people are gay is because of a psychological disorder. technically all people are the same, they're just wanting to be disgusting and defy nature. there is something wrong with them though because, i mean, women are way better.


im only answering this because I need the points. Oh, and beleive me. I'm 110% straight.
Reply:The question you ask has many variables but you fantacise an upside down world. Under those conditions I pose the question, "Are you also replacing God in this equation?" If not then this is my answer, "God never changes, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." God makes it abundantly clear that He abhors homosexuality and calls the acts Indecency, and Depravity. (Rev 22:15) "Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood." also in (Rom 1:26-27) it proves that the practice is self indulgence, not by birth. My hope is that you change before it is too late.
Reply:I actually read your novel. I feel that people are born sexually neutral. Sex is not in the mind of an infant. There is a natural attraction to the opposite sex in most cases a little later on.
Reply:People are all born gay, and by that I mean perferring the same sex. Some people due to social reasons tend to turn there sexual clocks to there childhood. Where as others have a physical reason that when sexuality starts they don't grow up. Whatever something in the Brain stops homosexuals from growing up and perfering the opposite sex. Sometimes this can be fixed other times it can not.
Reply:It is a hard thing to do. Because it makes people nausea's to think of doing it with the same sex. You say it like its easy just because you are gay.
Reply:Well, let me start off by saying I have read your entire post, and I agree with you entirely. Half the people answering didn't read it, and that's judging by some of the answers you got.

As for people being born straight or gay, I've grown tired of explaining myself to people who don't understand. I have tried to be straight, tried it for years, and it just isn't me. I can't stand being with the opposite sex. I find myself sometimes still trying to see myself with another man and I'm sorry, I wasn't made for it.

But for sure you are right, referring to planet of the apes. If the roles were reversed, and gays were the majority, we probably would be asking that question. And no, before anybody opens their mouth and says something dumb like "If the whole world was gay, the race would end." Just because someone is gay, doesn't mean they can't procreate. The same way many straight couples have children-sperm donation, in-vitro-is the same way lesbians can have children. You know what, though? If the roles were reversed and we were in charge, I don't think so many of us would treat straight people the way some of them treat us. I like to think that a group who has faced discrimination will learn better in the future to love his fellow man.
Reply:I am glad that someone else has thought about this scenario. I often used to wonder the same thing myself. People who are straight would almost definitely never conform to society if the tables were turned. And when you tell people this, you always get the stupid answer, "But the tables aren't turned." Well...duh! That's why the little word "imagine" is important. People who suppress homosexuals would never want to think about themselves receiving what they are dealing out because it's just to awful to think of. (Although they will tell you it's because there is no need to imagine.)

I'm probably not making any sense now either. :-) My point was just to tell you to continue that way of thinking. If more people thought the way you did the world would be a lot more accepting, empathetic, and compassionate.
Reply:UUHhhh.... because its our animal instint, and because the sex was created for procreation???
Reply:Ok, theres some kinda silly answers here. Everyone is born bi. If its against nature then why was it happening since the start of time. Munkys and apes are bi. they just like to get pleasure. I just dont go with men cos i dont find them that attractive. but i can see when a man is attractive. I dont know if id enjoy it tho and i dont gave the guts to try just now but i have more guts than most even just saying this. Womens bodys get me fekin randy. mens dont. doesnt mean i was born straight gay etc. Oh by the way, this is not just a light comment as iv had gay experiances and am not embarresed by them. I just didnt get hot under the collar from them. It made me realise what I like. The day a man gives me a ***** ill give it a try. Bet most of you lads cant say the same. I see your point (why have my trousers fallen down.... oh i see your point... why have my trousers etc etc..) about the story. We live in a world where gay peeps are now outcast, but go back in time to many different civilizations and u see the biggass orgys they used to have. A holes a hole. It just depends where u like to stick it. HAR HAR
Reply:all people are born straight
Reply:Summing up what you are saying, If it was a "gay world" how would "straight" people feel when people ridiculed them for saying they were born straight?? Basically making being straight the modren equivalent of homosexuality..right?

They would be outraged, feel discriminated against, say they can;t change who they are. Many would live homosexual liives to cover their feelings. But this will not make sense to them. They would just say "LEviticus 213:546 Thou shalt blah blah. They cannot think abstractly. Thee rules are the rules!!! It;s sad really to go thru life with tunnel vision. GAay people choose to be discriminated against, and have horrible things said about them and be beaten up or raped. Isnt that every childs dream????

Get real. These people aren;t worth the energy it takes to type the response to them. Be offended, I don't care. Look at the things you say about gay people. Is it so wrong for us to think you are a waste of skin??
Reply:rofl yeah thats alot to right ... i don't think people are born straight... they are taught to be straight or they go other ways. who cares as long as they are happy
Reply:number one: who would take time to read your 20 page explanation?

number two: some people are born with straight backs.

number three: orientation is nothing to torture people about. so they are gay, wachagunnadO? referring them to apes is a very rude thing to do!
Reply:I agree with the concept of the question, because I am tired of people asking, "So when did you know you were gay?" My normal response to that is "When did you know you were straight/stupid/bi/a male/ a female?" It isn't something you wake up one day and realize, it's a long struggle to suppress your natural instincts to love men (if you're gay) or women (if you're a

lesbian). You don't just wake up one morning and say, "Well I think I'm going to live my life from now on as a homosexual", it's more of a question of "Why am I continuing to lie to myself and others? Why can't I admit to myself that I am gay?"

It's basically a lack of having the "straight" train of thought or the "straight" insincts. We realize that we never acted like the quid pro quo to begin with and that we are different than everyone else when we come to the points in our lives where we want to start building life-friendships or life-relationships. For some of us we realize earlier on than others that we're not "like everyone else" or "normal". I believe that straight people never face this realization like we do because they are surrounded by the "straight" propaganda and media.Trust me I doubt that the many people who have faced ridicule, beatings, harrasment, etc... would want to have to face that from day to day if it were as easy to change who they were as it is to change clothes.

For those of you that feel differently, I am sorry that I generalize you into the same group of people, but I am sure that the majority of homosexuals feel that what I have said is true to a certain degree.


Kevin M

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