Monday, November 16, 2009

If Black people blame whites for racism then they have to take blame too. Am I right?

If whites have to take blame for racism, and the hurtfulness of making black people live under oppression then black people have to take the blame for committing extremely more crime then white people (in statistical proprotion you cant say it isnt true) , forming many gangs that terrorize communities and the rap culture that promotes these gangs and lifestyle.

But its no more ridiculous to generalize white people as owning slaves and oppression then it is for white people to generalize black people thinking most are criminals or somehow inferior. REMEBER - Many white people were AGAINST slavery, many white people marched WITH Martin Lurther King Jr. Many white people fought in the civil war to end slavery.

At the same time many black people are accomplished businessmen, form community activism groups to put an END to gangs, and arent resentful to whites because they know they know they truely can do anything in America.

I think its about time that both sides put a end to "race"

If Black people blame whites for racism then they have to take blame too. Am I right?
I don’t know if people don’t realize what sections they’re posting in, or just don’t care. This question is not an election question. It would be better suited in Society %26amp; Culture.
Reply:MOre whites commit crime buddy!!!
Reply:I get a kick out of these racist people. People say that the whites sold blacks into slavery but it was truthfully the blacks who sold their own brothers into slavery and the Arabs are still selling people (blacks) into slavery. there is so much disinformation thanks to the LIEberal media.

I really want to know how we whites treated those slaves of 150 years ago so poorly like that person above me suggests. I don't own a time machine and I don;'t think she does either. My grandfather fought to free the slaves in the Civil War and we won.
Reply:Uhh... look at those idiots up there! ^^

It's oh too obvious that there's racism in this country

and by calling all those who notice it racist, then that's just ignorant. I think you make a good point, but don't forget that all races face racism and everyone is involved. Not just whites and blacks.
Reply:Yes you are in right.
Reply:We live in America and unfortunately puttind an end to race will never happen.

I just have to say though you cannot throw all black people in one basket just as you cant throw all white people in a basket. There are some black people who are uneducated and unaware and blame white people for slavery, however most black people do not. There are some white people who are racist, however most white people are not.

It goes both ways...we can not generalize as you said. There will always be black people who will blame and white people who will hate, but that is not the majority of the country.
Reply:Yes, I agree. Racism is not a one sided issue in America. There is just as much racism and hate being perpetrated by blacks in this country as their is by whites.

I have traced my family line back through the ages to a point in Scotland where their are no more written records. My ancestors came to America in the very early 1800's. Remember that the civil war in America started in 1861, so within 45 -50 years of arriving here, six of my ancestors fought for the Union and against slavery. Five of them died. Not one of them had ever owned a slave, as they were not much better off than many slaves when they arrived here.

When my ancestors came to this country they were dirt poor, and despite this they fought, bled and died because they thought racism was wrong. Yet because I am white and my family now is pretty well off, I am supposed to just forgive Pastor Wright's comments because of what he has been through at the hands of some white people? I don't ******* think so. I don't like being stereotyped and I refuse to excuse the actions of a man who is a racist against whites and bigoted against America. I would not be excused for saying those things if I would have said them and they were directed at blacks. This pastor is helping to continue the cycle of racism on both sides and Obama is an accessory to that. He donated money to the church. He attended the church and today in his speech he tried to justify the actions of a bigot and racist and because of it, I will not support Obama. It really is disheartening when I see so many black Americans coming out in support of this Pastor. It does show that racism isn't dead but alive and well in the hearts of many blacks as well as whites.
Reply:That's correct, black people commit more crime period. In New York state they represent 82% of all incareted people. In the county I live in they represent 13% of the population but represent 98% of incarcerated persons. It must be all the white people making the africans commit all the crime. Or it must be related to slavery which ended one hundred and fifty years ago. If a white person goes into a black neighborhood he is most likely going to be on the receiving end of some form of crime at the hands of a black person but if a black person goes into a white neighborhood there is no problem and the person is safe and free from harrasement. It must be our fault again that a black neighborhood is a bad neighborhood and unsafe. Police have to dedicate the majority of there resources in the black neighborhood's because of drugs, guns and prostitutes. These are facts no fiction. Ask Bill Cosby why even mexicans have a better way of life in America. Keep blaming the white people and vote for the half bred Obama
Reply:Part of what you're saying is true....

but then you have to think about it this way...

If white people never treated us like sh!t and as if we were animals years ago for years, maybe blacks would'nt be so dumb, ignorent, and stupid now always acting like idiots and as if they have no class!! Because the role white people potrayed on us was that we were nothing, so some blacks still feel that way today!!
Reply:Blacks and Arabs from black Africa sold slaves to America not whites selling slaves. But blacks love African culture like Obama's church. I didn't make them hate whites, I never owned a slave nor my dad or grandfather.

I didn't make them go to jail. Bill Cosby pointed this out. 85% of the prisions in California are full of blacks and mexicans. These are the facts.
Reply:I am for Hillary and I work in a factory for over 20 years my dept. was 97% black I am white the whole time I work there you might had one or two blaming white but that about all and we had maybe 130 guys in over dept.these guys work had had family so I can blame obama for his pastor
Reply:Jews were slaves under Egyptians for 400 years. JEws are not spending their days sitting out in front of grocery stores begging, holding out their hands, unwilling to work, thinking Egyptians owe them for enslaving them. Many more white Europeans were enslaved in Europe, than blacks in America. So many people of Slavic ethnicity were enslaved, that the word "slave" comes from the word Slav. THese people are not still hating themselves and blaming those who enslaved them.

Black Slavery in America was ended by whites of European descent. Slaves at that time, and earlier, were held by many peoples around the world. No one saw a problem with it. Whites of European descent were the first people in the history of the world who spoke out and came together to end slavery in one place, America. Meanwhile, Blacks in Africa were still enslaving each other, a practice that continues to this day. So quit blaming all whites for the fact that blacks were enslaved. Things are much more complicated than that and we have to get past the narrow blame-the-white-race for everything victim mentality train that so many blacks love to get on and get a free ride. It's a game that too many people are getting a lot of mileage out of.

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