I think Racism is VERY stupid and racist people will NEVER have their way. Most racist people are white and the racist ones always make bad points about black people, hispanics and asians. Its a shame that people are like this. I have friends of every race and culture. I dont mind where they came from at all. But i get most upset when I hear white people talk about blacks. About how they should go back to Africa. Are you kidding me? Most black people don't even have direct desendant to people in Africa, some blacks are people from latin america or the carribean. Also it bothers me that whites don't accept mixed children/people. Why not? Dont you always hear whites say that they are mixed with irish,german etc. So what's the problem with a black and spanish or black and white baby? They make fun of asians also. I always hear that they hate their chinky eyes. But I think it's beautiful. Mexicans should be able to come to this country too!
Why are people still racist?
Did something prompt this rant?
Although I do agree.
Reply:because people hold grudges and associate one person with an entire race
Reply:I believe it's impossible to be racist when someone has a healthy level of self-esteem. When you feel good about yourself, you also feel good about others, in that you look for the positives in others, not the negatives.
Racism is just another form of hatred. I believe racism is also associated with feelings of envy. For the person who feels inferior, the # 1 way they deal with those feelings of inferiority is to hate the person they envy. The only way they can elevate themselves is to attempt to diminish others. What a pitiful way to go through life.
Reply:Cause, they were brought up that way.
or lived in a community with only there race.
Sometimes its by choice, And most of the time there parents tell them these horrible things about different races that stick in there head for the rest of there lives.
Reply:All races... were born with it. It will never go away. Yeah it suck s but deal with it. We all gotta live with it.
Reply:Lots of white Americans conveniently forget what is located in their OWN family trees. The racist people seem to need someone to hate so they can feel stronger in unity with others against something. It's disgusting and it is STUPID, like you said. I don't understand why people have to hate each other for something that is not important. If they were going to hate, why not hate bad actions, not whole groups of people who've done nothing to deserve it?
Reply:people will always be stupid......bk
Reply:Simply, yet sadly because people of today's society are just so damn ignorant. Most, if not all of them have NO idea at all what they are talking about. It could easily be stopped if people just grew up and looked past skin color and ethnicity, the world would be such a better place. Sad thing is that's only one of the problems with today's screwed up society.
Reply:I think this is a question you would have to ask that individual person when you hear them being racist. I can't speak for other people.
Reply:Because they're ignorant.
Also, Mexicans coming to this country has nothing to do with racism. It has to do with legally being born in this country and paying taxes.
Reply:Some people dont even know that they are racist or have said a racial comment on a person
you come off as racist my dear....
Reply:It is NOT right, but it is natural for all of us to be that way. All of us have preconceived notions on things. Very few are prejudice-free, even those who say they are.
-someone above me said that there is no racism in urban areas!? Is she kidding? Racism is everywhere!
Reply:Their parents taught them and they'll teach their kids and so on.
Reply:**** them ******
lol jk
Reply:People are still racist because they are ignorant, judgemental, stereotypical and intolerant of other people. I agree, being racist is a waste of time and energy, although i too am not being preujiced towards white people, of course anyone of any race can be racist to another. The best thing to do with racists is to either ignore them or stand up to them in defence of others.
As Pocahontas sung:
You think the only people who are people. are the people that look and think like you....
quit stressing about it! theres not much you can do about it, mate!
Reply:Let me tell you something hunny.
I know it sucks, but unfortunately a LOT of people is like that, and in my opinion, that's terrible.
Racism is a derivation of Discrimination, well, they go together. And unfortunately it's hard to change that. It's possible, but it's up to each of us to change that.
If we don't want a world with racism or discrimination anymore, then we have to change starting with us.
And unfortunately there is something stupid named Border, and this also causes racism and stuff like that.
In my opinion, we just need to respect each other no matter what (unless that a guy tries to steal u, rape u or kill u, then u can say **** of him and kick his *** hehe). We need to slove this big problem which is named "DISCRIMINATION" once and for all.
Reply:the only answer to this question is ignorance, some racists claim to be intelligent because they are lawyers or doctors, going to college does not make you smart, knowing how to use your knowledge does, it's one thing to have book sense, another to have common sense...
Reply:I hate racist people too, good thing I'm not racist. I have morals.
Reply:You're an idiot.
Reply:There are also black racist, Asian racist, and Hispanic racist. Its so sad how you guys always associate the word racist with white.
Reply:yeah, why are they?
Reply:move to an urban area...racism is sooooooooooo 2 decades ago....cities are classist judge u by yer $$...not the color of yer skin :)
Reply:People are still racist, because the were raised a certain way. It's not their fault really. They just need to meet some people who can show them that not everyone fits into one category of human. They were all have our own special quirks. It'll never happen in our lifetime, but we can all dream.
Reply:I grew up during the civil rights era, and it is now as it was then my friend, one word: ignorance.
Reply:Omg ur a great person. nd ur right.
Reply:I read your question twice. You seem to be prejudiced against white people.
Reply:This has been a hard question for me too, for at age 56 I find friends who think like this. I have decided that people are either narrow minded or open minded to degrees. I think it might be inherited, a way of thinking and narrow minded tend to stick only with "birds of a feather flock together" or extended families where they all believe the same thing. Non-open minded people have confused me all my life, but now that I have studied the Myers Briggs personality types a lot, I can see that narrow mindedness causes so much problem. It is as "stupid" as me saying "Red is the best color in everything" How dumb, but I believe narrow minded people think this way and hang around only those who agree with them.
Reply:i totally agree. im black and spanish and alot of spanish people i meet don't like that. i think alot of people are afraid that all these mixes will somehow dilute their race. its completely retarded and is an uneducated view, but people are very set in their ways and are often afraid of change. the only thing we can do is teach the next generation to be open minded. Or maybe start a revolution!
Reply:I think racism is caused by ignorance and fear of what they don't know....
Anyone should be able to come into America, as long as they do it LEGALLY.
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