Thursday, November 19, 2009

People quoting text from false website sources that bash A religion.....Why?

Why would people believe some website that someone wrote that bashes a religion?

Wouldn't it make sense that, that person is just trying to gain brownie points %26amp; popularity for their strong accusations %26amp; opinions? Isn't it common sense to try to get the truth from organizational websites where the people of that religion study from, insted of someone's hearsay?

I have full respect of people's choice of religion. I believe in free will. If someone doesn't believe in a religion, so what. If someone asks, or i see someone asking for opinions of A religion, I will give mine. If someone asks about my religion, I will tell them, %26amp; provide a website that is very simple to get real honest facts from. ~ Now that i've seen so many people questioning %26amp; answering in a disrespectful manner about people's choice of religion %26amp; beliefs, I've decided to publish my neutral question. I know i will get alot of people agreeing with me %26amp; people that hate me.

Peace be with you. Thanks every1

People quoting text from false website sources that bash A religion.....Why?
I just wonder how they justify knowingly perpetuating a lie with the whole Thou Shalt not Lie commandment. And why do they ask a question about such a source and when you prove it is false and give them actual citations to back you up, they still choose the person who agrees with their lie. Is that not dishonest too?

Thanks for the thumbs down, Rev. I shall wear it as a badge of honor.
Reply:many individuals still live under the dillusion of their own subjective views of reality, trapped within their own judgments of right / wrong, good / bad, me/ you, seeing themselves as separate from all others and from the rest of the universe of which all are a part.

Such may lead to "I" must be right and "you" as other not being me and separte are wrong.

to prove such an illuison to themselves, they "shout".

This is an issue of respect for one's self and for all others, as to respect all others is to respect one's self realizing that all are one.

It may well be an issue of "love" as if one can not truly love one's self, proven by hating others, one will act in apropriate manners towards others as and towards one's self.

A solution might be the practice of mindful awareness, kindness, compassion and loving care towards all (including one's self.

may it be well with you.
Reply:Listening to only one side of a discussion is not the way to discover the truth.

Just because they don't agree with a religious point of view, that doesn't mean that they are lies.

Many things religions say aren't really true.
Reply:In this section, examples don't have to be given. Just look at the other posts that people have in R%26amp;S stating something specifically about a religion is wrong.

What people need to realize is that people will supply false information as long as it is in line with their point of view. They don't necessarily care about facts.

Also, translating from another language to English is very difficult because of all the slang. That should also be considered when someone is saying a religious book is interpreted as one thing, but the believers know the real meaning because they speak the native language.

I'm glad someone finally asked this question. It will bring out all the people who are guilty of using these false websites to prove whatever point they are trying to make.
Reply:Could you be a little more specific , Madcat
Reply:First you should give examples. Next, there are some beliefs that think it's ok to lie to those that don't believe as they do. Also, most beliefs don't broadcast what might seem like the bad side of their faith...can't attract too many new converts that way. It's best to use more than one source and decide what is the truth for yourself. I always like to talk to people who have left and get their side also.

God Bless.
Reply:I agree. People tend to lean towards cites which are designated to promt against another religion. It is pretty obvious that everything in that cite will never be un-biased. That's why it's so hard sometimes to find accurate information online about someone elses religion. People claiming to be scholars and such. The best way to know someone elses religion is to ask a practicing person from their religion; study their holy book; and form your own opinion. There are genuine cites ive seen on Islam, Christianity and such... but then there are those that say "Beware! Islam is a _____ " or same for other religions. And people come about posting things from these cites. I guess they feel, hey whatever floats my boat.

But yes, we should be aware of where we get our info. Thanks for posting.

Reply:'Cuz they gotta be right so bad it physically hurts.

You'll love that place.
Reply:Well at least they are quoting something. Most of them just make up stuff to discredit some religion that their daddy told them was a wrong religion.

They say they were in that religion and dogs eat little kids or something else as stupid. When by their posting those in that religion knows they know nothing about that religion.

Lies, lies, lies.


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