Monday, November 16, 2009

What should we as a people do?

What should people do when any form of rule makes people give up their freedoms that they had previously?

What about when their leader does not listen to the people or what the majority have to say?

What should people do when politicians don't help the people?

What should people do when they realize war is being fought for unethical reasons?

What should the people do if we try to make an impact on something for the better, but then the result gets swayed around due to financial greed and corruption?

What should people do when a form of government will not answer questions?

What should people do when forms of government ridicule and oust people for asking questions?

Should people feel weak and helpless?

Should a group of people become the targets of hatred when they had nothing to do with an action that made another group mad? Should people go about their daily lives and not care about something that could affect them or most definitely their children in the future?

What should we as a people do?
Why should people from a prosperous and peaceful Nation complain? We don't have to live under the same conditions as those of the Iraqi people during Saddam's dictatorship; we have clean water, electricity, and equal rights regardless of race or gender. We don't have to fear being gunned down in our own streets as we go about our normal day. So tell me, why do you complain? You have the right to vote so exercise your opinions in that manner and be thankful for the freedom in this land.
Reply:Well I think you should start with asking one question at a time.... then maybe we will give you better answers.... :) come on I know you can do it....
Reply:I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND what you are talking about. My son may be going off to a war soon that was the biggest mistake ever ---- worse than Viet Nam and yet, the people - at least the teens protested against .....see...we ALL have complaints but we can't take time off work to do anything because any of us NOW are lucky to have jobs --- our homeless are not BAD PEOPLE ---- but our president has a nice big home and security. It's extremely sad. I HATE WHAT IS GOING ON. I was laid off for the third time and was off work for three months and I have grand-babies and there won't be a Christmas really for us. One company recently closed (where I was laid off) and moving to another country. Our country is going to hell in a hand basket and we DO need to do something but the government also knows we are all living on the end of a line -- but they don't GIVE A crap.
Reply:Is this a preview of a Hillary presidency? I knew I wouldn't vote for her.
Reply:live thats a thought
Reply:just be carefull what idiot we put in office for the next umpteen years to come
Reply:All I know is I don't like bush.
Reply:Be kind to each other while each of us gets involved with Constitutional groups, such as the ones listed below.

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