Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why do people think white people who are poor are just lazy?

This is a post from one of my other questions:

And those "white people" are poor because they didn't work for better things. Either they are conformists, lazy, or gave up looking for the reason they wouldn't be able to go to school and finish their education, gave up the fight.

Why do people think that white people who are poor don't work hard? My mother worked from age 15 until she got in a car wreck and became crippled. She raised herself since she was 13 after her mother's death and her father didn't help her. She is anything but lazy. White people are not all rich. They live in poverty just like any other race. Same way there are many millionaire non-whites in America right now. I know Indians that came here and became millionaires because they get benefits for being foreign easier. There's several people I know that got scholarships from the UNCF and went onto become doctors. My mother couldn't afford college and she graduated a year early in high school. Why do people stereotype poor white people as being lazy when in reality, most are trying just as hard as everyone else? White people are affected by tragedy and unexpected hardships too.

Why do people think white people who are poor are just lazy?
That makes me MAD!!! Really and truly it burns me. There are poor, lazy, conforming losers in every race! I'm sorry to hear about your mother but she does sound like a strong, and strong-minded woman. Don't let close-minded people get in your head coz it will just bring you down.
Reply:if black people don't think its their fault they are poor than its not my fault my white *** is poor
Reply:That is what people think of poor people period; regardless of their race or creed

EDIT: That 'WASP" kid up there and that "pitt_fan" need to go suck on something... and it ain't lemon! Ha ha ha!

Its so funny how you did not say anything about black people, but they somehow had to bring black people into their ignorant answers.
Reply:It's more about money than race. Nobody wants a 100% inheritence tax and equal housing and opportunity for everyone, so they come up with lame excuses and complaints. You are right, but that won't change things. There will always be a "reason" or "excuse". I've written to my Reps. and newspapers and voted every chance I had, but I can't say it's done much good. I sincerely wish everyone who is poor a better life.
Reply:Very good question, some people are just stupid like that and love to put others down.It has been that way for black people since the beginning of time, and some racist still stereotype us as all being lazy, good for nothing people that want something for nothing. Your question just proved that we have people of all races living in poverty, not just black people.It is so unfair, but hold your head up because you know the truth about your mom, never mind what others say.
Reply:You are quite correct . There are those who fall on hard times , and lots who don't even get good start in life. It's unfortunate that people have to point fingers or categorize others less fortunate.

But most of the well off seem to enjoy looking down there nose at the less fortunate.I know plenty of hard working folks who survived the depression and worked through the hardest times this country has ever seen, just to survive! This is not about colour!
Reply:most homeless people (well at least in canada) are white, and plus there are more obese white people, per 10 white person than any other race.
Reply:well yea not all white people are poor

some of them are though

a lot of middle aged people that were poor in there childhood

has grown up to be rich

because of determination, and they dont want their children go through what they went through when they were kids
Reply:They don't what it is to be poor. People assume Poor=Lazy.
Reply:Don't they generally stereotype poor people of any race as lazy, and probably more often assign this stereotype to non-whites?

You shouldn't be so concerned about what ignorant people believe.
Reply:I am white, and regardless of race, I think being poor comes from a combination of bad luck, bad career decisions, and ineffective financial planning. I don't consider anyone who is poor to be lazy because most of the jobs they get are harder than the jobs of the rich.
Reply:I dont know how it works accross the board, but I personally feel that its not that we think all whites are rich or lazy if they are not its just we feel you always act arrogant and soemtimes unaproachable no matter what your circumstances and I find that aggrivating. I have met a few white people who are not that way but ON THE WHOLE (not individually) I find you arrogant, and a bit intolerable to any idea different than your own
Reply:Another one of those stereotypes... Maybe people who have everything paid for them don't understand "how it can be" that YOU didn't do this and that.

They don't understand what they never experienced.
Reply:Because they are ignorant plain and simple. And I'm not talking about the poor person I'm talking about the person who stated that. Life is full of hardships just like you said, and that crossess all racial lines. People can be so stupid at times and no one tells them otherwise. There are many college educated people who for one reason or another may of had something happen that caused them to make a decision or have one chosen for them that puts them on the low end of the social ladder. The fact of the matter is that there will always be those that have and those that don't.

Also it can be said that a good amount (not a big one) are just lazy and don't want to work, but like I said it crosses all racial backgrounds.
Reply:Never thought about it but i see what you mean. Im so broke I cant pay attention, but I work hard. When I work that is, not my fault though.
Reply:From what i've seen, white people who are poor and lazy are usually like that because they have enslaved themselves to the welfare god of the mailbox. They get so used to that check , those stamps, and the medial coverage being there that they decide to let others work and earn monet to pay taxes so they can keep getting that check, those stamps and the medical coverage.

i came from a work-ethic family and there was no welfare where we lived. i have never collected unemployment, workmen's comp or disability, but i had to accept welfare once for about 6 months. When i realized that it would take me nowhere but into sloth and lack i walked into a warehouse and begged for a job. When i told them why i wanted the dirty job they had they applauded me and eventually i became the manager. i have been most blessed to work and the longest time between jobs has never been more than 3 weeks.

i wish all of those able-bodied lazy slobs who decide to be wards of the state would get up off of their lazy, self-centered as*es and get it together so we could have legislation enacted to abolish welfare and replace it with effort exchange programs where you want, your put forth the effort to obtain.But the bleeding hearts will always let the lazy-as*ed winks get away with their sloth lives.Another possible solution for the welfare army of laziness is automatic enrollment in the military for a term of service so they can learn to work instead of suckling at the milk and sweat of decent working people.
Reply:not neccessarily lazy but not very smart, and alot of poor whites in North America (I'm inclucing Canada) are lazy

This is represented by those who come from elsewhere and become wealthy. When people emigrate from a poor country and see the opportunity they become very motivated. Perhaps teenagers should be sent to an economically depressed country for a couple of years. Then they would never use the excuse, I'm not working for 10 bucks an hour.

When I say not smart, I'm refering to the fact that many other cultures work together, pool money and help each other get a home, that sort of thing. Even if they can't stand to be in the same room together when it comes to money, they leave the baggage at the door, put their differences aside and help each other get ahead. Especially Indians since you used them as an example. The white culture is too focused on having more than the neighbour instead of all growing together. Thats what wrong with the North American way of thinking and it will take the economy down. Supporting others

and co-operating /networking is not 'OH MY GOD YOUR COMMUNIST' it's INTELLIGENCE.
Reply:Not all people think like that. Just the greedy ones who hate seeing their money go to people who have been struck by misfortune. They'd rather see their money line their own pockets while others suffer and die due to lack of funds. I'm sorry to hear about your mom, you should watch SiCKO by Michael Moore, tells you a lot about the U.S. and our crappy healthcare system. In other countries, it's not like here; people are actually glad to pay higher taxes in order to help those in need, because that's what it's all about, is helping each other, not putting each other down....
Reply:GIRL!! I totaly agree withchu, even tho im Asian.

My freind,who is cocasian, is seroisly poor. I mean..he dosent even have enough money for freaking paper.

He only goes to school becouse the Govorment pays for him.

He lives with me cuz his parents divorced and thier really poor. SOOO I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU!!
Reply:It is your fault if you are poor. Please do not allow yourself to become a slave to the welfare system. Have some pride and take personal responsibility.

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