One thing i find annoying about YA is when people start mocking other peoples religion - i am a buddhist and have seen so many questions and offences about Mohammed on here. This person is loved by approximately 1.7 billion people (or so i learned at school last week in RE) and yet people come on here and start mocking him. Not just him, but Jesus too. Why do people want to hurt other peoples feelings? I know there is such a thing as being able to say what you want but is this not taking that right too far and hurting people on what they care about most? why do people want to hurt others?
I have heard about the bear story and think it is wrong, but does that mean cos of one or two people we can condemn the entire 1.7 billion muslims? i have muslim friends and i treat them with the same respect id want to be treated with
Why do people on YA........?
I think you need to study Buddhism a bit more.
make it a part of your life.
Reply:I'm very happy for you. This is still a free country, if you don't like what someone says, just move on.
Reply:People make fun of different issues in life and religion has no exception. The problem with Muslims etc. is they have a little sense of humour and take things far too seriously. Wanting to execute a person for a minor offence which was not intentional anyway will obviously have it's repercussions. You reap what you sow I'm afraid and the Sudanese have certainly sown some ill feeling towards another fellow human being.
Reply:people mock mahammed now because thay put the teacher in jail thats why over a fairy tale gods name
Reply:Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) described the greatness of Allaah in the most beautiful way:
"He is controlling the affairs of all the kingdoms. He commands and prohibits, creates and gives provision, and gives death and gives life. He raises and lowers peoples status, alternates night and day, gives days (good and not so good) to men by turns, and causes nations to rise and fall, so that one nation vanishes and another emerges. His command and decree are carried out throughout the heavens and on earth, above it and below it, in the oceans and in the air. He has knowledge of all things and knows the number of all things. He hears all voices, and does not mistake one for another; He hears them all, in all the different languages and with all their varied requests and pleas. No voice distracts Him from hearing another, He does not confuse their requests, and He never tires of hearing the pleas of those in need. He sees all that is visible, even the walk of a black ant across a solid rock in the darkest night.
The unseen is visible to Him, and secrets are known to Him Whosoever is in the heavens and on earth begs of Him (its needs from Him). Every day He has a matter to bring forth (such as giving honour to some, disgrace to some, life to some, death to some, etc.)! [al-Rahmaan 55:29 interpretation of the meaning]. He forgives sins, eases worries, relieves distress, helps the defeated person back on his feet, makes the poor rich, guides the one who is astray and confused, fulfils the needs of the desperate, feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, conceals faults, and calms fears. He raises the status of some and lowers the status of others Even if all the inhabitants of heaven and earth, the first and the last of them, mankind and jinn alike, were to be as pious as the most pious among them, this would not increase His sovereignty in the slightest; if they all, the first and the last of them, mankind and jinn alike, were to be as rebellious as the most rebellious among them, this would not decrease His sovereignty in the slightest. If everything in heaven and on earth, the first and the last of them, mankind and jinn, living and dead, animate and inanimate, were to stand in one place and ask of Him, and He were to give them everything that they asked for, thiswould not decrease what He has by even an atoms weight.
He is the First, before Whom there is nothing, and the Last, after Whom there is nothing, may He be blessed and exalted. He is the Most deserving of being remembered, the Most deserving of being worshipped, the Most deserving of being thanked. He is the Most Compassionate of kings, the Most Generous of those who are asked He is the King Who has no partner or associate, the One who has no rival, the Self-Sufficient Master, Who has no son, the Most High, and there is none like unto Him. Everything will perish save His face [al-Qasas 28:88 interpretation of the meaning], and everything will vanish except His sovereignty He will not be obeyed except by His permission, and He will not be disobeyed except with His knowledge. He is obeyed, so He shows His appreciation, and He is disobeyed, so he forgives. Every punishment on His part is justice, and every blessing from Him is a favour. He is the closest of witnesses and the nearest of protectors. He seizes people by their forelocks, records their deeds and decrees the appointed time for all things. Hearts conceal nothing from Him, for secrets are known to Him. His gift is a word and His punishment is a word: Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, Be! and it is. [Yaa-Seen 36:82 interpretation of the meaning]. (Adapted from al-Waabil al-Sayib, p. 125)"
Reply:I agree 100%!!! Fair enough if someone comes on here to ask a question about something they misunderstand about someone's religion, that's fine, they simply want to know. Even when people disagree with something in my religion and ask a question about it, it's still fine, but when people clearly just want to insult and nothing else, that's just ridiculous. They get nothing out of it. Those people make me sick! Like once someone said something about how Prophet Mohammed is a pig or something, which was just disgusting!
I don't know of any muslims (including myself) who even agree with what happened to that woman in sudan. It's ridiculous. There's thousands of people who name their children mohammed, so it shouldn't be a problem with a teddy bear. It's not as if they called it prophet mohammed.
I especially hate when people blame a whole religion/ethnicity etc because of the actions of a minority. That's just plain stupid!
I too have friends of many religions, some atheists who I treat with respect, and they treat me with respect, so there are still decent people out there.
Ignore the losers!
Reply:Our inherited genes - or what we call human nature - has a lot to do with modern day intolerance. In our past, we formed social groups, perhaps occupying specific geographical territory, based on a set of shared values and beliefs. These social groups - tribes, clans, cults, religions, call them what you want - existed for mutual protection and support. Those who were not members of a given group were seen as a threat and treated with suspicion or even downright hostility. Such social groupings are the basis of what we now call 'culture' - the shared values and beliefs that make up our society. While our modern day attitudes and understanding may have led to greater acceptance of the rights of other cultures to be different, our genes are still programmed to perceive 'outsiders' or strangers as a danger to our established way of life. To the specific question of why individuals mock the religion of others: it is the pattern of behaviour from our past where our very survival depended on intimidating strangers (them) more than they could intimidate us.
Reply:The internet is a double edged sword, specifically in this certin catagorey. To connect with people you have to take the good who respect everyone in with those who respect no one and are fanatic about their own beliefs.
All I can say is ignore the bad, and focus on the good?
~Blessed Be ,May Allah Smile on you, and God be with you~
Reply:Robbie, you are getting all worked up about something you have no control over. The USA is a free country and the 1st ammendment says that every one is entiltled to their free speech. this Includes atheists Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, and those people who hate each of these religions named. Dont they teach the US Constitution in school anymore? By the way, there is only one way to heaven, Jesus Christ is that way. Do you see how it is now?
Reply:Well James I believe your a 13 year old kid with no friends.
Reply:You are so right. Obviously opinions vary on any topic and a few Muslims spoil it for the majority.
Some questions are deliberately provocative, some answers are prejudiced against Islam, but I think you will find reasonable answers too.
It's difficult to respect the harsh treatment meted out to women and girls in certain countries. The exaggerated response by some Sudanese to a teacher and teddy sends out bad signals too - as do pictures showing Sudanese men demanding this teacher be shot. Not much tolerance there.
It is Muslim s who have flown out to Sudan te ask for her early release. ?the educated and the ignorant?
Reply:It is their sickness deep inside...
It's an attitude about "I am Okay.... you are Not okay!"
You just can't help them... they are like that and they will remain like that. I feel sorry for them as it's not even their fault.
Now, look beneath my post, the gentleman is calling Prophet Mohammad names. It's matter of attitue!
Reply:Ok. I am going to say this and it is rather hard to say because then I feel like I'm betraying my own kind. I use to have a VERY broad minded attitude about religion. Then I started attending a Christian church (non catholic) and I started to hear how bad all the other religions (Islam is a false religion) and other types (Buddhist, Hindus) are and how they are from the devil, etc. etc. I almost passed out. I was associating with devil worshipers and I didn't even know it. They told me the devil mascarades as good and as a child of light. Ok, if this is so then who should I trust? No one? Look over my shoulder constantly. Waiting for the axe to fall? Now, I just don't know. I like the people I know in Christianity but I can't believe all the rest are evil. Good question. I try to at least be nice to all people even if I don't agree with them. Yet, I believe everyone has a right to associate with who they want to and not associate with whoever they don't want to...but yea maybe we could try not to post so many insults right?
Reply:ah if only there were more people like you!!! Thank God for your tolerance =)
Reply:God left them to their own devices (as they do not believe) which is why they don't understand the concept of respect.
Reply:Those that behave that way are either children literally or children behaviorally who have nothing better to do than tear others beliefs down in an effort to make themselves feel better about their lack of beliefs.
I am sorry if you were hurt.
Avoid their bait.
Reply:I do not like to generalize. However, I also do not like to be silent.
If I find the bear story rather insane, I'll say I find it insane. And I honestly don't care if that offends 3 Muslims, or 1.7 billion Muslims. I know, of course, that most Muslims also find the bear story rather silly.
Reply:welcome to ain't it?
Reply:Anybody that feels the need to mock anybody's beliefs obviously does it to make themselves feel better about their lives.
Reply:mohamed is a pedophile. is it normal for you that a 50 years old man has sex with a 9 year old girl?
Reply:I don't know why people do this. I try very hard not to. I'm kind of having a bad YA day, I think. I'm so angry with all the people who call pagans evil, pleasure loving, orgy having, debauchers. I've never been evil, never done anything too bad(of course we all just make mistakes sometimes).
Thank you for reminding us we need to respect each other :)
Reply:Doesn't really matter as ALL paths lead to the same temple. We were given our own mind to make our own choices. You have made yours.
Reply:this is why i dont even come to post or answer questions is the religion/spirituality section.. its funny that people on the internet can come online and disrespect holy people or peoples beliefs.. but i bet in real life they would never say something like his in public.. just proves how many low lifes think people actually care what they think.
Reply:Calm down man ;;Get up at 4 A M and pray for all of us who do not beleive in your mohammed
Reply:if it does not have Christ as the root of that religion, it is not christain. thats why people show disrespect, but it should be directed at the beleifs not the persons.
Reply:you can't really be trusted get a life none of these people are hear where they actually hear i don't no nethier do you
Reply:Obviously at the moment there is a lot of Mohammed comments on here because of the teddy bear thing but I see your point. I don’t think that people WANT to hurt others necessarily, it's just that they cant understand how people can get them selves into such a state about a name. Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t Mohammed just a name that many people have in that part of the world and that the profit just happened to be called it? Wouldn’t that then equate to calling a bear John or Stephen in the UK. You could argue that is wrong because of John the Baptist or Saint Stephen but they are just names. A name does not embody the work done by that person and should not stop other people from using it. If anything I would see that example as the children having respect for that name as children do not call their bears a name they do not like. That might be something an adult might do to ridicule but a child gives a name to a bear out of love so surely that should be seen as a good thing?
As for generally in life, I agree that it is awful that a whole community should be dammed by the acts of a few but I guess that has more to do with the media and ignorance than to do with actual hatred of the other community. Most people do not see the real facts of how much good religion can do and what hope and charity it brings to people in desperate need, they just see the wars and bloodshed fed to us by the media and in may peoples views the ignorance and intolerance such as condemning someone for what most people see as a complete non event. For example, how can any religion, culture or government agree with flogging a woman 400 times because she has the audacity to get raped? It is things like that that turns westerners against the Muslim faith but I agree that they are isolated incidents. However, I feel that the Muslim community as a whole has the duty to openly condemn acts like those and to actively challenge the people that think they are correct. Change is always going to be resisted if it comes from outsiders so the only way that things can ever change is a grass roots revolt from within. I have been heartened by so many Muslims voicing their outrage on tv, online and in the press, surely change is only a matter of time and with it hopefully a better harmony with the west? I certainly hope so. xxx
Reply:very good, requirenment of being human. u ask why? cos a lot of socialogical, psycological, personal issues behind it. I m Muslim and respect u too, take care, health to ur mind and understandings..
Reply:i think buddhism is a load of bullshit.
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