Why do people always act like white people only have nice hair??
What about hispanics, indians, asians, mixed people and even black people.
They can't even get that many styles with they hair only a ponytail or down.
So why do people act like white people hair is the best??
Even some black people do even though they look best with french braids, micro braids, kinky twists etc. While little then they can have twisted braids, beads, etc
So why do people just act like white people hair is special??
White People Hair?
U r sooooo right!! White people hair is not that great! All they do is wear it in a ponytail or wear it down. I like a little nappy every now and then...lol
Reply:dude Asian have nice hair! there hair is always long,slick and straight lol i wish i had there kind of hair! i have to straighten my hair every morning to get it straight because my hair like really wavy!
Reply:I have never heard anyone say that white people have nicer hair and I've been around 56 years.
Reply:um, nobody ever said that.
And in my opinion, blonde, hispanic, and asian hair is the best.
If i had blonde or asian hair, i'd be soo happy.
Reply:idk but i get what your saying 100%
Reply:I think that's more like a stereotype. People don't really say that. Everyone has different hair. Sure, white people can get mostly every color except for black hair, which is very cool. But I think Asians have gorgeous straight black hair that I would die to have. Every race has cool hair!
Reply:I'm wondering too.
Reply:they do? news to me
Reply:Personally, I'm white and I hate my hair. I don't think it's better than hispanics, indians, asians, mixed people, OR black people. White hair is just as special and nice as any other race's hair, no more or no less. Look at all of the models, like on America's Next Top Model. They are all different races, but I think they all have great hair. It's not so much who has the hair, but it's really how well you take care of it.
Reply:i dont no, its really stupid.
i guess maybe its that most models in the fashion capitals of the western world (paris, milan, london, new york, etc) are white, so the styles are designed for white person hair, and thats what ends up in magazines etc. therefore ppl come to think of it as fashionable and desireable to have hair like white peoples.
Reply:no one said white people hair the best what ever you heared from someone there dumb becouse alot of black,asian ect. have good hair so it there opoion not yours!
Reply:i think it goes back to the question why do people think white people are better in general
Honestly - i am from the middle east and i have shat hair but my friend lets call her emily also from the middle east has amazing hair! every race has both ends and every race has a beauty to it
Reply:People say that because of the texture of their hair. I am not saying I agree with them. But hairstylists can do pretty much any hairdo on them and it looks great versus other types of hair and it's easier to do. I know this because my brother and my sister are both hairstylists and that is what they have said.
Reply:Every race has unique ways of styling hair that other races are unable to master. The reason why Caucasians generally wear their hair down or in a pony tail is because, well, that’s how they style their hair. Some of them can’t do very much with their hair, unless their ancestry consisted of people with thick locks. So, I think your right… Other ethnicities should be recognized for their beautiful hair too. The world is full of different hair techniques, different styles, different colored hair, different textures, and different lengths and so on… Also keep in mind that what you perceive as “beautiful” is controlled by the media. So don’t blindly believe what you observe. There are people with good AND bad hair in every race.
Reply:White people do have the best hair.
AND it is special
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