Friday, November 13, 2009

Why are divorced people selfish, and why are gay people begging to die just by being gay??

Why are divorced people selfish?

Divorce shouldn't exist, and neither should divorced people. Divorced people are just plain lazy. They want to wreak havoc on society by using their so-called "reclaimed singlehood" to prey upon the truly innocent real single people out there. It's not enough that these divorced people wreck one marriage, but I think a line needs to be drawn when they start ruining another life by remarrying. And it's awful what they're doing to the kids, too. Mommy and Daddy shouldn't be separated. Marriage is something that should be taken seriously. It shouldn't be something that a person just do on a whim. A alternative to these problems (divorced people) is for divorced people to register as sex offenders. They screwed up one marriage. Divorced people are going to screw up the next marriage if a single person let them and destroy you and turn you into a nuisance like them in the process. It all takes but one shot to get it right. It's as easy and simple like that.

Let her take all your money and emasculate you. Let him walk all over you and slap you around a bit. Remember: You love this person. You wouldn’t have married this person if you really were not truly in love with this person. Yes, it is given that you will probably be miserable, but, at least, you will be married and faithful. You won’t be alone and hated like some f@ggot or some dike, unless you prefer t be divorced, of course. We don’t need Satan-worshippers and Hell-travelers to ruin marriage. We already have ruined marriage by allowing divorced people and evil, idiotic little queer devils and demons to live in the first place. They are the real terrorists. Stay true to your spouse. Show your spouse that you love him or her by staying married. Divorced bitches and bastards, f@ggots, and dykes, get rightfully shot by Dick Cheney and die, than go straight to the fiery pits of HELL! I tell you! BURN IN HELL! And that goes for every other sinner who goes against the Bible! Abortionists, thieves, people of color, murderers, child molesters, rapists, prostitutes, fornicators, druggies, junkies, adulterers, liars, liberals, Democrats, feminists, and anything else that should be put into the gas chamber will be performing a service for America, God, and Earth by ceasing to exist. When will you commit suicide before we have to get our country back? I voted for Bush, you know! A restorer of family values, he is. Oh, Yessiree-Bob! Remember, kids, no sex before marriage, or you’ll go to hell just like those evil, nasty, stupid people that I mentioned previously! Abstinence keeps you in your purest form! Also, whenever you see a f@ggot or a dike, grab a bat and beat the homosexuality out of that disgusting slimebag, REPEATEDLY! God wants and needs you to do this! Put the fear in God and let them know that they should be dead. Divorced people deserve the same treatment.

This is Anne Colder signing off, saying it’s all “Godless”!

Why are divorced people selfish, and why are gay people begging to die just by being gay??
How very Anne Coulter -- are you her ghost writer?

Thanks for the laughs!
Reply:Get a blog for crissakes!!
Reply:Well I already know IM going to the so called hell because of my choices.. And I can be happy knowing that if there is such a place You will be there next to me.. Because all sins are equal in the eyes of the lord.. And in your speil you have Judged.. And you have not taken the 2nd most important commandment into practise "love thy neighbour as thyself" so dude.. see you at the burning gates of hell!
Reply:I think by your line of thought that you as well just purchased your ticket to hell as well. Before you judge other people, take a look at your own life. Sometimes people fall in love and realize it was a mistake.. people are human.. i would seek therapy for your hate and mental stability.. The bible doesnt teach people to hate.. it is learned.. And remember.. Love Will Change the World
Reply:Yahoo really should have word limits in questions becuase that was WAY too long and I didnt read it all...

Most Divorced people I know are not lazy - but are often despirate to gre remarried to prove they are desirable - particularly if you where the dumped person. Sad mostly....

Gays - love 'em, while not gay myself I dont see any harm in them - personally I think straight guys should be darn glad their are gay men becuase that frees up a whole bunch of women for the straight guys

most people who claim to hate gays are hiding or masking secret homosexual feelings they have within themselves....

nobody yet has ever given one good reason why homosexuality is really bad.. some just say "because the Bible says its bad" but nobody can give me one good reason why its bad....

I bet you cant
Reply:Anne I think your surname says it all - Colder. You are one of the coldest people I have come across if you seriously believe let alone practice half of that rant you opened this question with. You are not without a point though. Society can be a very cruel and harsh place when people seem to care very little, if at all for their fellow man. However this is not an excuse for bigotry or intolerance. You need to have a long hard think about some of your beliefs and your chosen solutions to some of the problems of this world as all your reaction is doing is pushing us further apart as people and causing more harm and hurt.
Reply:Abortionists, thieves, people of color, murderers, child molesters, rapists, prostitutes, fornicators, druggies, junkies, adulterers, liars, liberals, Democrats, feminists, and anything else that should be put into the gas chamber will be performing a service for America, God, and Earth by ceasing to exist.

Come on now if all these people were killed off You and 7 other people would be all that's left on earth. Imagine the inbreeding.
Reply:Wow, what a horrible world you live in...I'm so glad 99% of the rest of the world knows you're deranged!

As for "people of colour"...when you're sick, you go green, when you're hot you go red, when cold, you go blue...and you have the audacity to call black people coloured!???

I hope you keep seeing your psychiatrist...
Reply:c'mon, you can admit it,

your parents are divorced

you are secretly a dyke wanting to divorce your husband

you are a racist pig

AND last but not least! you cant read the bible very well. i don't remember God saying all those things......

go see a therapist dear cuz God knows you need it!
Reply:you have some serious issues...geez!

it's people like you, the intolerant, bigoted hate-filled Bible-thumpers who need to be gotten rid of! I don't advocate killing anyone. and I certainly don't side with murderers, rapist, child molesters,etc. but, considering ALL the people you seem to hate, maybe YOU should be the one to go off on some island by yourself, 'cause there ain't no one left for you here. Imagining you don't have too many friends....
Reply:May God forgive you for being the way you are.
Reply:This is a ludicrous and hateful monologue. While being an advocate that married people should stay together is right and good, the Bible doesn't teach hate. The BIble teaches compassion, to love the sinner but hate and stand against the sin. And, many people are victims of divorce in situations beyond their own control (e.g. their partner cheats or walks out on them). You have judged everyone but yourself. Apparently you are without sin and can therefore cast the first stone. Hmmm?

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