Friday, November 13, 2009

Mean people, kind people, sensitive people?

Why do people call people who cry a lot sensitive? Or why do people question why someone cries over something? For instance, some people may cry over loosing something or watching something terrible on t.v. People label them as sensitive because they cry over things that the majority may call less important. In addition, if someone cries over the break-up of marriage rather than the death of a close and very loved family, people label them as maybe mean or heartless. If someone cries for or with someone else they are labeled as kind. Why can't people realize different things make different people cry?

Mean people, kind people, sensitive people?
Well, What would you call someone who cries a lot? I would definitely call them sensitive.

I've been known to cry at hearing sad news or watching a sad movie. Heck, I'll even cry at hearing really good news or seeing a woman give birth. I don't mind the label, at all. I just feel more deeply about things, than the average person. I don't see anything wrong with that.

Now, for someone to cry over a break-up, and not the loss of loved one. I wouldn't necessarily call them heartless. The relationship may have been all they had and they feel lost without it. So, of course they'd cry over it. And as far as not crying over a death; maybe their in shock and can't cry.

When my brother passed, it took a while for it to really sink in.

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