Friday, November 13, 2009

Should White People be able to use the "N" word?

The reason that the “N” word angers black people when it comes out of the mouth of whites is because when a white person calls a black person that word it historically meant that harm was about to come to that black person. It is like a golfer when he yells “FOUR.” All of the other golfers know to look out for danger. When a white person calls a black person the “N” word, that white person becomes a potential danger to me.

Why do some white people try and justify their use of the “N” word by saying that black people use it? Were do you think that black people got it form. It didn’t just pop up out of nowhere. We learned it when we learned how to speak the language. When we learned English, we learned the “N” word right along with it. White people taught us that word. White people who use the “N” word would us it regardless as to whether or not black people use it. Why would white people fight for the right to use this word knowing the violence that it has caused? To say that you use it because black people use it is an attempt to excuse your racist attitudes. Black people who use it are victims of white supremacy (You don’t like that word ‘victim’ do you) but white people who use it are Racist/White Spermists plain and simple. Your thoughts on this???

Should White People be able to use the "N" word?
Should whites be allowed to use it? Absolutely. I am a strong believer in the freedoms that the US affords its citizens and especially believe that freedom of speech is one of the most important rights we have. If we outlaw the use of a word, where do we stop?

But let's consider another question:

Given that whites are allowed to use the "N: word, should they use it?

Absolutely not!
Reply:I think anyone should be able to say N*gger, except babies and little people. Report It

Reply:How many times we as blacks are going to ask this question? If they call us the N word then think of something to say to them that makes them look ignorant! I'm so tired of looking at this question until I just want to HURL!

Should black people be able to call them Honkies and Crackers? Should we always be telling them that when they get wet the smell like dogs?

We all need to stop the madness because all of the sh!t is not solving a damn thing! It's just pure hatred for one another and it's the big reason why this world is going to hell in a hand basket! I'm glad I only associate myself with positive role models and happy people! My life is so much better without the negatives!
Reply:no because if they can say that we can say cracker
Reply:Put simply - it's either ok for everyone to use or its not ok for anybody to use. No word should be ok for one group of people to use and not anyone else. As soon as that is done, it becomes prejudicial.
Reply:It's a word. Words are used to hurt people all the time. Should we be able to use the word fat? It offends people who are overweight. Honky? It offends white people. The point is words only hurt if you let them. We all need to grow up and develop thicker skin. While I agree the "N" word is a very volatile word, it's still just a word. It really says more about the person using the offensive word than the person it's directed at. There are hateful words used to offend just about every race, color or religion on the planet, let it go.
Reply:This word is not going away, just like the "Honkey" word and the "Cracker" word, etc. I remember when "Queer" used to be a bad word but gays embraced it and now it's honorable. If everybody used the "N" word it would lose its power.
Reply:Alright, it seems you are one sided on this and we know you are a black man from you avatar (ooOOoo)... Anyway the "N" used to be offensive... but here's a better one for you... why can black people call white people Whitey, wigger, whiteass... etc. The "N" word is sometimes used offensively and starts huge things (did anyone see the latest "Real World"...) but that doesn't mean it needs to be. People call gay people all sorts of things to their faces... but alot of times they don't care. Why do black people get so defensive about a worfd that used to be in the dictionary. Noot being stereotypical, but gangs call each othe a N'ers all the time, what if a white guy was in the gang would it be okay for hime to day it? No... but why? Black people use it joking around, and so do white people... I go to a mainly white school (about 98%... yeah small town) And people call each other joking around the "N" word all the time and no one is offended... I guess you just need to know when it is okay to say things and when it is really NOT!
Reply:blacks shouldn't use it either as far as I'm concerned.....

and just BREATHE my brotha, it'll be alright
Reply:i agree with the fact that white people shouldnt say the word and they know it too...but since we are all online allot of them will say that they should be able to say the word...they are only saying that because they cant be touched right now...but when they get around black folks that can and will reach out and touch them they magically get some sense and know not to use it then
Reply:Should white people use the "n" word? Nope. Nobody should. And I don't understand how black people still use the word like it is a positive word. Do they know that our ancestors were being called that and being treated badly? Some people realize that but they don't care, but they should really stop. One time, I asked somebody (she is black) why do some black people use the n word, and she said that that shows that black people can turn negative things or words into positive. That didn't make sense to me at all. Please stop the hatred.
Reply:Well, now black people use the "N" word to their friends and family as if it's okay. If the black community wouldn't use it in a friendly way with each other, then the word may die out . Now the black community sees it as it's okay to use it with one another, but has anyone in the black community who uses the word ever stopped to think about what it means and where it came from when they are calling each other saying "what up my "N"?? They are actually doing what they don't want the white community to do. The black community is calling one another the "N" word. So until it's pass down to the children of the black community thats not a word we call one another, then word will not die out.
Reply:I don't think that we whities should get to use the 'n' word. LOL. It's utterly disrespectful!! People who justify their use of the word by 'but black people use it' are seriously confused. Some women call each other 'broads'/'sluts' as a way of turning the sexist slurs into badges of ... minority companionship. It seems like much the same thing when black people use the 'n' word. Men can't use the words 'broad' and 'slut' the way women do ... because they're not a part of the minority group. Same goes for white people and the 'n' word. Good question.
Reply:If black people want equality and an end to racism, then they need to stop wanting a double standard. If the "N" word is an insult, than it's an insult, no matter who says it. If the African-American community continues to insist that it's OK for them to use the "N" word, then they will always be separate and never equal. Anyone, regardless of skin color, who utters racial slurs, is promoting hate. I'm a European-American, and I am insulted when anybody calls me "cracker."

I don't hate anybody as we are all God's children. I despair at how we treat each other.
Reply:no one should use the word. If you dont want other people to use the word you have to set the example and stop using it yourself. You cant say you cant say it cause its offensive and turn aorund and call your boys that same word. its hypocrisy. you cant have it both ways. We can no longer claim to be victims in this day and age. we all have the sense of mind to eliminate the word from our vocabulary.
Reply:I don't think anyone, anyone race, has the right to use that word. It's racist no matter who says it, it's wrong.
Reply:no we should not use it because it has been considered an insult to black people for many years i would never use it unless every black person allowed me to use it
Reply:listen. White ppl cant use b-cuz u sed in slavery trying to degrade us. but by the fact that white will try and excuse themselves whether black ppl use it or not that ain't the point. b-cuz if it was not 4 the white that used it against us we would not used it.

also we try and change the word and flip-side the word trying to make it sound like hommie. I'm British and not allot ppl use ****** but wen we do no one really cares u get me. wen White ppl use its a different story because there saying that wee inferior. if u get wat I'm trying to say.
Reply:Wow, that was church. I have gone through a situation in an inappropriate setting where that ("N ) word was used. It was excused, but the "higher ups" who excused it was also white.
Reply:We are oversensitized to many racial slurs like the "N" word. By overreacting everytime we hear the "n" word, we are instilling more power into the word. Exactly the opposite of what should happen.
Reply:Last time I checked, ****** were brown, not black.Black is not a color it is a shade. It doesn't matter what you are called,you still won't like it. Always have to keep stirring.Want to be treated equal and you bring up you inequalities daily.
Reply:I dont like that word either, its racist and critisizing
Reply:dude, your abit mixed up with your assessment. use of the "N" word, was and is an evoling one. i know that blacks often call each other that as a crude, "in-a-street" sort of way to define a commonality amongst each other, like in america no matter where you were on the economic latter, if your black in america, you were the same as every other black, richest to the poorest.
Reply:I would not want a white person to use the word around me just because there is such a thin line. Even though black people use it both as derogatory and as a term of endearment I just feel its kind of a right. I kinda feel the way about the N word as Native American feel about the Chief Wahoo logo for the Cleveland Indians baseball team. Even though they may not mean it as derogatory it is too easy to cross into being racist and so for those reasons I think it should be avoided. Its kind of like when girls go out and they call each other the B word playfully. But if a guy calls them the B. word or a girl they don't know does it, then it takes on a whole new meaning. _ usually fighting words. I think that people in general should not use the word but I can see why Black people still use it. We were nothing but N's at one time and now we can mock the word or the idea. We are allowed to say it to each other. In other countries they have words for Americans and or non-natives and even the natives, which they can use among themselves but is in essence a derogatory word. And if an American or some other non-native said it they will end up insulting the people who use it all the time. Life isn't fair, oh well. Do they need to say it that bad? No. so why even make it an issue? Just stop it. I think that I should be able to walk around at any time of the night with a mini skirt on and a tube top but it just is not likely to yield good results so why do it. To white people(hopefully) its just a word- so don't use it, act like it is a curse word and your kid is standing there. Alot of people said well then Black should not be able to crackers, but do they realize that that stem form slavery, as in Whip crackers, it was turned into a derogatory term because white people were as a fact whippin the hell out of Blacks -so I honestly think its wrong to put that on people now because nobody whips anybody but at the same time I want whites to know the root of it - I know that does not make it right - i do not use the word plus its corny anyway.
Reply:I use the "n" word all the time, but not as a racial slur. I may be hanging out with other white friends and say "hey, what's up, n----r?" It is not meant to be bad though. There is a difference between that and saying "we need to string us up some n----rs tonight." One is a joke. The other is offensive. That's just my two cents.
Reply:I believe that No-one should use this word. But the funny thing is Black people can say the word as much as they like but when it comes out a white person mouth everyone stares at them like their some kinda alien. But in my opinion this word shouldn't even exsist
Reply:White People should use the word if they feel like it, and if bothers anyone, they can object, or shut the hell up. I use it all the time... I've been challenged, but noone has had the cojones to get in my face about it. Who says "Niiggaarz" aren't intelligent, at least, in a "save my own skin" kind of way?
Reply:Hmmm... here's an idea...maybe we could pay you for your ancestors' years of slavery...and all the suppression. Oh wait whites were slaves on the west coast of Africa in the 17-18th century and even into the 1800' were the japanese, irish, jews, poles, spanish, ect...get over it!

And as far as the "n" word. It's derogatory no matter who uses it. You are the one making the distinction between white and black here. It's called segregation.
Reply:Why is it okay for black people to call white people 'cracker'? Perhaps you should simply calm down and realize that anyone who calls someone else such an ignorant and ill-meaning word is themselves ignorant and ill-intentioned and therefore not worthy of any consideration?

I've found that above and beyond skin color and ethnicity I judge people by their speech. Anyone who uses this type of language is, for me, an uneducated, ignorant and (in most cases) arrogant rube, whether they are black, white, hispanic, asian, what have you. If you speak like you have no respect for yourself or others, expect to be treated without respect.
Reply:Yes we should
Reply:The way that I was brought up was believing that the "N" word means a nasty, filthy person and that the term is associated with the black race as a cruel racial remark.

I DO see how it would strike fear into the hearts of Black Americans and African Americans because some white people in the past and some in the present are VERY violent and rude toward them.

I have many black friends and African American friends. They are different to me because my African friends made a very good point that Black Americans that did not come from Africa or have a close relative (father, grandfather) that came from there have never really experienced what it is like to be African. Just like, since I have English and Native American heritage, I am still merely White because I was not raised in England or experience the same things as Native Americans. My pure Native American blood goes farther back than my grandparents as does the blood and experience of living in England.

Back to my point, the "N" word, in my opinion, should not be used by anyone lightly, if used at all. I think that it is EXTREMELY rude for a person that is not of the Black race to use it, and I think that the black people that use the term are not showing proper respect for themselves or their ancestors.

I hope nothing that I said was taken offensively, I tried to explain myself as best I could.

I think that all people should appreciate themselves, their relatives (living and deceased), and respect and appreciate others.
Reply:Yes, go back to Ebonics or use spell check if you want to keep up with White Folks!!

special shoes

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