Friday, November 13, 2009

Should White People be able to use the "N" word?

The reason that the “N” word angers black people when it comes out of the mouth of whites is because when a white person calls a black person that word it historically meant that harm was about to come to that black person. It is like a golfer when he yells “FOUR.” All of the other golfers know to look out for danger. When a white person calls a black person the “N” word, that white person becomes a potential danger to me.

Why do some white people try and justify their use of the “N” word by saying that black people use it? Were do you think that black people got it form. It didn’t just pop up out of nowhere. We learned it when we learned how to speak the language. When we learned English, we learned the “N” word right along with it. White people taught us that word. White people who use the “N” word would us it regardless as to whether or not black people use it. Why would white people fight for the right to use this word knowing the violence that it has caused? To say that you use it because black people use it is an attempt to excuse your racist attitudes. Black people who use it are victims of white supremacy (You don’t like that word ‘victim’ do you) but white people who use it are Racist/White Spermists plain and simple. Your thoughts on this???

Should White People be able to use the "N" word?
well if african americans dont like the word, then they should stop using it. you cant possibly believe that if the word was said today, that harm would poss come to you.

just as you said, historically.... not now.. historically... that means that the word just doesnt have the same context that it did. leave it in the past. i dont even use the word. and i always tell ppl not to when i hear it and i am white.

so white ppl stop using the n word, black people stop saying cracker. lets just quit all together

and if you feel like it is so demeaning, quit making a fool of yourself by calling yourself that
Reply:Not at all, I wish no one would use it but that's imposible.

LQ!!! Report It

Reply:Wooaahh! Hold on. I totally agree that Whites are **** for using the word but we've also got to remember that both parties are wrong to use it. As you know, some blacks use the word in casual conversation. Still, I know how you feel. I've been through a lot of discrimination too.
Reply:I think historically its been a degrading word and absolutely - no one regardless of race should use it.
Reply:what do you mean, "should"? peckerwoods do it anyway. stupid question.
Reply:I didn't read the details to your question because it's too long, but I'm answering to the headline.

No, no one should be able to use the "N" word. It's a mean word. Why would black people want to use it either?

I'm Italian, and I don't like it when italians use derogatory language, they think just cuz they're italian they can, but it still hurts my feelings/
Reply:No, i would never use that word, as far as i am concerned it is disrespectful. Same as when you use the word Kaffir in SA. It is just wrong.:(
Reply:I'm black and the minute a black person calls me their ***** I cut all communication with them. There are MUCH healthier, more respectful words out there to use (what happened to "brotha"?). If you want to defend the N word go ahead, but I say

Give me a ******* break.
Reply:I don't really care to me its just a word.
Reply:i dont think anyone should use that word
Reply:I personally don't think anybody should use it. That's just another word that teaches our youth not to give the proper respect. just like women being called b****** and hos. They are all ridiculous words.
Reply:because that word was used to demean black people and no amount of justification will change that
Reply:Thast word is demeaning to us and no one should use it. It means nothing good to us.
Reply:Nobody should use HATE words....regardless of ethnicity, race, religion, or whatever.....there's no excuse.

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