Thursday, November 19, 2009

People amaze me...?

So this is a 2 part question…

Seriously, why do people think that their opinions are inferior to those of other people? I mean, I know that my opinion in my mind is as strong as oak, but that doesn’t mean that I am going to bash someone else’s opinion because it is different! I’ve just been looking around at all the questions, and instead of people giving answers, they give opinions.

Which brings me to my next question…

Why do so many people even care what someone else’s opinion is? An opinion is not fact, it’s just like everyone says… “Opinions are like *** holes, everyone has one” But I don’t see every person’s *** hole everyday do I? Nor do I care to as a matter of fact, so why do people give opinions as if they are fact, and why are people so insecure that they actually care what others think? I know it’s human nature, but people must at least make an attempt to think outside of the social hierarchy. Someone please shed some reasonable light on these questions.

People amaze me...?
"Seriously, why do people think that their opinions are inferior to those of other people? I mean, I know that my opinion in my mind is as strong as oak, but that doesn’t mean that I am going to bash someone else’s opinion because it is different!"

Did you mean to ask, "why do people think that their opinions are SUperior...?" Well, it's a natural human tendency.

"instead of people giving answers, they give opinions." Do you feel that opinions are automatically not answers? If so, what would be a good answer? Facts? Some asks you, Why should I not commit suicide? What would you answer? What facts would you marshall? You would rule out anything that smacks of opinion?

"Why do so many people even care what someone else’s opinion is?" Because they are hurting, at least some of them, and a bit desperate, having looked for answers and not having found them.

"“Opinions are like *** holes, everyone has one” But I don’t see every person’s *** hole everyday do I?" Isn't than an opinion too?

People have a right to think and to come to conclusions of their own, call them "opinions" or not, and to answer others with opinions when invited.

If you try to live your life by facts alone, and rule out anything that seems like opinion to you, most days you're going to have trouble taking more than a step or two.

This is a free flowing forum. It doesn't require "facts" as you call them. It allows opinion, whether you like it or not. Rather than formulating an arrogant, emotional diatribe, why not base your posted questions (statements in disguise) on a little clearer thinking?

POSTSCRIPT: On the other hand, my compliments on your level-headed answer to my straight forward comments.
Reply:Looks like you care aboutsomeone else's opinions since you decided to post this angry mess! If you don't like Yahoo answers and you feel so strongly about it, then don't come here!!
Reply:I would but then it would be another A**holes opinion.

Why do people use the word 'gay' as something bad? (im not gay, just asking)?

first of all i just wanted to say that IM NOT GAY AT ALL. trust me

when people say, "thats so gay!" or "your gay" .. its suppose to be a bad thing. i don't get why people say that. because being gay isn't necessarily a bad thing.

when you say "that's gay" your offending gay people. and theres nothing wrong with gay people because its not like they can help it ! its like .. if a girl was born with blonde hair. she was born with it and she can't help that she has blonde hair ! and its not her fault that she has blonde hair. having blonde hair wasnt really her choice. being gay isnt really a choice. like cmon .. people dont CHOOSE to be gay.

so how would you feel if people say "thats so straight!" and that would suppose to be a bad thing. its offending straight people.

so i think people should stop using the word 'gay' to describe something bad. anyone feel me on this? am i making any sense? hahaa :]

stop hating on gay people .. they need some love too %26lt;3

Why do people use the word 'gay' as something bad? (im not gay, just asking)?
Because of those simple comments right there. You say this: "first of all i just wanted to say that IM NOT GAY AT ALL. trust me" Even though your sexuality has nothing to do with the question. Do you know what thats called? Homophobia. You feel like you have to put your guard up, for what ever personal reason you have, but it comes down to you being afraid. I don't even know what it is that scares you. So because people tend to be more homophobic than not, it has become a negative term to call someone. End homophobia, whether you realize you do it or not, think about the negative effects words can have on others.

edit.. its not like saying thats so stupid, your actually implying that its a foolish thing. Saying thats so gay, like thats so homosexual... doesn't make any sense.
Reply:You're not to the point where you can't be around them, but you are still uncomfortable enough to feel the need to make sure we all knew you weren't gay and that you don't want to be hit on. People hear you say something like that and might take it a different way. Report It

Reply:Alyssa, thank you for saying that.

Now, people say it because, the people who are homophobes, don't like the gay community. So, they say "that's so gay" because in there eyes, being gay, is a very bad thing to be and not the best thing.

Hell, I am proud of being gay, and I am not going to let some little push-over take me down.
Reply:Saying something is "so gay" has absolutely nothing to do with gay people. There are words with more than one meaning. Its just like saying thats so stupid.. There are stupid people in this world..are we offending them too by saying that? Get over it people will say it and it doesn't mean homosexual the way its being used.
Reply:Because they're a bunch of pus*sies.
Reply:I think it has become common enough that people who use it don't realize that it came directly from people using gay as an epithet like the f-word, because it was considered one of the worst things you could call someone and get away with it. I know people who are very gay-friendly, but use it so casually that they don't even think about it. People can say I am overly sensitive it they want. Gay is a word that WE chose to describe OURSELVES, and to have a bunch of half-wit kids turn it into a pejorative and then say WE need to get another term for ourselves is, to me, just more straight arrogance.

And to the answerer who says that it is not used to mean homosexual, you should realize that that is EXACTLY where the usage came from, and it IS offensive. Get another word, or use the one you actually mean - stupid.

People and their opinions....please read?

So..people sit here and post their opinion about who they like as artists and who they dislike. That is fine, that is the human right. BUT.what gives people the right to think that they can personally attack someone else for their opinion? You cannot prove an opinion wrong! People get on here everyday complaining about who they hate, yet they sit and listen to every song and critique. If you dislike a style or artist so much, why listed? People need to stop debating with people over there opinion..who is in the position to tell someone else why they should or shouldn't like something! Let people appreciate an artist as they wish without backlash. Just because they may not agree with you, doesn't make them any less appreciative and/or knowledgable of music! Sorry, just had to vent and let people know the deal.

People and their opinions....please read?
especially when it comes to music.when are people going to realize hip-hop consists of all elements-underground %26amp; commercial. north %26amp; south. all of it. if hip-hop was just one thing and didn't grow or expand it would become extinct just like everything that doesn't evolve or adapt.
Reply:Obama 08'

umm sure
Reply:I third that ****
Reply:I totally agree with you. I recently answered a simple question where the asker just wanted to know where anybody who answered was from. What city, state, etc.

Several who answered the question received a thumbs down!

How is that even possible??
Reply:i totally agree with you!! some people just live eat %26amp;%26amp; breathe DRAMA whether it be in their real life or online on this website.. just don't let it get to you too much its deff not worth it! [=
Reply:Thank you mama!!! I've been saying the same thing. You can't argue an opinion, no matter how stupid it may sound to you.
Reply:True everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Everyone attacks another person's opinion just by disagreeing, some people take it too far. But, in all honesty you have just attacked everyone with an opinion. It's just human nature to agree and disagree. Your topic is a little off and on to me, first it about people and their opinions and then it goes into artists. On a music note I hate that people dis artists I like but I dont give props to the artists that I dont like. So it contridicting, no matter what people are going to have an opinion and people judge other people based on their opinions, views and personality regardless of how little they know that person. Best advise I can offer you is take critisism and learn from it and don't take anything too personal it may not be worth the fight.

I understand you venting everyone has to do that too lol.
Reply:In principle yes but when they blatantly put something stupid on here how can you sit back and not say what you think. Then they have the nerve to report you because they are upset you don't like someone they like when in the first place they often only like them because they think they are good looking or gangster/cool.

Edit-Sometimes people i see termed as "trolls" go around giving thumbs down becuz they get some sick enjoyment out of it.
Reply:i agree too because who are they to tell you what to think and how to think it...Im from texas also and of course im always giving my opinion and i don't care who likes it or not...thats just my view on the situation.
Reply:i agree

everyone has a right to their own opinion
Reply:Girl I know what u mean people are always thumbings me down because I put my opinion about the south all the time (of course I come from the south so I love it and will defend it to the END)!!! Or they will make a comment to make sure I notice they have a problem with the south I can't help my opinion. I feel you 100% how can a opinion be wrong? They should take that thumbs up and thumbs down crap off

Why do *some* black people think its okay to be racist??

This is not meant to be racist. I'm biracial (black/white)..btw...

Why do SOME black people think it's okay to be racist against white people? --I do stress the word 'SOME' for a reason, because I not implying that most, or all black people believe it's okay to be racist.

Why is it that some black people feel they can say whatever the want about white people, but it's NEVER appropriate for white people to say the even the slightest thing about black people?

Even if they say "Oh, black people have been degraded by white people for centuries because of slavery, segregation..etc.. so I have every right to say negative things about white people, because they've said and did negative things about my race for centuries...this and that..."

But slavery over with, you can't hold people accountable for mistakes of there ancestors..right?

Don't they realize it gives white people more of an opportunity to be racist back towards them?

Why do *some* black people think its okay to be racist??
Because *some* black people are stupid just like *some* people of all races are.

Black people think that because our ancestors have been oppressed for centuries that we're justified in being racist towards whites. I think that's ridiculous. I hold anger and hatred only towards the whites who participated in the oppression of blacks in the past. I have no problem with the whites of today (at least not the racist ones). My husband as well as my in-laws are white and we get along perfectly fine. I wish *some* black people would stop segregating themselves from white people. They're missing out on a helluva lot of cool peoples.
Reply:no...honestly i dont know what its a ll about..but i agree it makes them look bad to a certain degree. Im not a racist by any means...but dont people realize that when they complain about something that happened over 100 years ago, and not even to them, that it makes them look like a fool? Its pointless. Everyone in america has the same oppurtunities, they just present themselves in different ways. And i m sick of hearing its hard to get off the streets. Bc i already know that. It does enable others to engender racist bias' towards them. But black americans are not the only people who have had to live with slavery thru history. Nor were they the first slaves. There is no slavery now, nor will there ever be in this counry again so why cant we let it rest. I dont think a people can move forward until they let go of the past. Some have, and some havent. But as far as racism goes, it seems like anything someone says can be twisted into a racial comment and its unfair. It kind of seems like some people want to be able to cling to that. Anyways, this was an awesome question. And im sorry if i offended anyone, but hey..its just an opinion
Reply:What is your "white" Heritage? German, Italian, Russian, or other? What is your "black" Heritage? now dont just say African, in Africa they did and i think still do have tribes. You are more than just black/ white.
Reply:Sorry to say there are racists in every nationality. I agree that history should stay history. I would suggest to you that you do not become agry and judgemental yourself about this subject. Because that is what racism is. Judging, fearing, anger, hating. Do not let yourself slip into something you do not like yourself. I bet with your racial mixture you are probably a brunt of jealousy by others. Don't fall into their trap. Be yourself, and don't give them the time of day/
Reply:one word answer........IGNORANCE !.............
Reply:All your gonna do is get people mad at you.
Reply:Whites are always rude and racist FIRST we're just protecting ourselves. lol plus make fun of whites is FUNNY!

shoe parts

Where to meet decent people?

i want to meet new people but how..? :S

there isnt really much oppurtunity to.. i go out quite a bit but where can you actually meet decent people?

school - seen the same people for about 5 years.

town - *mostly* chavs/commoners there.

night clubs - *mostly* chavs/sl*ts/horny people, who forget people they were with the next morning.

gym - sweaty, smelly people. *mostly* fat people trying to loose weight or really c0cky, confident annoying people.

cinema - you dont really meet people..

restaurants - you dont really talk to people other than who you went with

INTERNET - people who add me are usually perves. ):

beach - only decent place.. but what about in the winter? like right now..

so yeah, how can we meet new people?

Where to meet decent people?
my thoughts exactly if you find out before me mail me please.. im haveing the same trouble..
Reply:God your not easy to please are you.Its whats on the inside that counts, may be you shouldn't generalise quite so much.Try the moon, plenty of space and very peaceful. Hope you find that perfect partner, if there is one.
Reply:Talk to the hand cause the face it listening!!
Reply:other planets
Reply:You don’t want to meet “common” people; or fat people (heaven forfend). You don’t want to meet confident people; you don’t want to meet people in restaurants; you don’t want to meet people online because you attract “pervs”.

So what is your definition of a “decent” person?

I would suggest that decent people do not have prejudices and enjoy meeting all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds: if you want to meet truly decent people maybe you need drop your preconceptions about human beings.
Reply:go to pubs etc or places where people like to socialise but arent necessarily looking for an easy lay?

I think you could also try places like bowling alleys, and social activity places like that as you will find "groups" of people, often go as a group and there are loads of people you can meet! you could maybe even see what they are like around their friends for example :) i dont know lol. Just an idea.

White people = evil?

Yeah, okay so there's alot of questions like this and alot of people out there that ask the same old question, but seriously. Who can agree with me that most (I'm not going to say all.) white folks are very evil when it comes to racial issues. YES! DON"T TELL ME THIS MOMBO JUMBO CRAP SAYING AREN'T ALL PEOPLE A LITTLE RACIST BEACAUSE OFCOURSE I KNOW THAT!! BUTTTT, YOU GUYS HAVE IT BAD! YES%26lt; YOU DO! (Again I don't mean this ALL white people but most of them I can tell by the way they think.) Why do you hate asians so much? And other races as well, you guys are evil! I'm asian and wow, you guys just aren't willing to accept anyone of anyother race. YES THIS AMERICA RUN BY WHITE PEOPLE. BUT we are all people guys don't understand the meaning of people, no? Asian girl and guy come here and you treat them like garbage. Plus we all know about black people and other races as well. Don't tell me any crap about "I wasn't involved with what my ancestors might have done." CRAP! What I'm complaining about

is how you all think nowadays! Yes today racism is living really bad! And plus I know there might be a FEW out there that aren't SO bad. Lol, I have yet to meet one! Hahahah you guys are so evil. Its funny at times though. Sad though.

You guys, I think, will always be evil! Evil white people. And I bet you all love it don't you? You don't care one bit. You love being evil. You love being white don't you? ;) Ofcourse you do. No one can touch that white man blood right? Beacause its so POWERFUL all races are inferior? Riiight.

White people = evil?
Aren't you being racist by generalizing white people? Someone can be racist against white people, and you just proved that yourself.
Reply:i do understand your feeling about whites.. they did so much stuff to other ppl of different race that is just crazy. But i don't think all white ppl are evil just some !! Report It

Reply:That whole mess of crap you just wasyed time typing is racist. To label any particular group of people, regardless what the label is, based on race, is RACIST! AND HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW HOW WHITE PEOPLE THINK? EVEN IF YOU ARE WHITE YOURSELF, YOU ONLY KNOW HOW YOU AND PEOPLE YOU KNOW REALLY WELL THINK, IF NOT-TELL ME WHAT I AM THINKING RIGHT NOW PSYCHIC *** HOLE!
Reply:My two best friends at DeVry were Asian. One was Korean and one was Chinese, and you know full well how they view each other.

Now the Vietnamese I cannot stand. They're filthy and disrespectful to any other ethnic group, and that is first hand experience. While working for Servicemaster, I spent 5 days in the hospital after cleaning up a house that the Hmongs had destroyed. I caught some sort of parasite/sickness and it wasn't fun. I've also had to chase Hmongs off of my private property in Wisconsin. No other Asian groups are that inconsiderate.

Nope, not lying to you. My wife is even part Japanese. I have no issue with Asians other than the Vietnamese/Hmongs.
Reply:Evil, yeah probably a little, just like everyone else on the planet.

I'm guessing you mean white Americans, because there are white people all over the world. Speaking as a White American, I didn't know I was supposed to hate Asian people. Sorry about that, I must have missed that at the last meeting.

On behalf of the White people of America, I would like to apologize for any bad treatment you have recieved from us. If I knew who did it I would talk to them about it (I actually would). It seems a shame that it has fueled a hatred in you. I am truly sorry for that.

I think the problem is more about Looking at people as "us and them", kind of the way you divided people into us and you in your statement. I wasn't raised that way, so that's not how I think. My friends don't think that way either (not even the asian ones).

I sincerely hope you get to meet one of us who is nice someday and get to realize (to paraphrase Dr King) That people should not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Reply:lol...... chill dude!

Now every racist on YA is going to start attacking blacks eh? lol!
Reply:Holy crap guy ... I've never seen a rant quite like yours before. Forget to take your pretty pink pill this morning? :(
Reply:Do i have to remind you all that white people are the ones who enslaved afircans for many years, almost exterminated European Jews, killed innocent japanese civillians by dropping atomic bombs, started both world war I and II, colonized African and asian countries many years ago?

They are evil and pathetic.
Reply:There is only one thing that can truly take away evil. The Blood of Jesus.

I Cr 13;8a
Reply:Yes, we are evil. We smell funny too. We sleep all day and at night we conduct black messes (er, Masses) We like to dance with sheep. We wear shoes that don't match when no one is looking. We also love to concoct phony questions on Yahoo to make other people look crazy. It was us who warned God about what would happen if he let you build that tower up to heaven, and us who convinced him that such a thing was possible. Yeah, that was a good one!

Honestly, you have much to be proud of in your blood line and your culture. Anyone who can't see that is simply ignorant and deserves compassion. I am reminded of the story of Soma the nun, who was meditating etc. when she was approached by Mara, who said something very insulting about the "two-inch" understanding available to women. Her reply was, "Any being who considers itself a man or a woman is worthy of being addressed by Mara."
Reply:why do you generalize? people are what they are. good and evil is subjective, not objective. it would be as if someone claimed all, well most, asians are evil. it's the same thing. people are good and evil, and their actions show which is the more prevalent for each individual. someone you claim to be evil, may, in fact and deed, be a very good person. you see only what you want to see. why not see each person as he/she is, and not the perceived generalization you claim is there?
Reply:yes some white people are very evil and pride themselves on it not all CHI im black that word coming from a fool like you doesnt offend me it shoes how desperate for attention you are and btw the word referes to a stupid person and that is exactly how ur behaviour is displaying u
Reply:I'm not racist against Asian's at all. Actually I love Asian's, most are smart and very hard working people. I just wish they could drive ha ha...just kidding............kinda.
Reply:Not all white people hate Asians. I don't and I'm white. I hope my

gay soul-mate is Asian! Or black!

There is a danger in making generalizations and that is exactly

what you are complaining about, no? Generalizations lead to stereotyping and racism or bigotry.

The second danger is that if you think white people are racist,

you will ATTRACT white racists to you. The book/and or

the DVD called "the Secret" tells you what you focus on, you create more of, so if you focus on war or even anti-war you

create more war. If you focus on peace instead---wiser choice!!!

I am a Nichiren Buddhist because it teaches the fundamental

equality of ALL people--everyone has a Buddha nature.

The teachings involve chanting to bring out that nature.

Some white people are indeed evil. Some of the people or aliens(?) that came out of the Caucus Mountains in

Slavic nations became what we call Nazis today, so yes, some

whites are indeed evil. But not all whites agree with the Nazi

propaganda. And to say well we love Bush or we'd overthrow

him, well you could say the same about IL Yong Kim of North

Korea or the current leaders of China Why don't those countries get rid of their evil leaders?

I applaud your passion for justice but question your assumptions.

And if you have had painful experiences, I am sorry for that also.

Gandhi said you should BE the change you want to see in society.

If you spew anger all the time, how is that gonna change anything? You may be right on everything you said, but would

you rather be right or happy? Use dialogue to open those

"racist" minds and see your concerns, your humanity.

Otherwise what good will you have done? Will anything change?
Reply:get a life
Reply:Yeah that's why every single year non-whites are literally risking their lives to emigrate to mostly white countries....
Reply:I think whites have to deal with more racists than Asians. It's always ok in America to bash white people, then it's semi-ok to bash Asian people, but touch any other race, and then you're racist.

American isn't run by white people. She's run by Jews. Jews aren't white. I don't see anything wrong with that though. I love Jews!... in a non-romantic way.
Reply:I will need to do more researches before I can give you a definite annswer
Reply:Well, since you've said most/some whites, I must give you a hefty AMEN.
Reply:Why r people so quick to claim a person is racist when they talk about the topic of race. We use the term racist so quick yet we never can quite grasp what that actually means. Cool your Asian, so am I but every race has its faults even ours. We can claim the White race as horribly bad since it is true that their race have created the most wars and death in the world. Enslaved and lynched Blacks, Barred Asians from coming to this country or sent mobs of people down to the local Chinatown to kill people. Hell California established March 4th as Anti-Chinese movement day. Hell the American Indians have almost no land of their own. I mean the list goes on.

The problem is that most Whites never really look at it that way. If they do they take it as face that racism is over. If it is so over then read some of these posts before and probably after mine that will contain some form of racial slur. Maybe its just a "joke" but then again those same slurs 50 years back was usually followed by the death of a minority. I take pride in being Asian yet I to am sometimes weary of just how Whites see me. I just wish that i could go through 1 day without thinking that i am somehow different then the Whites.

Fat people placed in their own group?

Do you think that over weight-fat people should be placed in their own "group" since 99% of over weight people are discriminated against and put through hate crimes and get rude remarks/ treated as 'Not Normal, Not Human, A waste of space."

Do you agree that fat people are discriminated against and are victums of hate more then gays, lesbiens, bi's, trangendereds, blacks, whites, reliogous and the handycap?

How many times in your life have you heard people making fun of a fat person? How many times have you made rude comments or put downs towards fat people?

Do you think you are BETTER then fat people? Do you think LESS of fat people? When will fat people have to no longer take the abuse they go through everyday? Would you HELP them fight for their rights as a human and to be treated equally?

Fat people placed in their own group?
hell no
Reply:Do you think that over weight-fat people should be placed in their own "group" - No

Do you agree that fat people are discriminated against and are victums of hate more then gays, lesbiens, bi's, trangendereds, blacks, whites, reliogous and the handycap? - No

How many times in your life have you heard people making fun of a fat person? - Alot . . mostly on TV (i.e. unrealistic)

How many times have you made rude comments or put downs towards fat people? - A few times. Usually ex-girlfriends. (i.e. I am not prejudice)

Do you think you are BETTER then fat people? - No

Do you think LESS of fat people? - No

When will fat people have to no longer take the abuse they go through everyday? - When skinny, white, black, ugly, and handicapped people don't

Would you HELP them fight for their rights as a human and to be treated equally? - They have lost no rights and they are treated equally.
Reply:I've been on both sides of this fence. Yes, heavy people are treated differently! Most of my life I've been "thin" and never really noticed how I was treated. Then I gained alot of weight. That's when I noticed how differently heavy people are treated. They are ignored, treated rudely, and passed over for even less attractive smaller people, not to mention how hard it is to find nice clothes. I can't tell you how many times I went home sad and weepy over this kind of treatment and had to take meds for depression even!! I have since lost the weight and I am now VERY conscience of how I relate to heavier lesson learned!!!
Reply:The discrimination occurs more often because it is socially acceptable to do it. It is not socially acceptable to insult someone because of their race, gender, sexuality, or religious persuasion, but fat people are fair game. People think it's okay to insult them because they look at the condition as self-inflicted, but they wouldn't think of talking the same way about someone who has lung cancer from smoking, AIDS, or skin cancer from indiscriminate tanning. It's not right, but it happens.
Reply:That last response is perfect. So stop complaining
Reply:I'm hungry.

Can't Blame White People !!!?

Looks like New Orleans is waking people

up. Bill Cosby is shaking their bed again.

"We Can't Blame White People"


"They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English. I can't even talk the way these people talk:

Why you ain't,

Where you is,

What he drive,

Where he stay,

Where he work,

Who you be...

And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. And then I heard the father talk.

Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth.

In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living. People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around.

The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal.

These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids. $500 sneakers for what? And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics. I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit.

Where were you when he was 2? Where were you when he was 12? Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol? And where is the father? Or who is his father?

People putting their clothes on backward: Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong?

People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn't that a sign of something? Or are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up? Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all type of needles [piercing] going through her body?

What part of Africa did this come from? We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a thing about Africa. With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap, and all of them are in jail.

Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem.

We have got to take the neighborhood back.

People used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands' -- or men or whatever you call them now. We have millionaire football players who cannot read.

We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs. We as black folks have to do a better job. Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us.

We have to start holding each other to a higher standard. We cannot blame the white people any longer."


Can't Blame White People !!!?
Clearly one of the few outspoken blacks that actually loves his people without hating mine. Amen a million times.
Reply:A lot of truth in there. Scary!!

Good joke, and thanks for passing it along.
Reply:ha ha dats funni
Reply:thats not funny thats not anything for the record.... I dont like it not offense here...
Reply:I'm confused. This isn't a joke or a riddle or a question. Why is it here?
Reply:I agreed with these statements back in 2004 when Cosby said them at the NAACP event. However, as true as they are, they do not render White America devoid of any responsibility for the initial cause of Black poverty in America. We, as Black people, do have to start holding each other to a higher standard; but that standard does not change the past nor does it erase the impact the past has made on our present.

Honestly, our greatest victory as a a country will truly come when we stop seeing other people (and stop being seen) as Black, White, Brown, Yellow, Red, etc... and respect each other as people. Whether someone is a decent person or an idiot isn't based on the color they are wrapped in. It's based on what the color is wrapped around.

Look around and you will see that each one of those statements fit people of every color. Cosby applied it to Black people because he was trying to fix his own community. Remove the reference to the Brown court case and all the Black/White labels and you could use the same to address any community. Especially in the U.S. His statements were not to say that only Blacks act that way but he was talking to Black people and he is a Black man.

Good topic. It isn't a question nor is it in the correct category, but it's a good topic.

Take care.
Reply:I can not see any humor in this. We all came from the same place, originally.

I started school in New Orleans in 1959. My Daddy was a brown 'Cajun, whose Mother was even more brown! We lived the struggle. I have seen the hatred, and we were not black. We were taken out of school, and shipped elsewhere, because our Mother was so fair, and our Father wasn't. A lot of us Coonies suffered the hate.

By Whites.

Not everyone has the opportunity to overcome poverty.
Reply:That is RACIST, INSULTING and TOTALLY DISGUSTING. You cant judge a person by the color of his skin. Loads od white ppl are criminals, use swear words and do everything said above. So what?? Should we blacklist them too?

Should we insult the whole community or race because of a few individuals.???
Reply:you said it sista ♥
Reply:Amen!! LOL
Reply:So this is a riddle? I have the solution. I didn't even look at your responses. I'm just answering.

You (should) blame the white people (and others) for owning the liquor stores on each corner of your neighborhoods.

You blame the white people for owning slaves, and allowing the dumb ones to reproduce, while the smart ones were beaten incessantly. The difference between a (I'll never use have to type this word again, if I'm lucky) bad *******, and a good *******, was, that the good one wasn't smart. They were treated like dogs, and bred like them. THIS IS THE REASON WHY THE AVERAGE IQ FOR AN AFRICAN-AMERICAN IS LOWER THAN FOR THE AVERAGE WHITE PERSON!!! And, yes, apparently, it's a fact. But I've just given you the reason why.

I (going back to your question) have two piercings, (most of my friends have many more) I have two tattoos, (most of my friends have many more), I wore my hat backwards tonight (with my hair, I look better that way). I know more white people than black, that wear their pants down around their @sses.

I know two doctors, that are married to each other, and have children, and are raising them very well, that are black. A family of four. I live in a mostly white community. I'm white.

The problem has always been the white people. The solution lies with the white people too. Either you quit hating, or you die hating.

Let me explain. The white people are the ones that are responsible for transplanting the black people here as slaves. 80% (this is a guess, not based on fact) of the black people in the U.S. are descended from slaves.

The white people are responsible for breeding black people to be someone who'd be subservient, and compliant about it (only dumb ones were allowed to reproduce).

The white people are (currently) responsible for not wanting to enter certain neighborhoods, and simply allowing black people to subsist on welfare, rather than making them work (like they do to the white people).

The white people are responsible for not wanting to enter certain neighborhoods to restore peace (the police).

The white people are responsible for holding the positions of power, and not allowing any African-Americans to achieve those positions...

There are STILL white people in government (Strom Thurmond) that are openly racist, and proud of it. And allowed to continue that way.

I could go on, but suffice it to say, any statistic you can throw at me, I can explain.

The white people have been the problem since the first white man laid eyes on the first African. It's been the white man's fault all this time, it's up to the white man to rectify the situation. If the white race can't fix their own mistakes, what good are we?

If you could get the leadership of the KKK in one room, with me, and me alone, for as long as it takes to debate the difference in skin color, to conclusion, without weapons, the KKK would disband the day after we got done talking about it. But, they wouldn't agree to the meeting. THEY KNOW THEY"RE WRONG! They don't care. Racism isn't bourne of fear of the unknown, like they try to explain away, it's bourne of hatred, and the rush you get from hating, whether right or wrong.

Black gangs have found a similar outlet, in hating other gangs. They use colors also. If I painted my face black and entered the wrong neighborhood wearing the wrong color bandana, I'd be killed before they noticed I had paint on my face. They also don't take the time to get to know you, they just hate you on sight. They're taking after white people. The problem is that black people get killed by both groups, and nobody's left to breed out the white race (one part of my solution).

Allow me to return to the solution: I said "quit hating or die hating". It sounds extreme. It's not that bad.

1) We teach diversity in our schools. Blacks are encouraged to enroll their children in predominantly white schools. Whites are not told about this. If, every year, children are taught that they were born equal, they will believe it. Racism is taught father to son. If all teachers counter this belief, racism will die with the last generation (like I said, die hating).

Black History month existed when I was in school. Living in a predominantly white community, I learned NOTHING about it. Neither has my daughter, even though there are... finally... blacks in our community.

2) People are encouraged, by the school system, if nothing else, to date interracially (hopefully at the high school/college level). If nothing else can solve the problem, breeding the white race into a minority may just do it.

3) Intellectuals, like myself (not to blow my own horn) offer anyone who claims to be knowledgable about the difference between the races, a debate to prove equality between the races. If they're dumb enough to take the bait, they WILL lose. I started an email debate with one, he just... stopped emailling me. I don't know why. Maybe it was because I convinced him, and he didn't want to stop hating.

4) The whites are charged with the damage done to the country's racial equality issue. It was caused by us, it's up to us to take care of our own. If we're the problem, we'd better be the ones to find the solution. Case closed.

I'm drunk right now, I'll be sober 24 hours from now, when I come back. I certainly hope you email me about this. I think we have something to talk about here. Maybe our own personal experiences differ, but I'd like to hear your take on things. Maybe when I'm more coherent, though.

Added: For the record, I'm glad you posted this here, because if you hadn't, I wouldn't have found it. Thank you for making me think, in my enebriated state. Pay no attention to the white person who feels she's done nothing to deserve the blame. Too many people these days think the future is not their responsibility.
Reply:It's sad to see black people complain that Bill Cosby said this rather than suck it up and admit that he's right. At what point can they start taking responsibility for the way they live their lives and stop blaming everyone else, not just white people, for their situation.
Reply:The "Answerer" may be a little young or a little foolish, but Bill Cosby may be the most un-racist person in this country. Perhaps my reverance of the Cos' may be because I was a grade schooler in the '80s. I got to his see his message to AMERICA, not a specific group. Of course, he portrayed a doctor (which he is in real life- although, not an ob/gyn) to encourage blacks, but also to also portray a real person in most of our lives- perhaps a little funnier, but a man.
Reply:what more can i say other than, he is right!

I'm sick of the black people trying to say it is our fault because of slavery and because of segregation etc.. ok.. I was not alive when this **** was happening! I didn't do it! don't blame me!

however I DO HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU... What about all of the white people who took runaway slaves into their homes, all along the "Underground Railroad"? do they suddenly not count because you want compensation?

Black Americans today have so many more opportunities than they let themselves realize, what is wrong with the masses that think they can go on blaming us forever, what about all of your advantages? The ***** College Fund.. where's my help to go to college, and it's not only white kids that get scholarships, its the people that do their friggin work to get out of highschool and go on to a better career!

no one owes you a f---ing thing!
Reply:can everybody just calm down! goodness! how old are we here, like 13 or 14 years old. why are we discussing this mess. lets get happy!!!! = ) if you people keep worrying and complaining like this, you are going to end up saggyand tired. and btw , i'm 12

shoe materials

People and their loved one in a nursing home?

people that put their loved ones in nurseing homes let me tell you something,first of all if your going to put them in there, then go see them often and never go at the same time ,and if there is something you dont like speak up and let the nursing home staff have it , but first find out whose fault it is. and this is for every body in every city big or little,but listen to this please, for those people that are in small cities who are still in school and really anywhere in your small towns alot of your CNA's are people who cant or dont want to go out of their town to find work are mostly the people who take care of your family member, so before you become a bully in your school or work place just remember who might be taking care of them or you later on.this is the truth. im not saying every cna is like this , iv worked in a nursing home and ive always had a heart for old people but ive worked with peoples grandparents, mothers, fathers ect... and so has other people who i know.

People and their loved one in a nursing home?
Thank you for the advice. I was fortunate enough to have a family member working in the nursing home facility that my grandfather went to.

Why are people so quick to condemn???

I cant help but notice that people are so full of hate these days.i have had a kinda dodgy past and i know if someone was understanding(which is how i got myself back on track in the end) it would of been so much easier but people just want to condemn people.its mad.say for instance say a killer goes to court people are all like hang the f**cker.let him burn in hell.i cant understand how someone is so against what he does yet they want worse to him.2 wrongs dont make a right in my does in some peoples eyes obviously.but if people were more understanding of peoples wrong doings(i dont mean killings)they would have a better chance of getting sorted out.condemning someone will only throw them in deeper into the water.say for instance an alcoholic who is by character good but has problems and gets in minor situations why are people so quick to condemn him.surely understanding and helping this man would be of more benefit to everyone.i just think people have too much hate in them

Why are people so quick to condemn???
I think for some people, it makes them feel like they are better

than the other person. Not willing to look at their own faults
Reply:Because they do not love others Unconditionally, but choose to love others With

Attachments. I'll explain. Please patiently read.

“LOVE vs. Attachment”

What in the world is the difference between loving a person and being attached to them ?

Love is the sincere wish for others to be happy, and to be free from suffering.

Having realistically recognized others' kindness as well as their faults, love is always focused on the other persons welfare. We have No ulterior motives to fulfull our self-interest, or to fulfill our desires; to love others simply because they exist.

Attachment, on the other hand, exaggertes others' good qualitities and makes us crave to be with them. When we're with them, we're happy, but when we're separated from them, we are often miserable. Attachment is linked with expectations of what others should be or do.

Is love as it is usually understood in our society

really love ? or attachment ? or even possibly for some, only lust.

Let us examine this a bit more. Generally we are attracted to people either because they have qualities we value or because they help us in some way. If we observe our own thought processes mindfully, and carefully - we'll notice that we look for specific qualities in others.

Some of these qualities we find attractive, others are those our parents, or society value.

We examine someone's looks, body, education,

financial situation, social status. This is how most of us decide on whether or not the person holds any true value to us.

In addition, we judge people as worthwhile according to how they relate to us. If they help us, praise us, make us feel secure, listen to what we have to say, care for us when we are sick or depressed, we consider them good people, and it is this type of people we are most likely to be more attracted to.

But this is very biased, for we judge them only in terms of how they relate to "us", as if we are the most important person in the world.

After we've judged certain people to be good for us, whenever we see them it appears to us as if goodness is coming from them, but if we are more aware, we recognize that we have projected this goodness onto them.

Desiring to be with the people alot who make us feel good, we become emotional yo-yo's -

when we're with these people, we're Up, when we're not with these people, we're Down.

Furthermore, we form fixed concepts of what our relationships with those people will be and thus have expectations of them. When they do not live up to our expectations of them, we're very disappointed, or may become angry !

We want them to change so that they will they will match what we think they are. But our projections and expectations come from our own minds, not from the other people.

Our problems arise not because others aren't

who we thought they we're, but because we mistakenly thought they were something they


Checklist: "I Love You if __________ "

What we call love is most often attachment.

It is actually a disturbing attitude that overestamates the qualities of another person.

We then cling to tightly to that person, thinking our happiness depends on that person.

"Love, on the other hand, is an open and very calm, relaxed attitude. We want someone to be happy, and free from suffering simply because they exist. While attachment is uncontrolled and much too sentimental, Love is direct and powerful. Attachment obscures our judgment and we become impatient, angry, and impartial, helping only our dear one's and harming those who we don't like. Love builds up others, and clarifies our minds, and we

access a situation by thinking of the greatest good for everyone. Attachment is based on

selfishness, while Love is founded upon cherishing others, even those who do not look very appealing to the eyes. Love looks beyond

all the superficial appearences, and dwells on the fact that they are just like us: they want inner peace, happiness, and want to avoid suffering. If we see unattractive, dirty, ignorant people, we feel repulsed because our selfish minds watn to know attractive, intellectual, clean, and talented people. Love, on the other hand, never evaluates others by these superficial standards and looks much deeper into the person. Love recognizes that regardless of the others' appearances, their experience is the same as ours: they seek inner peace, to be happy, to be free from sufferings, and to do their best to avoid problems.

When we're attached, we're not mentally and emotionally free. We overly depend on and cling to another person to fulfill our mental and especially our emotional needs. We fear losing the person, feeling we'd be incomplete without him.

This does not mean that we should suppress our emotional needs or become aloof, alone and totally independent, for that too does not solve the problem. We must simply realize our unrealistic needs, and slowly seek to eliminate them. Some emotional needs may be so strong that they can't be dissolved immediately.

If we try to suppress them or pretend they do not exist, we become anxious, insecure, falling into a depression. In this case, we can do our best to fulfill our needs while simultaneously working gradually to subdue them.

"The core problem is we seek to be loved, rather than to love. We yearn to be understood by others rather than to understand them. In all honesty, our sense of emotional insecurities comes from the selfishness obscuring our own

minds. 'We can develop self-confidence by recognizing our inner potential to become a selfless human being with many, many magnificient qualities, then we'll develop a true and accurate feeling of self-confidence. And

then we'll seek to increase true love, without attachments, to increase compassion, to cultivate patience and understanding, as well as generousity, concentration and wisdom.'

'Under the influence of attachment we're bound by our emotional reactions to others. When they are nice to us, we're happy. When they ignore us, or speak sharply to us, we take it personally and are unhappy. But pasifying attachment doesn't mean we become hard-hearted. Rather, without attachment there will be space in our hearts and minds for genuine Affection and Impartial Love for them.

We'll be actively involved with them.

If we learn to subdue our attachments, we can most definately have successful friendships and personal relationships with others !! These relationships will be richer because of the freedom and respect - the relationships will be based on. We'll care about the happiness and the misery of all human beings equally, simply because everyone is the same in wanting and needing inner peace, happiness, and not wanting to suffer. However, our lifestyles and interests may be more compatible with those of some people more so than with others, and that is alright. In any case, our relationships will be based on mutual Love, mutual interests, and the wish to help each other in life.

Can't Blame White People !!!?

Looks like New Orleans is waking people

up. Bill Cosby is shaking their bed again.

"We Can't Blame White People"


"They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English. I can't even talk the way these people talk:

Why you ain't,

Where you is,

What he drive,

Where he stay,

Where he work,

Who you be...

And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. And then I heard the father talk.

Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth.

In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living. People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around.

The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal.

These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids. $500 sneakers for what? And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics. I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit.

Where were you when he was 2? Where were you when he was 12? Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol? And where is the father? Or who is his father?

People putting their clothes on backward: Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong?

People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn't that a sign of something? Or are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up? Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all type of needles [piercing] going through her body?

What part of Africa did this come from? We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a thing about Africa. With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap, and all of them are in jail.

Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem.

We have got to take the neighborhood back.

People used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands' -- or men or whatever you call them now. We have millionaire football players who cannot read.

We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs. We as black folks have to do a better job. Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us.

We have to start holding each other to a higher standard. We cannot blame the white people any longer."


Can't Blame White People !!!?
Clearly one of the few outspoken blacks that actually loves his people without hating mine. Amen a million times.
Reply:A lot of truth in there. Scary!!

Good joke, and thanks for passing it along.
Reply:ha ha dats funni
Reply:thats not funny thats not anything for the record.... I dont like it not offense here...
Reply:I'm confused. This isn't a joke or a riddle or a question. Why is it here?
Reply:I agreed with these statements back in 2004 when Cosby said them at the NAACP event. However, as true as they are, they do not render White America devoid of any responsibility for the initial cause of Black poverty in America. We, as Black people, do have to start holding each other to a higher standard; but that standard does not change the past nor does it erase the impact the past has made on our present.

Honestly, our greatest victory as a a country will truly come when we stop seeing other people (and stop being seen) as Black, White, Brown, Yellow, Red, etc... and respect each other as people. Whether someone is a decent person or an idiot isn't based on the color they are wrapped in. It's based on what the color is wrapped around.

Look around and you will see that each one of those statements fit people of every color. Cosby applied it to Black people because he was trying to fix his own community. Remove the reference to the Brown court case and all the Black/White labels and you could use the same to address any community. Especially in the U.S. His statements were not to say that only Blacks act that way but he was talking to Black people and he is a Black man.

Good topic. It isn't a question nor is it in the correct category, but it's a good topic.

Take care.
Reply:I can not see any humor in this. We all came from the same place, originally.

I started school in New Orleans in 1959. My Daddy was a brown 'Cajun, whose Mother was even more brown! We lived the struggle. I have seen the hatred, and we were not black. We were taken out of school, and shipped elsewhere, because our Mother was so fair, and our Father wasn't. A lot of us Coonies suffered the hate.

By Whites.

Not everyone has the opportunity to overcome poverty.
Reply:That is RACIST, INSULTING and TOTALLY DISGUSTING. You cant judge a person by the color of his skin. Loads od white ppl are criminals, use swear words and do everything said above. So what?? Should we blacklist them too?

Should we insult the whole community or race because of a few individuals.???
Reply:you said it sista ♥
Reply:Amen!! LOL
Reply:So this is a riddle? I have the solution. I didn't even look at your responses. I'm just answering.

You (should) blame the white people (and others) for owning the liquor stores on each corner of your neighborhoods.

You blame the white people for owning slaves, and allowing the dumb ones to reproduce, while the smart ones were beaten incessantly. The difference between a (I'll never use have to type this word again, if I'm lucky) bad *******, and a good *******, was, that the good one wasn't smart. They were treated like dogs, and bred like them. THIS IS THE REASON WHY THE AVERAGE IQ FOR AN AFRICAN-AMERICAN IS LOWER THAN FOR THE AVERAGE WHITE PERSON!!! And, yes, apparently, it's a fact. But I've just given you the reason why.

I (going back to your question) have two piercings, (most of my friends have many more) I have two tattoos, (most of my friends have many more), I wore my hat backwards tonight (with my hair, I look better that way). I know more white people than black, that wear their pants down around their @sses.

I know two doctors, that are married to each other, and have children, and are raising them very well, that are black. A family of four. I live in a mostly white community. I'm white.

The problem has always been the white people. The solution lies with the white people too. Either you quit hating, or you die hating.

Let me explain. The white people are the ones that are responsible for transplanting the black people here as slaves. 80% (this is a guess, not based on fact) of the black people in the U.S. are descended from slaves.

The white people are responsible for breeding black people to be someone who'd be subservient, and compliant about it (only dumb ones were allowed to reproduce).

The white people are (currently) responsible for not wanting to enter certain neighborhoods, and simply allowing black people to subsist on welfare, rather than making them work (like they do to the white people).

The white people are responsible for not wanting to enter certain neighborhoods to restore peace (the police).

The white people are responsible for holding the positions of power, and not allowing any African-Americans to achieve those positions...

There are STILL white people in government (Strom Thurmond) that are openly racist, and proud of it. And allowed to continue that way.

I could go on, but suffice it to say, any statistic you can throw at me, I can explain.

The white people have been the problem since the first white man laid eyes on the first African. It's been the white man's fault all this time, it's up to the white man to rectify the situation. If the white race can't fix their own mistakes, what good are we?

If you could get the leadership of the KKK in one room, with me, and me alone, for as long as it takes to debate the difference in skin color, to conclusion, without weapons, the KKK would disband the day after we got done talking about it. But, they wouldn't agree to the meeting. THEY KNOW THEY"RE WRONG! They don't care. Racism isn't bourne of fear of the unknown, like they try to explain away, it's bourne of hatred, and the rush you get from hating, whether right or wrong.

Black gangs have found a similar outlet, in hating other gangs. They use colors also. If I painted my face black and entered the wrong neighborhood wearing the wrong color bandana, I'd be killed before they noticed I had paint on my face. They also don't take the time to get to know you, they just hate you on sight. They're taking after white people. The problem is that black people get killed by both groups, and nobody's left to breed out the white race (one part of my solution).

Allow me to return to the solution: I said "quit hating or die hating". It sounds extreme. It's not that bad.

1) We teach diversity in our schools. Blacks are encouraged to enroll their children in predominantly white schools. Whites are not told about this. If, every year, children are taught that they were born equal, they will believe it. Racism is taught father to son. If all teachers counter this belief, racism will die with the last generation (like I said, die hating).

Black History month existed when I was in school. Living in a predominantly white community, I learned NOTHING about it. Neither has my daughter, even though there are... finally... blacks in our community.

2) People are encouraged, by the school system, if nothing else, to date interracially (hopefully at the high school/college level). If nothing else can solve the problem, breeding the white race into a minority may just do it.

3) Intellectuals, like myself (not to blow my own horn) offer anyone who claims to be knowledgable about the difference between the races, a debate to prove equality between the races. If they're dumb enough to take the bait, they WILL lose. I started an email debate with one, he just... stopped emailling me. I don't know why. Maybe it was because I convinced him, and he didn't want to stop hating.

4) The whites are charged with the damage done to the country's racial equality issue. It was caused by us, it's up to us to take care of our own. If we're the problem, we'd better be the ones to find the solution. Case closed.

I'm drunk right now, I'll be sober 24 hours from now, when I come back. I certainly hope you email me about this. I think we have something to talk about here. Maybe our own personal experiences differ, but I'd like to hear your take on things. Maybe when I'm more coherent, though.

Added: For the record, I'm glad you posted this here, because if you hadn't, I wouldn't have found it. Thank you for making me think, in my enebriated state. Pay no attention to the white person who feels she's done nothing to deserve the blame. Too many people these days think the future is not their responsibility.
Reply:It's sad to see black people complain that Bill Cosby said this rather than suck it up and admit that he's right. At what point can they start taking responsibility for the way they live their lives and stop blaming everyone else, not just white people, for their situation.
Reply:The "Answerer" may be a little young or a little foolish, but Bill Cosby may be the most un-racist person in this country. Perhaps my reverance of the Cos' may be because I was a grade schooler in the '80s. I got to his see his message to AMERICA, not a specific group. Of course, he portrayed a doctor (which he is in real life- although, not an ob/gyn) to encourage blacks, but also to also portray a real person in most of our lives- perhaps a little funnier, but a man.
Reply:what more can i say other than, he is right!

I'm sick of the black people trying to say it is our fault because of slavery and because of segregation etc.. ok.. I was not alive when this **** was happening! I didn't do it! don't blame me!

however I DO HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU... What about all of the white people who took runaway slaves into their homes, all along the "Underground Railroad"? do they suddenly not count because you want compensation?

Black Americans today have so many more opportunities than they let themselves realize, what is wrong with the masses that think they can go on blaming us forever, what about all of your advantages? The ***** College Fund.. where's my help to go to college, and it's not only white kids that get scholarships, its the people that do their friggin work to get out of highschool and go on to a better career!

no one owes you a f---ing thing!
Reply:can everybody just calm down! goodness! how old are we here, like 13 or 14 years old. why are we discussing this mess. lets get happy!!!! = ) if you people keep worrying and complaining like this, you are going to end up saggyand tired. and btw , i'm 12

Why do *some* black people think its okay to be racist??

This is not meant to be racist. I'm biracial (black/white)..btw...

Why do SOME black people think it's okay to be racist against white people? --I do stress the word 'SOME' for a reason, because I not implying that most, or all black people believe it's okay to be racist.

Why is it that some black people feel they can say whatever the want about white people, but it's NEVER appropriate for white people to say the even the slightest thing about black people?

Even if they say "Oh, black people have been degraded by white people for centuries because of slavery, segregation..etc.. so I have every right to say negative things about white people, because they've said and did negative things about my race for centuries...this and that..."

But slavery over with, you can't hold people accountable for mistakes of there ancestors..right?

Don't they realize it gives white people more of an opportunity to be racist back towards them?

Why do *some* black people think its okay to be racist??
Because *some* black people are stupid just like *some* people of all races are.

Black people think that because our ancestors have been oppressed for centuries that we're justified in being racist towards whites. I think that's ridiculous. I hold anger and hatred only towards the whites who participated in the oppression of blacks in the past. I have no problem with the whites of today (at least not the racist ones). My husband as well as my in-laws are white and we get along perfectly fine. I wish *some* black people would stop segregating themselves from white people. They're missing out on a helluva lot of cool peoples.
Reply:no...honestly i dont know what its a ll about..but i agree it makes them look bad to a certain degree. Im not a racist by any means...but dont people realize that when they complain about something that happened over 100 years ago, and not even to them, that it makes them look like a fool? Its pointless. Everyone in america has the same oppurtunities, they just present themselves in different ways. And i m sick of hearing its hard to get off the streets. Bc i already know that. It does enable others to engender racist bias' towards them. But black americans are not the only people who have had to live with slavery thru history. Nor were they the first slaves. There is no slavery now, nor will there ever be in this counry again so why cant we let it rest. I dont think a people can move forward until they let go of the past. Some have, and some havent. But as far as racism goes, it seems like anything someone says can be twisted into a racial comment and its unfair. It kind of seems like some people want to be able to cling to that. Anyways, this was an awesome question. And im sorry if i offended anyone, but hey..its just an opinion
Reply:What is your "white" Heritage? German, Italian, Russian, or other? What is your "black" Heritage? now dont just say African, in Africa they did and i think still do have tribes. You are more than just black/ white.
Reply:Sorry to say there are racists in every nationality. I agree that history should stay history. I would suggest to you that you do not become agry and judgemental yourself about this subject. Because that is what racism is. Judging, fearing, anger, hating. Do not let yourself slip into something you do not like yourself. I bet with your racial mixture you are probably a brunt of jealousy by others. Don't fall into their trap. Be yourself, and don't give them the time of day/
Reply:one word answer........IGNORANCE !.............
Reply:All your gonna do is get people mad at you.
Reply:Whites are always rude and racist FIRST we're just protecting ourselves. lol plus make fun of whites is FUNNY!

climbing shoes

Why do people talk down on people about the way they live their lives?

I just found out that Jamie Lynn Spears is expecting a baby and while that isn't the best position to be in at only sixteen years old (with this hypocritical and judgmental society we live in) there are millions of other teenage girls out there who have been there and done that and she can more than afford to take it on.I get tired of people bashing these celebs for being human!The girl had sex for goodness sake , who hasn't?! How do you think any of us got here? It's not a bad thing that she should be ridiculed for and made to feel ashamed of.Everyone needs to live their lives the best they know how and stop trying to bring other people down because we all have enough issues as it is.Some people say that people should be married to have kids but that's looking at it from a biased religious point of view there are millions of people that aren't "Christians" and i am sick of people using their religion to condemn other people.Use your mouth to uplift other people for once.

Why do people talk down on people about the way they live their lives?
Her case is a little different from a normal teenage girl for the simple fact yeah she is 16, but in the world of show business she is probably mature for her age considering all the things child stars go through. I for one will not criticize her or do I feel bad about her situation, she unlike the million s of other teenage mothers can afford to have a baby, so I doubt that child will ever go without.
Reply:All I have to say is, at least she is taking responsibility for her actions. She had sex, she got pregnant, she's keeping the baby, and I give her a lot of credit for that. She could very well have chosen to terminate the pregnancy, but she's taking responsibility, which is something a lot of girls don't have the courage to do!
Reply:everybody is entitled to their opinions whether they are christian or not. when you are a celebrity, your buisness is thrown into the public nationwide. it happens all the time, OH WOW WEEE!

we are always going to have people talking down on each other as long as the human race still stands. soon there will be some other celebrity who will be worse then Jamie.
Reply:I too think its mean that they are singling out Jamie Spears for being pregnant when lots of other girls are also pregnant; however, pregnancy and sex in teens so early can't just be thrown around so lightly as it is nowadays (at least in my opinion it shouldn't be). Having a child is a BIG THING. Deciding to have an abortion is a BIG THING. So getting pregnant will probably lead you to one of those two paths, both which are BIG THINGS. I also agree that religion shouldn't be used to condemn people to the extent that it does now - but I DO think that we have to ask ourselves and question our morals: is teenage sex and teenage pregnancy something that should be taken lightly? We can't really say yes to that question. Its unfair though to act like Jamie Spears is the only one (although I hear she is keeping the child which I'm actually surprised and sort of "proud" of her to do).
Reply:Unfortunately, she has an older sister who worked for Disney, jumped a public career and never took time off to be a kid.

Lynne Spears was going to have a book and encouraged Jamie to follow in Brittney's footsteps...Arrrgh!

I'm sure Mom and Dad had benefits from the "cash cow". I'll bet poor Brittney wanted a family. These girls are having children to give themselves what they never had: family.

It's sad and they should be left alone.

Why are people still racist?

I think Racism is VERY stupid and racist people will NEVER have their way. Most racist people are white and the racist ones always make bad points about black people, hispanics and asians. Its a shame that people are like this. I have friends of every race and culture. I dont mind where they came from at all. But i get most upset when I hear white people talk about blacks. About how they should go back to Africa. Are you kidding me? Most black people don't even have direct desendant to people in Africa, some blacks are people from latin america or the carribean. Also it bothers me that whites don't accept mixed children/people. Why not? Dont you always hear whites say that they are mixed with irish,german etc. So what's the problem with a black and spanish or black and white baby? They make fun of asians also. I always hear that they hate their chinky eyes. But I think it's beautiful. Mexicans should be able to come to this country too!

Why are people still racist?
Did something prompt this rant?

Although I do agree.
Reply:because people hold grudges and associate one person with an entire race
Reply:I believe it's impossible to be racist when someone has a healthy level of self-esteem. When you feel good about yourself, you also feel good about others, in that you look for the positives in others, not the negatives.

Racism is just another form of hatred. I believe racism is also associated with feelings of envy. For the person who feels inferior, the # 1 way they deal with those feelings of inferiority is to hate the person they envy. The only way they can elevate themselves is to attempt to diminish others. What a pitiful way to go through life.
Reply:Cause, they were brought up that way.

or lived in a community with only there race.

Sometimes its by choice, And most of the time there parents tell them these horrible things about different races that stick in there head for the rest of there lives.
Reply:All races... were born with it. It will never go away. Yeah it suck s but deal with it. We all gotta live with it.
Reply:Lots of white Americans conveniently forget what is located in their OWN family trees. The racist people seem to need someone to hate so they can feel stronger in unity with others against something. It's disgusting and it is STUPID, like you said. I don't understand why people have to hate each other for something that is not important. If they were going to hate, why not hate bad actions, not whole groups of people who've done nothing to deserve it?
Reply:people will always be stupid......bk
Reply:Simply, yet sadly because people of today's society are just so damn ignorant. Most, if not all of them have NO idea at all what they are talking about. It could easily be stopped if people just grew up and looked past skin color and ethnicity, the world would be such a better place. Sad thing is that's only one of the problems with today's screwed up society.
Reply:I think this is a question you would have to ask that individual person when you hear them being racist. I can't speak for other people.
Reply:Because they're ignorant.

Also, Mexicans coming to this country has nothing to do with racism. It has to do with legally being born in this country and paying taxes.
Reply:Some people dont even know that they are racist or have said a racial comment on a person

you come off as racist my dear....
Reply:It is NOT right, but it is natural for all of us to be that way. All of us have preconceived notions on things. Very few are prejudice-free, even those who say they are.

-someone above me said that there is no racism in urban areas!? Is she kidding? Racism is everywhere!
Reply:Their parents taught them and they'll teach their kids and so on.
Reply:**** them ******

lol jk
Reply:People are still racist because they are ignorant, judgemental, stereotypical and intolerant of other people. I agree, being racist is a waste of time and energy, although i too am not being preujiced towards white people, of course anyone of any race can be racist to another. The best thing to do with racists is to either ignore them or stand up to them in defence of others.

As Pocahontas sung:

You think the only people who are people. are the people that look and think like you....


quit stressing about it! theres not much you can do about it, mate!
Reply:Let me tell you something hunny.

I know it sucks, but unfortunately a LOT of people is like that, and in my opinion, that's terrible.

Racism is a derivation of Discrimination, well, they go together. And unfortunately it's hard to change that. It's possible, but it's up to each of us to change that.

If we don't want a world with racism or discrimination anymore, then we have to change starting with us.

And unfortunately there is something stupid named Border, and this also causes racism and stuff like that.

In my opinion, we just need to respect each other no matter what (unless that a guy tries to steal u, rape u or kill u, then u can say **** of him and kick his *** hehe). We need to slove this big problem which is named "DISCRIMINATION" once and for all.
Reply:the only answer to this question is ignorance, some racists claim to be intelligent because they are lawyers or doctors, going to college does not make you smart, knowing how to use your knowledge does, it's one thing to have book sense, another to have common sense...
Reply:I hate racist people too, good thing I'm not racist. I have morals.
Reply:You're an idiot.
Reply:There are also black racist, Asian racist, and Hispanic racist. Its so sad how you guys always associate the word racist with white.
Reply:yeah, why are they?
Reply:move to an urban area...racism is sooooooooooo 2 decades ago....cities are classist judge u by yer $$...not the color of yer skin :)
Reply:People are still racist, because the were raised a certain way. It's not their fault really. They just need to meet some people who can show them that not everyone fits into one category of human. They were all have our own special quirks. It'll never happen in our lifetime, but we can all dream.
Reply:I grew up during the civil rights era, and it is now as it was then my friend, one word: ignorance.
Reply:Omg ur a great person. nd ur right.
Reply:I read your question twice. You seem to be prejudiced against white people.
Reply:This has been a hard question for me too, for at age 56 I find friends who think like this. I have decided that people are either narrow minded or open minded to degrees. I think it might be inherited, a way of thinking and narrow minded tend to stick only with "birds of a feather flock together" or extended families where they all believe the same thing. Non-open minded people have confused me all my life, but now that I have studied the Myers Briggs personality types a lot, I can see that narrow mindedness causes so much problem. It is as "stupid" as me saying "Red is the best color in everything" How dumb, but I believe narrow minded people think this way and hang around only those who agree with them.
Reply:i totally agree. im black and spanish and alot of spanish people i meet don't like that. i think alot of people are afraid that all these mixes will somehow dilute their race. its completely retarded and is an uneducated view, but people are very set in their ways and are often afraid of change. the only thing we can do is teach the next generation to be open minded. Or maybe start a revolution!
Reply:I think racism is caused by ignorance and fear of what they don't know....

Anyone should be able to come into America, as long as they do it LEGALLY.

People and their loved one in a nursing home?

people that put their loved ones in nurseing homes let me tell you something,first of all if your going to put them in there, then go see them often and never go at the same time ,and if there is something you dont like speak up and let the nursing home staff have it , but first find out whose fault it is. and this is for every body in every city big or little,but listen to this please, for those people that are in small cities who are still in school and really anywhere in your small towns alot of your CNA's are people who cant or dont want to go out of their town to find work are mostly the people who take care of your family member, so before you become a bully in your school or work place just remember who might be taking care of them or you later on.this is the truth. im not saying every cna is like this , iv worked in a nursing home and ive always had a heart for old people but ive worked with peoples grandparents, mothers, fathers ect... and so has other people who i know.

People and their loved one in a nursing home?
Thank you for the advice. I was fortunate enough to have a family member working in the nursing home facility that my grandfather went to.

Do white people owe black people anything?

I still cant understand why the hell white people are racist after 400 years of Evil - a whole race of people being EVIL toward another race. Millions died in the most Evil ways for over 400 years... I mean: four HUNDRED years... Come on man, thats a damn long time!! Imagine what that means to modern black people with names like 'THOMAS'... that ain't a damn black name.. come on , white people! I love all people, but god damn, how can you guys still sit down in front of your TVs every night and not do anything to help a race of people that you have damn near destroyed... OK, CALM DOWN, I know it's not you personally the facts are that black people are still suffering the effects of 400 years of slavery and all the responsible white people are dead or dying then I'm sorry man but surely someone, somewhere has to shoulder some kind of responsibility - even if it is just to stop the racism (some blatant, some more subtle) that is found in all four corners of the press %26amp; daily society?

Do white people owe black people anything?
Black people today are not feeling the effects of what happened during their Grandfathers era. There are more social programs from minorities than there are for White Men. Black have more opportunity for advancement and more opportunity to attend college than most white people. Look at the scholarships available today, most are for minorities or gays. I am not holding the Black Man down, I do not owe anybody anything. There is no free lunch, go out and work and make yourself better. Don't expect me to help, but I won't stand in your way neither.
Reply:This is nothing we are proud of. Its a part of history we had no hand in. But I seriously cant understand what we are supposed to do to make it up to the black american of today, except maybe pay for you to be brought back to your original land, and honestly, do you want that?

I hate the fact that we, white americans, are taking all the blame for this. If you want to relive the history of it, go back all the way to where it started and who started it. It wasnt right, but its not fair to blame one group for all of it.

Slaves in Babylon: 18th century BC

Slaves in Greece: from the 7th century BC

Both the leading states of Greece - Sparta and Athens - depend entirely upon forced labour, though the system in Sparta is more properly described as serfdom rather than slavery. The first civilization in which we know a great deal about the role of slaves is that of ancient Greece.

Slaves in Rome: from the second century BC

In the two centuries before the beginning of the empire (the last two centuries BC) slaves are employed by Romans more widely than ever before and probably with greater brutality.

Slaves in the Middle Ages: 6th - 15th century AD

In the period after the collapse of the Roman empire in the west, slavery continues in the countries around the Mediterranean. More than anywhere else, the Mediterranean provides the geographical and economic environment to encourage a slave trade.

During the eastward expansion of the Germans in the 10th century so many Slavs are captured that their racial name becomes the generic term for a 'slave'. At the same period the delivery of slaves to the Black Sea region is an important part of the early economy of Russia.

South of the Mediterranean, the dynasties of Arabs along the coast stimulate an African slave trade. The town of Zawila develops in the Sahara in about AD 700 specifically as a trading station for slaves.

The Portuguese slave trade: 15th - 17th century AD

The Portuguese expeditions of the 15th century bring European ships for the first time into regular contact with sub-Saharan Africa. This region has long been the source of slaves for the route through the Sahara to the Mediterranean. The Portuguese enforce a monopoly of the transport of African slaves to their own colony of Brazil.

By the 18th century the majority of the ships carrying out this appalling commerce are British. They waste no part of their journey, having evolved the procedure known as the triangular trade.

Triangular trade: 18th century AD

Ships depart from Liverpool or Bristol with items in demand in west Africa - these include firearms, alcohol (particularly rum), cotton goods, metal trinkets and beads. The goods are eagerly awaited by traders in ports around the Gulf of Guinea. These traders have slaves on offer, captured in the African interior and now awaiting transport to America.
Reply:I'm white, I don't feel I owe anything to anyone because of what my ancestors choose to do. I don't feel that I am racist, but I do see many people of different races doing the sterotypical things that almost define the sterotypes. I wish the whole race issues would go away, but I think blacks are just as much to blame for keeping the problem alive as whites are. What kind of help are you looking for anyway. How does the persecuation of your ancestors affect you now anyways.
Reply:well, slavery was race-blind for pretty much all of human history until the 18th century when a few whites began selectively enslaving large numbers of africans. throughout antiquity whites enslaved whites, africans enslaved fellow africans, asians enslaved asians, etc. slavery is bad, we all agree. but owing people for the transgressions of previous generations when the world was dramatically different is a cycle that once initiated, won't end. best to appreciate that living in a modern, first world country sure beats living in a third world hell. God works in mysterious ways
Reply:white people dont really owe black people anything. slavery was abolished 200 years ago and theres not much elsewhite people can do- there is afirmative action in the US but it still does'nt really help considering there are a lot of black people , as you said, "suffering the effects" buy not of slavery of racism. the only thing that white people can do is not be racist which is apparently beyond many white people.
Reply:can i just say get over yourself i am not a racist person but your just trying to be a pain and making a big deal out of something that happened years and years ago

yes it was bad yes no one is proud of it but in the end what's done is done anyway look at what good has come of it we are all learning to all get along and racism has cut down a hell of alot so just be glad that slavary has cut down alot
Reply:Your a mongo sunshine.
Reply:I don't feel that white people owe black people anything. Though I will say it seems that black people seem to get alot more help than white people do. If white people owe anyone it should be Native American Indians. Not black people. I am so sick of hearing black people whining about slavery. That was many, many years ago. And those that are whining about it weren't even around for slavery.
Reply:im black and you are very racist there are many black people like you blame the white men for everything. black people did not only go through races issues
Reply:I wasn´t there and had nothing to do with any racist stuff.

with out the white man the blacks would still be living in caves eating bugs, shaggging monkeys and chasing gazelles. In fact they would probably be exstinkt because of AIDS.
Reply:I have come to find out that the older generation of black people that were alive during the times that they couldn't eat with whites or drink out of the same water fountains do not seem to hold a grudge towards white people. They are some of the most kind-hearted people you will ever meet. Although, the younger generation that has always had rights and never been discriminated against are the ones that want to blame white people who were not even born in that time either. My theory on this is the black history month and all of the crap they are hearing in history class just elevates the hatred towards the white race and society should just quit making a big deal out of it because it's OVER AND DONE WITH and nobody can change the past so just GET OVER IT!
Reply:What's next? Are we going to have to apologize for the Crusades? We are a blame based society and it's sad really. It encourages people to see themselves as victims and rewards them for it.
Reply:wow....although there is some truth in what you are saying, but it doesn't sound like you love all people to me.

Focus on loving yourself first, loving your fellow black man second and then you can develop a forgiving heart for the so called "wrongs" of white folks.
Reply:They did ONCE---but we've WAY overpaid!
Reply:Anybody can be racist not just "white people."We are all the same whether were black, white, Mexican,or any other race.I do agree that we should payback black people for what we have done in the past too.To give them respect they deserve and treat everybody the same way also.
Reply:WHats done is done - sounds to me like you've got a chip on your shoulder about something long gone and which we can do nothing to change. If people are gonna dwell on the past like you - we will never be rid of racism xx
Reply:black people are more racists to one another then white are to black. black tribes were enslaving other black tribes before we even got there. and Finlay did we ask them to come to this country and bomb our trains and buses or to be the main people who cause crime? no and everything iv said is fact
Reply:Yes, it was horrific what was done to them. But look what they have overcome. They have the same rights as I do, and opportunities to live their live the same way that I do and I do not consider myself superior to them. To me, the only difference between me and them is skin color. I am not a racist and one of the things that can piss me off more than anything is to hear someone disrespect them by calling them that vile n word. I wish the racism would stop also, but the racism occurs not only with white people but with any type of race out there. I do not judge anyone based upon the color of their skin, but upon what kind of person the individual is and what kind of attitude they have. Therefore, I do not think that I owe them anything except for respect.
Reply:I support your anti-racist views and I understand the evils of slavery. I think you are right to ask for some kind of apology. The slave trade was (and still is) totally wrong and inhuman. Most sane and reasonable should agree about that. I have no idea if any of my ancestors were involved in the trade, but I'm genuinely sorry that the slave trade happened.

As a general statement, do white people owe black people anything? If you mean financial, then no, I don't think so. If we just take the UK and British Empire. The world view was different at the time, with Africans very firmly at the base of the hierarchy. If compensation was going, yes, the Africans would be the first in line. After that though, who would be next? Many thousands of white people, British subjects were sold into a form of slavery called indentured servitude. This happen to people in debt or even prisoners of war during the English civil war. So, are their descendants to be traced and compensated? What about the treatment of the Irish Catholics, the million and a half that died during the Great Potato Famine of the 1840s, and the other million or so that was forced to emigrate? What about the Highland Clearances? Then let’s take the rest of the Empire into consideration. India and Pakistan? Palestine and Israel?

The point is, not where compensation starts. Where does it end? The British Empire did many ugly things to both its own people and to people from all around the world.

The duty of people is to realise that we are here, now. Let's do what we can to alleviate poverty and environmental degradation on this very small planet of ours. The sooner everybody realises that there is only one race: the human race, the better off we all shall be.
Reply:In all those 400 years you speak of, there were fewer black people killed than the number of white people killed by black people in one year.

You're still looking to white people to solve your problem. If black people ever get the courage to condemn their own people for their uncivilized behavior, the racial problem will disappear overnight.

It's not their skin color. It's their uncivilized behavior that people resent; and it's not only white people who resent them, it's most other races.

Why do black people pretend that it's only white people who are prejudiced against them, when most other races don't even pretend not to be prejudiced against them?

I lived among black people for many years and found them to be the most prejudiced people I have ever met.
Reply:Wow! I can't believe I am even answering this.

I am white, and I owe nothing to the black race. I am not racist. I regret any oppression that has happend to blacks, but I didn't cause or execute it, and never would. I do think of them as equals, and have many wonderful friends who are black. The ones that I know are quite smart, and have never mentioned that I owe them anything.

Actually, you sound a little more racist than anyone I have ever spoken with. What's your problem?
Reply:I don't owe anyone anything, except for the bank that has my mortgage.
Reply:we dont owe them nothing
Reply:Thank you Thank you Thank you.It is about time i heard from someone who knows what they are talking about and is not afraid to speak out about the impact of slavery on society today.As a white woman with mixed race children we have experienced the impact of racism that undermines the heart and souls of black people.People are still suffering because thier identities have been whipped from under their feet and they cannot trace their histories.Since slavery was abolished black people have struggled for equality and.White people will NEVER understand how barbaric things have been and continue to be for a lot of black people.They are in denial even when faced with truth.White people don't feel it so don't care.
Reply:we dont owe them anything!
Reply:You have a selective memory. How about when the blacks had the Jews for slaves to build their pyramids. Its all about how the blacks are repressed and held back. Nobody is holding you back but yourselves. You use slavery and poverty as an excuse to do nothing. You want to call women whores and the names you call each other is degrading. Rap sucks and is making stars out of thugs. Go ahead, blame the white man, I know that its not my fault. I believe it is your own.
Reply:I don't suffer from anything, so you don't speak for me.

My life is great.
Reply:These are people who have not allowed themselves to come into a more mature time.

I feel that there is fault on all sides, blacks don't like whites, whites don't like blacks, Asians don't like whites and whites don't like Asians.

The problem is, if everyone was the same color and the same religion and the same creed they would still find something to fight about.

Wake up people we are all on this little planet for life, so stop the crap.
Reply:no white people not owe black people anything.

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