Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Would people rather talk with people who drink and party on the week ends or people who don/t?

who would you rather hang around with and talk with, people who drink and party on the week ends or people who do not , we talk with all kinds of people, but for friendships people to work with, who would you rather be with people who party or people who do not , not an inbetween answer like it is alright to party sometimes, just either or okay

Would people rather talk with people who drink and party on the week ends or people who don/t?
Party people are okay, but people who drink alcohol like it's going out of style need help and I don't like spending time with them .there are already enough people like that around me that I can't get rid of (meaning family members) and I'd rather not willingly associate myself with more of them. There are exceptions though.

And I know that this qualifies as an "in-between answer," but I really don't care because life isn't black ans white like that. It's gray and there are always exceptions in questions like this.
Reply:DON'T!!!! they are a BAD influence and can ruin your life forever!
Reply:Everybody loves the designated driver. It's kind of fun watching people act like four year olds, and making total idiots of themselves. I know that, for me, if I am drinking I really like a sober guy that has it all together. Not a sloppy drunk mess. Besides, sprite looks like gin and tonic, just put a stirrer in it.
Reply:defantly friends or co workers and enjoy a few drinks . I love to party.....
Reply:I would rather party with a person that I can trust!! A person that I can talk to! Not a person that can just kill themselves in a second!!
Reply:i party hard!!!!. but some weekends i settle down... and decide that sunday after THERES NO HANGOVER. i dont know exactly wat ur question is so desperate about... is it what u want to do or peer presure... look im only 14... so u might think... woah she is young y the **** is she answering this... but im accualy trying to get over my partying habit and try to create a better person alcahol and ciggeretes have ruined me so far... so i hope u get my point

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