Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dream people...people that you haven't ever met in your real life...?

how about you? Who have you "visited" in your dreams? any re-ocurring dreams?any people that you "revisit"?

When I was growing up, I got along so much better with the people that I would dream about, rather than the ones that I had to "worry" about each day who went to my schools! We had some not too fun kids! Some scared my friends and I, alot! I always felt happy to be with people who loved and honored me, by "visiting me" and or, just letting me be around or "with" them as a family member in my dreams! I was accepted by all types of group was a bunch of wild kids that lived in a chevy and hung out at a Safeway parking lot! I would often dream of the same people for many years and months! These people ,even though just in dreams, made me content! I felt a lot less stressed!

Real life was hard at times,and I just didn't want to "deal" with the mean kids!

what about you, was your dream life rich or not?

if you remember, can you share,please?

thank you!

Dream people...people that you haven't ever met in your real life...?
I have discovered recently that more and more people worldwide are beginning to recall their dreams in greater detail and are often greatly impacted by their dream occurrences. I find it nearly a surreal fact itself that people from all walks of life dream of very similar places and events almost as if we are all connected somehow.

To gain better consciousness during your dreams and therefore a higher level of recall the best tool available is keeping a dream journal. As our subconscious mind is in control during our sleep we frequently forget our dreams upon waking. The more vivid ones have flashes throughout the day, but we even lose those details also over time. With a dream journal you simply write your dreams down as soon as you wake and give the dream a simple name so it can be read at any time and recalled.

At first, keeping the journal is more difficult, but in time you will remember your dreams just as if you were fully awake. It took me about a year of keeping dreams written down in a wire bound paper notebook before I achieved full consciousness in my dreams. Now I remember as many as seven dreams a night while my body sleeps. It is like going to college class every night because I learn so much and meet so many people in my dreams.

For me it has really raised my consciousness and I have proceeded to a point that I can think of places to see before I go to sleep at night and I visit them in my dreams. Who knows what this will lead to if it proceeds globally with many people beginning to do the same. We may begin meeting each other with certain regularity and accuracy in our dream world, the possibilities would be endless.

Last thought to ponder: There are many people in the world that have been blind from birth or very early childhood that dream in vivid color each night just like anyone else. They dream of flying in the clouds, riding in red cars, and all the other grand things that are real and imagined. If they have never seen these things then where are they going during their dreams? Yes, a thought to ponder.
Reply:Oh I dream a lot. There are many recurring greams as well but not about people that visit me. I frequently see more than one moons; see myself in beautiful clothes but without shoes; that I'm a widow and have a daughter.

I have book characters. And I have a alter self. Not in the bizarre way, she's more of a pen name turned character/self. I have way with my characters that, when trying to create a scene in a book, or trying to work out a plot line, I can converse with them. They're kinda like my own muses. I do it more out of fun, I'm not just crazy. I'm writing a story where my alterself's characters are her muses that she consults when she's writing. It's really funny. bye.

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