Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Are fat people really this clueless?

Yes, I am going to pick on overweight and obese people, please feel free to defend yourselves because I am so curious. When ever I go to the grocery store and compare the people to the foods in their carts, it is always the same. Fat people have hot pockets, cookies, cocoa puffs, chips and dip, and maybe a can of vegetables. Healthy sized people have fresh food: fruits, vegetables, stuff with fiber. Yet fat people complain all the time that they do not understand why they are fat. How can this be? Just look at the food you eat, isn't it obvious? Have other people noticed this while food shopping? I understand that some people are just naturally larger, but I have only once or twice seen a fat person with a cart full of healthy food. Explain yourselves because I am sick of people with otherwise healthy bodies abusing themselves.

Are fat people really this clueless?
I'm sorry I disagree with your basic premise. When I go shopping I see crappy food in everyone's cart. I see people stuffing their toddlers at McDonald's. It's amazing how junky people can eat and still be skinny. But it does catch up in the form of overweight eventually or heart conditions or diabetes. It's kind of the human condition to take the easy way out and the easy way out is to buy prepackaged sugar laden foods.
Reply:Why are you so concerned about what people have in their carts? LOL Report It

Reply:go ahead, pick on us!!!! you are right! even i am sick of seeing junk in their trolley! then they go on complaining why are they fat. duh! i am glad coz i don't do that. seen a dietician about my eating habits and she told me i just need to excercise!!!! am glad you mentioned rme its funny though, when skinny people see what is in my trolley.....fruits veggies, oats, calcium milk etc........ i am never a potato chips junkie nor a carbonate this statement you make though it is harsh and hurt feelings {not mine :) } , i applaud your bluntness and radical question. keep it up...
Reply:Your observation is harsh but unfortunately true. I really believe that some people simply do not know how or what to eat. They are completely ignorant of nutritional and health guidelines required to maintain a healthy weight or even good health. I think people really need to see it spelled out like specific foods to eat or not eat, portion sizes etc.
Reply:for one you are ********* and you are probably ugly. i might be fat but you are ugly and at least I can diet and lose the weight you just will always be skinny and ugly. oh yeah did I tell you, you are a stuck up *********!!!!!!!!!
Reply:I have been on both sides of the spectrum, the fat person you are dogging out, and the healthy person you praise. I remember a slim friend of mine saying "Just stop eating" like it was the easiest thing in the world. I had to do actual research to figure out what is going on with me. First and foremost, most people who are overweight are allergic to certain items most of the time. They are common in our American diet...wheat, sugar, corn, dairy and flour. Unfortunately, the effects of being addicted to these foods is that you crave them constantly. The reason being, when you eat them, your blood sugar shoots up and your body begins to crave that boost. It's interesting to read that the process for making sugar and for making cocain is basically the same, resulting in a product that is equally addictive.

The food industry bombards us with food that is jam packed with sugar, processed flour etc and empty calories. They spend billions of dollars on research to make consumers addicted to their sugar puffs and fried cheeze doodles and unfortunately, as you have so accurately observed, it is working. But this is a process. It is not just fat people who are being effected. Some people are more active and able to burn off more calories, but the same damage is done.

We all need to clean up our diet. Period. Water is 1.25 per bottle, but some places you can buy a water and sugar juice drink for $.25 You can get a $.75 apple or a $.25 bag of chips. It is a concious choice to eat healthy, and sometimes you really have to go out of your way to be healthy. It means you have to overhaul your programing. no McDonalds, no Leona's, no Olive Garden. No restaurants. Cook your own food, pack your own lunch. Who has the pockets take 1 minute and you're done......
Reply:I completely agree! And then it's the fat people that call us skinny people anorexic, not all skinny people have eating disorders. Cause I know that I love food, and I am skinny. What you eat, will affect the way you look.

And I apologize if I offended anyone. It just gets annoying after awhile.
Reply:im not fat i eat good stuff all that juck its not good
Reply:You have it all figured out don't you. You know, a doctor would have to run thyroid tests and get a full medical history to know why a person is overweight. But you're not constrained by such nonsense. You're able to look at a few people and from your limited perspective you're able to tell ALL us fat people what we're doing wrong.

Up till now I thought my weight might have to do with taking steroids for 10 years to treat my arthritis. But I guess you know more than the doctors. With your insight, have you thought of running for public office? I think you would make a wonderful democrat (don't try the Republicans...they think for a living).
Reply:That's a bit of a generalisation isn't it? Lots of normal sized people have junk food in their shopping carts, but that wouldn't concern you would it, because to you, it's not an issue unless they are overweight right?

I really have better things to worry about than what overweight people have in their shopping carts. Really, this is a very uneahtly obsession you have. Try to focus on more important things in your life. Take care : )
Reply:There are two kinds of fat people: those who have always been fat, like, since childhood, and those who became fat later in life from bad eating habits.

Those who have always been fat are the ones who wonder why. But, they generally try to eat well and even some of them give exercise a go.

Those who became fat later just don't care and eat crap all the time.
Reply:I work at a supermarket and its true. Although some fat people pretend their looking at salads and healthy food.
Reply:Have you ever thought that maybe these people do have a reason to be overweight? There are many reasons: depression, chemical or hormonal imbalance, genetics, lack of education as to what foods are nutritious, lack of the funds to buy healthy foods, and a myraid of reasons that you obviously do not understand. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you condem them.
Reply:Not everyone in the world is obsessed with their looks as you are. Some people feel its more important to live life to the fullest and not have to worry about what type of rabbit food they're going to eat for their next meal,,,,People like you are are too superficial to truely enjoy life. If you were in an accident and lost the looks you think you have now,,,would your friends , still be your friends,,,,probably not,,,,if you weren't with"the IN- crowd",,,you would be left with absolutely nothing in this world at all,,,,,but I'm sure ,,,a cute,,,spoiled little Daddys girl like you,,will never understand how others feel,,,,and tell the truth,,,,you REALLY don't care
Reply:i'm not fat at all, and i buy junk food. what, do you have a problem with fat people? waifs who only eat a piece of lettuce a day are just as unattractive.
Reply:hey i think what you have said could have affended alot of people...but anyways...i am actually watchign a prgram now, and this man always excirses but always gains weight through his eatingn so he's not lazy....i think many fat people gain weight because they are addicted to some people are adicted to shopping so there in's the same thing if you think about i that i think you need to do some reasearch about the reason people are fat and there causes to being the size they are, maybe you should ask...Fat people...what made you fat??
Reply:I see thin and fat people who have those items in their cart. Everyone has a right to put what they want in their body. I don't care if they're making a bad choice, its their choice.
Reply:yep i've noticed this too! I think most of it is to do with the end of the day i know when i'm putting a few pounds on I think i best get down the gym and do some sit ups...most of them moan about being over weight all there lifes and have tried every diet under the the end of the day if you eat chips, pies, chips, mcdonalds your gonna end up big or stay be honest tho here is another good point why eat stuff you don't like and live say 5 years longer? maybe they just don't like healthy foods!
Reply:Are the people in the store with all of this junk food in their carts the ones complaining to you about being fat? I doubt it. Kinda seems like you judged everyone who is overweight by what you see in other peoples grocery carts. I am a thin person and you can find me with junk food in my cart all the time. If I complained to you that I was tired all the time would you judge me by the way I sleep? Good thing that I have an open mind otherwise I might be ignorant enough to judge everyone with your avitar as being an idiot!
Reply:Why do you care? I'm 5'4, 110 lbs, size 0, etc. and if I saw someone studying my cart, exactly the way you describe you do, I'd tell them to mind their own f'ing business. I buy healthy foods, and I buy junk food too. That's my business. I don't really care why people are fat, what they purchase at the store, etc.

You need to get a life. Worry about your own health and weight.
Reply:These fat people you see buying all this junk food are they in the same economic class as the healthy people. Go to the grocery store and see how much more money it cost to buy all this healthy food. Fruits and vegatables are expensive and so are meats unless you want to eat hamburger helper at every meal. Even that is $3.00 a pound for the greasy low grade hamburger. If someone ate a hot pocket as a meal or a bowl of cereal they wouldnt' be fat. That eat a bowl of special K diet can go for any cereal . Eat 2 meals of cereal and 1 regular everyone would be thin. If this country didn't make a profit on selling cheap , fat, greasy artery clogging cheaper than it's leaner alternative. We wouldnt' be in the predicament we are now being such a heavy nation.
Reply:I think some really are clueless and don't have much common sense. Sometimes it's just out of habit. I think that people should be more educated about health and get help applying it to their lives, maybe even having a nutritionist track what they eat. Some people don't even question it. They think: I don't care if others think I'm fat; it's my body and I'll do what I want to it. But the fact is, people who are obese are seriously hurting society. Not only are they sending the message to younger ones that it's okay to be fat and unhealthy but they're probably costing billions in the medics. If people ate healthier, we wouldn't have to deal with medical problems that can easily be fixed with a healthy diet and exercise. There would be less people with diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. With the money that has been used to pay for these preventable diseases, we could've used it to help those less fortunate. But instead, most people continue to selfishly eat what they want, do what they want when they could help others just by leading a healthier life style. And I wonder, where do they find the money to buy all this food?? Four people in my family work, and it's still hard for us to buy food for only a family of seven.....I can go on forever about this subject but I'll just stop here.......
Reply:Oh my God, I could have written that. You're so right!!!

I work in retail and see it all the time, usual lunch for them is

1 small bag of chips, 1 chocolate bar and a diet coke. Go figure!

For the normal ones,

1 bottle of water, 1 salad with turkey and a yogurt.

It always boggles my mind.

Good Job, girl!!
Reply:You sound like me! Every time I go to the grocery store, I have a bad habit of looking in people's carts and sometimes I want to take the bad stuff out and replace it with healthier choices. I have also noticed that their kids are usually on the chunky side too. However, what they have in their cart may be because it's cheaper and more convenient. Quick to fix because they are too busy to prepare an actual meal. That's a big part of the problem. Most healthy foods are too expensive for the average American family and in a lot of families, both parents are working and they don't have time to fix a healthy meal, so they buy the microwaveable stuff.
Reply:some people are addicted to junkfood just like cigarettes. and some people may be depressed and i know that if i get depressed, i eat.... junkfood usually... im not big, but i know how it is...

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