Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Do people who criticize Islam have a higher IQ than people who defend it?

Ive come to realize that the issue of Islam is largely one of intelligence. Intelligent people can connect the dots, and dumb people typically cant. Intelligent people do their homework before the knee jerk defensive pc cliches, dumb people spit out cliches, without having done their homework, and do so as if these simpletonisms are nuggets of wisdom never before heard (ex: hey, you cant judge the whole by the actions of a few).

Almost all armed conflict worldwide is Islamic. Intelligent people who read, know this and make judgements about the religion based on the data, as opposed to the propaganda (religion of peace).

Dumb people narrow everything to dufuss dichotmies like "Haters vs Good Guys". So, again, living by simpleton cliches, when dumb people hear some criticize a religion, their little "hater" program is triggered, and being too lazy for homework, they simply regurgitate dufuss platitiudes as opposed to looking at the data.

Do people who criticize Islam have a higher IQ than people who defend it?
This is an interesting question, because the answer is "not necessarily" despite the apparent obvious answer of "yes".

IQ is the attempt to measure "intelligence", which applies to many different aspects of what the human brain is capable of- language, math, rational thinking, logical deduction, three dimensional thinking, etc.

Ivy league schools are full of leftists/liberals who score high on I.Q. tests, but rate very low in common sense (i.e. "real world thinking").

The reason for this is because the brain is far more complex than people realize. Everything in this world must be processed through the human brain and is subject to the filters and pre-conceived notions that exist in everyone's mind.

There is a phenomenon called "delusion" that is a prime characteristic of liberalism. Delusion is the exact opposite of clarity. What this means is that despite overwhelming evidence and indisputable facts, the brain of a leftist STILL takes reality and turns it into fantasy... it's an EXTREMELY powerful phenomenon, and is directly related to the fact that emotion and logic run the human brain- and one can turn the other one off. ...

when a liberal from Yale has no emotional connection/investment to the math or language questions on an IQ test, he or she can score very high. However, when this same person is subject to having to overcome the brainwashing that 'muslims are victims, Americans and white people are bad!' the emotional sides of their brains overcome them, and the answers they give make them look like idiots.

Sorry.... long answer, but an honest one.
Reply:Well, they do seem to be a very credulous lot.

And they are rather language and logic challenged.

Like you said the Endangered owl does display quite a bit of it. I thought that it was common knowledge that the Crusades were started off by the Muslims taking Jerusalem and the Christians trying to get it back. So, it's unclear as to what he's trying to prove, isn't it? Also, the response of the others merely goes to prove this fact. "veged war"? And the crap about Islam being the basis for Science? That's a laugh!

But then, they cannot be blamed for what they do; after all, they're not responsible for their actions, being in the condition they are, isn't it?

Pity is that this madness is getting to a point where it endangers all others, so, we must think of solutions, now.


Reply:People have a tendency to think people of a similar mindset are intelligent people. This is very commonly a misconception. It's a common mistake. Don't beat yourself up too bad.
Reply:Its not really an IQ issue, more that people are to quick to judge and make comments with out knowing all the facts. You can not make a judgment about a religion without knowing all the facts about it, and you can not defend a religion to which you know little about. To make an argument about your own religion or other religion one would have to know about all religions in general to know how to present their argument.
Reply:I sincerely don't know my IQ.
Reply:Replace "Islam" with "religion".

Reply:people that follow the Islamic Faith probable come in all levels of intellectual acumen , the sad thing is that the people that have HIGH JACKED the religion in order to push an agenda are some of the smartest and the best educated
Reply:Actually Islam has contributed significantly to modern society than what most would know. Some great achievements in math, sciences, and agriculture are directly related to Muslims. You just have to read. Ignorance is bliss huh! Not knowing gives anyone the reason to make any assumption.
Reply:Between those who have chosen to be Christians and those who were only born it and those who oppose it, there is no correlation by I Q.

You need to apply a Spirit Level to test them. Christians pass that test and are a brand new creation in Christ. They are able to discern spiritual things. They are born again of the Holy Spirit. Born again into a living hope. All things are become new and the old has passed away.

They are the Spiritual Ubermenschen.
Reply:Well I can only comment about the people I know, but generally those who justly criticize islam (not just bash for the fun of it) are pretty intelligent and have read the quran, ahadith and other books about islam. Many non-Muslims who defend islam are ignorant as to what those sources actually say. They have simply believed the lies and propaganda spewed by Muslims. The excuses Muslims use to defend Muhammad are asinine at best, yet many buy into them because they are taught that all religions are good and promote love and peace. I believe it's mostly ignorance that causes someone to defend islam, although ignorance isn't a great excuse either. In the case of Muslims, they have no choice. They are threatened with death for criticizing or leaving islam. At least self-preservation is a valid reason for defending the evil of islam.

I should add that I deliberately use lower case letters when typing islam, quran, allah because those things are not worthy of respect. I've had many comments about that, but I don't care.

God Bless.
Reply:A higher "I.Q."???

I wonder.

Let's find out.

MY hate-e-mail is ALWAYS open.
Reply:What is with you and islam? serously, do you not REMEMBER A THING CALLED THE CRUSADES?
Reply:Why dont u read the history of Islaam. For thirteen years Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) preached Islaam to the people of mecca and its surroundings and he never used force or fight with the people mecca. for full thirteen years he preached peacefully he and his followers had to bear hardships, they were beaten by lashes, some of them got killed, they put in captivity, they had to migrate to other countries leaving their homes, even Prophet Mohammed had to leave Mecca and migrated to Madina when the pagans of mecca tried to kill him. Prophet MOhammed used force in defence when people of mecca veged war on muslims.

I again advise u to read Islaamic history carefully.

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