Monday, April 12, 2010

What have people (not all) got against black people with African descent?

18 born in england but originaly from ghana west africa. The media likes to portray black people as non-interlectuals, criminals, etc even though most people know thats not true. Whenever they mention a country from Africa they say Africa making some uninformed people think Africa is a country. Though Africa as a whole is not rich not all they show is the poorest people the negative. Charities say thet are giving money to them which is a scam, because if you really wanted to help someone you would give them the tools to live without your aid not just prolong their suffering. Some people have a problem with us they think the whole race is like .Black problems in this world people just talk about with out thinking. People say blacks are superior physicaly which is not 100% true but so what why is it a big deal. Black history is always slave trade thats not a black man history its not my history so why not teach a little of it so people know we to had empires and civilisations aswell.

What have people (not all) got against black people with African descent?
I think a black person in America is assumed to be the descendants of slaves. This brings with it a certain resentment toward whites and at least initial ancestral poverty after emancipation. The challenge to rise above and work hard is deflated by a sense of injustice and resentment. Kind of a "I'm not playen if you're gonna cheat" mentality. Blacks in other countries are unjustly clumped in and are viewed with the same negative statistics. The thing that stands out about American Blacks is that they try hard to keep their culture separate from whitey. The American culture has benefited greatly from the addition and proliferation of the Black culture, but there are certain things that override the good. Poverty for instance, the hood, the ghetto, whatever you want to call it, is mostly populated by minoritys. In America, blacks are a large minority. You know, why don't you ever hear Asians complaining about how things ain't fair and they're getting a bum deal? Because they are all good at math and work really hard at whatever they do, right? There's always going to be uninformed people. Africa is the most politically unstable continent on the planet. Borders change there. African countries are third world countries...why? Is is because "the man" is beating them down? No, it's because the geography, the tribe mentality, and the lack of education keep it down. To most people, the countries of Africa are too confusing to keep straight. Most of these nations have not made contributions to the world, only taken donations. Educate the living sh1t out of the people in one African nation, and they will dominate the culture and commerce of the rest! When people believe that having sex with virgins will cure AIDS, there's something terribly wrong taking place:) I have taken a course on African cultures, aside from Egypt (Arab) and The Great Zimbobwey (Black Jews), no African culture measurs up to par when compared with other cultures of the world. Samauri, Ancient Greeks, the Mongols, Incas and Aztecs... nothing. Most black African empires never made it out of the stoneage and were short lived or had little to contribute to the rest of the world.
Reply:I don't know. Some people have something against people who are not like them. I'm glad I'm not a racist
Reply:Oh brother!
Reply:why does everyone say us african americans are lazy and good for nothing? i know many lazy hispanics, whites, asians,and indians. i just don't understand it. just because many blacks are poor people think we are all lazy. i'm a very hardworking person and many poor blacks are hard working as well. africans and black americans come from two different situations so you can't compare the two and say one group is better than the other. we are all people. race really shouldn't matter and people really shouldn't be asking "Who deserves our aid the most?"
Reply:That is what I am wondering. I am a North African Moroccan and everything in the news is always negative, showing only the very poor, and talking about deaths. I bet it is because the media wants people to feel good about their life style compared to Africans, which I think is terrible. And I also think the most interesting and amazing things in black history do not come from America, but from Africa, and many people do not know about this. When people think about black history, they think about the hardships in the south, not the empires and civilizations the Africans had. But when I think about African history, I think of the achievements Africans have had, not the struggles.
Reply:I think some people are scare of something different then them. Some people like to put other people down to make themselves look or feel better. I think it is a form of self-hate. In the U.S. people who have African descent is view in a negative light. People with dark skin like Blacks, Mexicans, Middle Eastern, Pacific Islander, Latinos are view as bad, violent, evil, the bogeyman or less than human. Many people especially white people view blacks and people with dark skin as second-class citizens. We see thousands of negative stereotypes of blacks on TV, film, books, nursery rhymes, jokes, cartoons and rap videos etc. People are going to believe what they see on TV or read in a book is what black people are really like. This is a big lie. Black people are more than the negative stereotypes depicted in media.
Reply:good point.
Reply:I agree with you...

what can I say .....

Its a white world...dont get me wrong..

thats how some supreme white power wants to show blacks are bad and they are right always

regardless its true or not...
Reply:The negative portrayal of blacks, I think, is perpetuated by persons choosing the negative individuals to focus on and that the race card is played so often. No one alive now had anything to do with slavery or slave trade, and not everyone cares about race, as you noticed. I agree that if peopole are going to offer help, tools to live and teaching are the things that need to be offered to those without it. The people who think the entire black race is lower in intelligence, all criminal, etc. are ignorant and obviously do not notice repsected black (or African) laywers, doctors, teachers, dentists, small and large businessmen, etc. About the black history.. it isn't always slave trade and such.. it focuses on many black achievements, too. And Afrcian history is taught in schools in the World History courses, there simply isn't as much emphasis because there is no African History month... Don't be too put out; there is no Irish history, German history, Caribbean history, etc that is widely emphasized. Don't focus on the few people who have negative opinions.. focus on those who see the man first, his race just another description of his appearance.
Reply:unfortunately, people are very shallow..they dont look at the person inside only on the are correct on every thing you have said..
Reply:I don't have anything against black people of African descent. I do have a lot of things against the black in the US. I would trade 2 Africans for one of these lazy, good for nothing animals we have here. The African Africans seem to me to be tottaly different from our native blacks in the US
Reply:some people are just ignorant and you have to learn to ignore them, dont let it get yo you!

FIRST: EVERYONE is scared of things that are different from them. Look how religions compete, each fears the other to conquer it and dominate, and nations and that is why we have an arm rise, even TODAY countries trying to develop WMD to scare of others.

SECONDLY: The Western world happened to be the most powerful and most dominate today in today's era, whom are mostly of WHITE PEOPLE, and as you know they get the chance to control the media, the public opinion, and most significant institutions in the world, therefore they will use all that advantage against their opposite counterparts, of course the BLACK RACE.

Have you EVER SEEN ONE DOCUMENTARY or a reporting about Africa that is showing ANYTHING POSITIVE?.

I never did. But WE ALL SURE AND KNOW, that not everything in Africa and among Blacks are ALWAYS NEGATIVE AND BAD.
Reply:Black people have put thru a lot.

The world tends to focus on the negative things, and never the Good things.

They don't teach Black History in a lot of Schools because they don't want the world to know that Black people are intelligent people.

We as Black people need to know who we are, where we come from and where we are going, we need to learn more about our History and don't except what the media have to say.
Reply:I couldn't agree with you more! I guess people choose to remain ignorant, when it comes to learning about africa. Its sad because even our own black people think this way! Any other culture and race would proud of their traditions, no matter what stereotypical flaws they might have!
Reply:This is a great question...Whites think they are more of a superior race and their not!

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