Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why do people judge people who self-injure so severly?

As a survivor of self-mutilation I have come across many people who believe that if people are going to cut then they deserve to be made fun of. This makes no since to me; most often when people self-hurt it is because they are hurting on the inside and need help expressing what they feel. Being someone who has self-hurt before I know that there are many reasons and methods to harming yourself. What I don't know is why people judge those who hurt themselves. These people need help, a friend, someone to be there and to understand. Why do people think these people evil or demented, and why do they make fun of them? Instead of actually trying to get to the roots of the self-harm we stereotype them and place them in mental facilities sometimes causing their depression to deepen and forcing them to believe that they are alone and incapable of being helped.

Why do people judge people who self-injure so severly?
Its down to ignorance. When people dont understand something its easier to laugh about it than try to comprehend something which they really dont get. I had an aunt who self harmed (this was about 10 years ago) and i caught her cutting herself and it made me so angry, mainly because i didn't understand why she would want to do that to herself. I think i understand better now though.
Reply:I am a self injurer although on the mend and have been since I was 8 years old . I equally find it perplexing why people judge so automatically although can also understand it to some extent. Up until recently self injury has been very hidden , under the carpet and like with anything that comes out people dont understand. In history it has been seen with lots of mental health problems for example they are just not understood. The thing I find very confusing is the fact people think it is for attention I myself,and many people I have known have not harmed in places visible to others. Only my sexual partners, who are always my romantic partners, know of my self injury, anyone who I interact with doesn't and if they found out I wouldn't enjoy the attention at all.Those who have found out I have never talked in length to and have tried to not at all. It is hard all the stigma behind it because when you are judged severely for it it makes you feel even more useless and depressed. However, I do believe mental facilities can help self harmers after being in hospital myself I found it useful it's just finding whether that is right for the individual I guess.
Reply:Good question and some very wise words.

I think unless you have self-harmed yourself it is difficult to understand, that is why some people make fun of it, because they don't know how else to react.

I, personally, have never had that experience of having my own self-harm made fun of it. I find it the opposite in that people think that it is either an attempt to kill myself and are really really worried, or they ask how I could leave such ugly scars and don't I care what other people think? But most people just think I am a bit crazy and mentally unstable, and so keep their distance and maybe whisper about it.

Most people are ignorant - like jojo above.....great answer love, shows how ignorant you are!! Go jump.

Well done on overcoming self-harm, this is a brilliant achievement you should be really proud of! xxx
Reply:I try to have patience and understanding with people like yourself, but in all honesty I fail. I get irritated by such action because it is self-inflicted and shows a great need for attention. People mostly in this life are very busy with other things and consider people such as yourself "a waste of space and a pain in the a...."

I have (I think in common with most people) greater sympathy with people who have illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis.

I am afraid this is human nature. I know u have a mental health problem and obviously you should receive treatment, but I only have so much sympathy to go around and your not included. I have given a very truthful answer. I think its because I consider u so selfish and not interested in anybody bar yourself but it probably has more to do with perhaps some sort of brain dysfunction (i.e. chemicals/hormones in the brain not functioning properly). I do not make fun of you, I just dont have sympathy. I am glad to hear u r a survivor though.
Reply:because they don't understand the reasons behind it. they think its 'weird' and yeh theyre ignorant
Reply:People are quick to judge, but it seems to be accepted when they turn to over-eating or drinking to find this not too a form of self abuse?
Reply:jojo is a perfect example of ignorance. i'm becoming quite annoyed by people like her who open their mouths and don't know a thing about it! i completely agree with everything you said. it's a shame because it only prevents people from getting help. it's basically thought of something you only do to get "attention". frankly, majority of people who do cut hide it from their family and friends. quite the opposite from "attention seeking". to add to it, the whole "emo" movement did not help. just spreads more stereotypes and another reason to make fun of us. even my own family sometimes makes fun of cutters when they don't even know that i am one of them.
Reply:I dont know, i asked a question on here about cutting, im not even a cutter, and yahoo answers deleted it. Its so weird
Reply:because they are seeking attention - just like you are with this dumb question

you should have written:

'pity me im so special and write me compliments to reassure me that im not just a weird fool'

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