Monday, May 4, 2009

Why are people so "anti skinny", people think that just because I'm skinny i dont eat or i'm bulemic...

Y does nobody, think that i have a fast metabolisim instead of thinking i dont eat or im bulemic. What's so wrong with being skinny? People always feel bad for fat people, but not for skinny people, and they just assume that it's easier to gain weight than to loose it. People ask people "are you bulemic," or "are you anorexic?" but people never ask "do you not exercise or something?" to fat people. wats up with that? why, all of a sudden, since we have so many overweight people in the U.S., is everyone being so mean to thin people, and bashing us for being so thin. I eat, i exercise, and i have a fast metabolism. It's not my fault. ( not offense to overweight people) People just assume that skinny people have some kind of problem :(

Why are people so "anti skinny", people think that just because I'm skinny i dont eat or i'm bulemic...
I know exactly what you mean. I am 5 ft 10 124-130 pounds (give or take 5 pounds due to water loss or consumption during distance runs). Doctor says im fine. What people don't realize is that making negative comments to skinny people about being skinny hurts just as bad as saying negative comments to fat people about being overweight. Saying "Your too skinny" can be just as hurtful as saying "Your too fat".

I get this garbage all the time from people. It is really annoying and makes me feel inferior and sometimes angry because its not my fault its just my body type and healthy active lifestyle (Which most Americans don't have). I get "Your so skinny. Whats wrong with you!?". Or "Your too skinny. You need to eat more!" etc. I would never say negative stuff to someone who was fat or skinny.

Peoples sizes are based on so many different factors like metabolism, how much a person exercises, body types, how much muscle mass they have, etc. So people should really stop jumping to negative conclusions towards skinny people.

Just remember this if you are eating enough (Your hunger is satisfied) and you feel good then being skinny is perfectly normal and certainly is not a problem. Based on what you said there is nothing wrong with you. I love "healthy" slender skinny women and I don't care at ALL about chest size. Just ignore the negative comments about your skinniness and tell them to bug off.
Reply:You need to get some new friends because I never hear anyone bash skinny people. Seriously, you are surrounded by haters if they are talking crap to you.
Reply:Don't worry about them as long as your healthy it doesn't matter what others think. I guess people just assume that if your skinny you must have some kind of problem which isn't right.
Reply:It's not all people, hon. I loooooove skinny women!! Especially the really flat chested ones. Don't worry about the things people say, there are always others who hold different opinions.
Reply:I don't have a problem with skinny people, but they always want to try to say they eat as much as everyone else when they don't. I have skinny people in my faimlies, and they do not eat as much as others, they just don't, and it's cool, we always beat them up.
Reply:Don't be mad my friend, I'm a guy that 5'7" and 138lbs. I'm a small fry I've tried many ways to gain weight and be big like football players or at least normal guys but to no avail. Once I realize that I'll never be a big guy, I became happy with myself and my body. Has long has you work out and take care of yourself you should be fine. People will always have bad things to say, just rise above friend!
Reply:People are stupid and mean. they think you can't just naturally be skinny. Just like they think you can't be naturally blonde. I am natural blonde, and ignorant people ask me all the time what "color" I use. Somebody even had the guts to say "it looks fake". Sheesh.

Just be content to be you, and be polite to fat folks, and the rude ones are just jealous and suspicious anyway, it's their problem, not yours.
Reply:people have to realise that there are DIFFERENT body types and some people are just naturally slim... people are either jealous or ignorant... people suck sometimes dont they? just be yourself and laugh in others faces when they are being so sh!t
Reply:I would guess it's envy. They're jealous that you can eat as you wish to and they can't. Although part of the reason you can eat as you wish is that you do exercise. I was always envious of people like that, but I don't put them down. I sort of feel sorry for you because I had a friend who was so slim she couldn't get jeans that would fit her.
Reply:I know; I am in the same park and you are absolutely correct; I know that Hollywood and the model industry likes to praise really skinny women and most agree that there is something terribly wrong with that doesn't mean naturally skinny women should be bashed too; the people who bash or make fun of skinny women are no different than the modeling industry putting someone down for not fitting their standard of beauty

All sizes should be embraced as long as the person is healthy on the inside
Reply:people will never be satisfied with the human body as it is, they need illusions, **** them. Your body is perfect the way it is
Reply:girl i know exactly how you feel. just yesterday i had to get on somebody about calling me anorexic. and the day before that bulimic. i know it hurts. people think only when fat people have there weight made fun of it hurts but it is the same for people like us. you know what i just noticed a lot of the people who say it to me are fairly big. i really try not to let it get to me. i started to eat more but then i got big and i didn't like how i looked and i didn't like that i was trying to change myself to make other people happy so then you know what i started to just eat like i normally do which is still A LOT( you would be surprised). and you know what i just bump those people and just tell myself that those people are haters and they wished they looked as good as me. you better tell yourself the same. and PS email me i want to be friends. and i am talking about something i am experiencing now being 12 years old not 40 years old talking about my past experiences in like 1950!
Reply:It is the fat ones that have the problem.
Reply:Because it looks unnatural..=)

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